7800GTX game issues ugh!


Limp Gawd
Dec 15, 2002
ok i just setup a new rig

Athlon64x2 3800 @2.5ghz(yes its prime stable)
XFX 7800GTX OC (490 & 1300)
DFI Lanparty UT SLI-DR
Mushkin 2-2-2 special (2x512)
2x36 gig raptors in raid 0
Creative X-Fi extreme music(this friday)

here is my problem in any game i play im getting what i call hitching and or stuttering. most notably Diablo 2 and BF2(which plays horrid @16x12 which should not be the case) have not tested UT2004 yet but im guessin its the same. im running the latest offical drivers for the video card 77.77 seems odd that i would have this problem when i used to have a slower rig all-around and could play games smoothly.

anyone have any ideas for a cure?

Thanks in advance!
Try adjusting different setttings lower...with 1gig of ram, try going with medium textures.
Dice did say that they were aiming for systems with 2gigs of ram.

Use the 78.11's and going to 2gigs stopped the stuttering for me...but I use an lcd@ 12x10
and I get about 30fps avg with my XFX78000GTX...my P4 3.06ghz Northwood would seem
to be the bottle neck atm.
ok i can see the need for 2 gig for BF2 but diablo 2 thats not the issue i will try the 78.11's per your suggestion. But diablo 2 used to be butter smooth on a pos 9800xt and a mobile barton. the new rig should not run a diablo poorly it is a 5 year old game after all, and it is the game i play the most of.

thanks fot the reply keep em comin
yes sir its in direct 3d i did notice that the core speed when the game launches is 490 and once im actually in a game on Bnet the gpu slows down to 2d speed (275) i found that very odd. :s

also i do have the 78.11's in and still having the same problems :(

any thoughts?
Are you cleaning out the old driver between driver installs?
If you are running down to 2d speed ingame, that would be a big issue.
Sounds like your swapping (disk IO) regardless... is your machine accessing the disk alot? What else do you have running? close all monitoring apps and such things, run lean and mean and see if that helps. Also 2gb is really helpful for doom3 even... I have noticed huge smoothness to all my games with 2gb...
kcthebrewer said:
Are you cleaning out the old driver between driver installs?
If you are running down to 2d speed ingame, that would be a big issue.

yes i clean out the old before a new driver install. what would cause the card to think its 2d when im in a 3d app?

revenant said:
Sounds like your swapping (disk IO) regardless... is your machine accessing the disk alot? What else do you have running? close all monitoring apps and such things, run lean and mean and see if that helps. Also 2gb is really helpful for doom3 even... I have noticed huge smoothness to all my games with 2gb...

nothing is running when i launch BF2 straight off a reboot. yes it hits the disk to load lvls not a lot once a map is loaded. i know 2 gigs helps but that is not in the budget. especially when i have seen others here report it playing fine on a gig.

I guess im wondering now why my GPU is dropping to 2d speed when its in diablo 2 makes no sense to me. in BF2 it stays up and gets nice and roasty(76C). but d2 it doesnt even break 55C sure its not a serious stress but not running at 3d speed is disturbing in my book

thanks again,
Maybe clean the 77.77s out and load up the 78.01s
the 77.77s were a little funky for me... and I heard some others didn't like them... Also try a disk defrag... and check all the power lead (again) from your psu to your card... just make sure it's all good.
ok just finished running 3dmark05 score of 8409 this is with the 78.11's for video drivers and the cards default speeds(490 and 1300).
all power connections are good. and i already have defragged that was my first thought when i had this problem in the begining.

thanks for the help so far i know this is fixable. still no thoughts on Y diablo 2 is not staying at a 3d GPU core speed. that is beyond me i guess.

Buckshot said:
yes i clean out the old before a new driver install. what would cause the card to think its 2d when im in a 3d app?

nothing is running when i launch BF2 straight off a reboot. yes it hits the disk to load lvls not a lot once a map is loaded. i know 2 gigs helps but that is not in the budget. especially when i have seen others here report it playing fine on a gig.

I guess im wondering now why my GPU is dropping to 2d speed when its in diablo 2 makes no sense to me. in BF2 it stays up and gets nice and roasty(76C). but d2 it doesnt even break 55C sure its not a serious stress but not running at 3d speed is disturbing in my book

thanks again,

No Diablo II is a 2D game. It may use Direct 3D in some capacity, but its all 2D bitmaps. Diablo II is not demanding enough to need a full 490MHz out of the Geforce 7800GTX core. The card throttles to save on power when the card isn't being utilized fully. It's also been my experience that Diablo II doesn't run perfectly smooth all the time on any machine. Its performance is good on just about computer, but you shouldn't expect some miracle when it comes to performance on a game like that. A game which doesn't take advantage of anything in your machine hardware wise. The game is old and is simply not going to make use of dual core, or Direct X 9.0c features simply because of its age.

However, here is something you might try. Open task manager while Diablo II is running and go to processes. You'll find Diablo II listed in there some where. Probably as D2.EXE. Right click on it, and choose "set processor affinity", then uncheck CPU 1 or 2. That will offload the game from one CPU core to the other. Single threaded apps don't make use of SMP systems, but the OS does. I think Windows load balances single threaded apps on both processors, depending on what else is going on with the system. In a perfect world, this would be fine. However, I have noticed some games have improved performance after setting processor affinity.

You might also, have to kill the game once you've set affinity and go back into it. Check and make sure, but the OS should remember your settings for the affinity next time the game is launched. You might see improved performance out of it. If not, I'd chalk it up to being an old game and there being something the way the system is configured, or in hardware that the system doesn't like.

For BF2, you will get some hitching with a 7800GTX unless you add more ram. Its that simple. I had two of them in SLi for a day before I got my extra 2GB's of ram. With only 1GB of memory, I'd get occasional hitching. Popped in more ram and instantly the problem was gone. You also can't turn everything on high with BF2. There is a setting in the display configuration which causes performance to take a dump, however I can't remember it off the top of my head. Its something relating to soft shadows if I am not mistaken.
Sir-Fragalot said:
However, here is something you might try. Open task manager while Diablo II is running and go to processes. You'll find Diablo II listed in there some where. Probably as D2.EXE. Right click on it, and choose "set processor affinity", then uncheck CPU 1 or 2. That will offload the game from one CPU core to the other. Single threaded apps don't make use of SMP systems, but the OS does. I think Windows load balances single threaded apps on both processors, depending on what else is going on with the system. In a perfect world, this would be fine. However, I have noticed some games have improved performance after setting processor affinity.

You might also, have to kill the game once you've set affinity and go back into it. Check and make sure, but the OS should remember your settings for the affinity next time the game is launched. You might see improved performance out of it. If not, I'd chalk it up to being an old game and there being something the way the system is configured, or in hardware that the system doesn't like.

For BF2, you will get some hitching with a 7800GTX unless you add more ram. Its that simple. I had two of them in SLi for a day before I got my extra 2GB's of ram. With only 1GB of memory, I'd get occasional hitching. Popped in more ram and instantly the problem was gone. You also can't turn everything on high with BF2. There is a setting in the display configuration which causes performance to take a dump, however I can't remember it off the top of my head. Its something relating to soft shadows if I am not mistaken.

Well i tried the set affinity but for whatever reason the Game.exe file for diablo says access denied when i try to set affinity. Odd considering all other programs allow me to set affinity. :(

ill look for the setting in BF2 after work today. I guess i will have to con my wife into letting me spend some more cash for 2 gigs of ram. but that will be a hard sell considering i spent $1200 for the mobo, cpu, video card and heatsink.

thanks for the help. if anyone has a clue why i cant set affinity on D2 that would be cool.