7800GTX for 249.00 for sale.....

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Jan 15, 2005
Hey all, wanted to put my Aopen Geforce 7800GTX up for sale, its default clock speeds are 450/1250 and easly overclocks to 490/1350. Its about 2 months old but i just went and got a ATI X1900XTX card and i wont be needing it any more. I have the box and everything it came with including the warenty! Let me know guys. I have posted here first but i will post on other forums as well. I have sold many things threw this forum and can be trusted. Also i can give references if needed. 250.00.
Havent sold it yet, and i just want the money, i spent 600 on my x1900xtx and dont feel like waiting all day for 300 or more...lol. First come first serve.
Tripp17 said:
Havent sold it yet, and i just want the money, i spent 600 on my x1900xtx and dont feel like waiting all day for 300 or more...lol. First come first serve.
Well wtf I sent you a PM?
You have Heat?
seriously, i would feel guilty only paying 250 for that beast. i IMed him and told him to up his price accordingly.
Did anyone else think they were in the Hot Deals Forum when they clicked?? :p

Someone better update us on purchase.
SNIP3R said:
Did anyone else think they were in the Hot Deals Forum when they clicked?? :p

Someone better update us on purchase.

w00t w00t w00t

I got it omfg

Anybody wanna buy my x850xt for $220 shipped?
this is worse than the day after thanksgiving!

::backs away before riot starts::
sativaman84 called dibs first..the card should be his .....you guys know how this works...let the man pay or back out of the deal..............please dont start a riot....:)

bump for the OP
Crosshairs said:
sativaman84 called dibs first..the card should be his .....you guys know how this works...let the man pay or back out of the deal..............please dont start a riot....:)

bump for the OP

Well sorry to let you guys down but I bought it.

So there ya have it.
clickclickw00t said:
Well sorry to let you guys down but I bought it.

So there ya have it.
actually i have offered him 270 and he will be sending you a PM soonly about refunding your money sorry....

heh u never know it could happen :p :p
HAHA, This post is just getting better and better.
Dont stop posting the updates, please. :p
SNIP3R said:
HAHA, This post is just getting better and better.
Dont stop posting the updates, please. :p

The best part is when we see this in the TTT thread :eek: :eek:
Ok, wow.........never got more replies for anything in my life. Heres the deal.......as of now the card is pending. 2 people have it as that. Savageice9 and Danilo B. Both from the big apple. Thanks for all the interest and i will post back if they turn out not to work. Thanks again guys.
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