7800GTX - NV47 vs. G70 Conspiracy Theory

as many people in that thread have said, even if true it doesn't change what the actual card is and how it performs.

We all know that nVidia has a new card, possibly the 32 pipe, 90nm card that has been hyped up as an "ultra"/G80/etc. since day 1 of the 7800GTX's life cycle in the works. Most people think that it is pretty close to release ( Q1-2 2006 imho). I think the 7800GT is the G71 however, so i think this new card will be something else. This discussion seems to support this idea, so gather from it what you will. I'm not sure if this brings any real new information to the table though.
Who cares what code designation they give it, let the real-world gaming experience and features speak for iteslf. IMO
Brent_Justice said:
Who cares what code designation they give it, let the real-world gaming experience and features speak for iteslf. IMO

I read that post. What the user does not seem to realize is that it is not called NV47.

NVIDIA named it G70, and that is what it is called. You cannot argue this fact, NVIDIA decided it will be called G70, and that is what it is known by, that is it's codename. The actual model name of the GPU is GeForce 7800 GTX. It doesn't matter what codename the core might have been called at one point in time in the past. It is what it is now.

These are facts that cannot be changed and cannot be disputed, this is what NVIDIA wanted to call it, this is what it is. Calling it an "NV47" is an incorrect codename for this GPU since NVIDIA has decided to officially call it the G70.
^^ yes

And to argue that Nvidia could have released something bigger and better but it wasn't ready is also stupid. Of course they're working on something faster. That's what keeps the bills paid. The 7800 GTX is a capable replacement for the 6800 series, so why not release it, let people buy a bunch of them and THEN release the upcoming card (after they've already made a ton of money on the 7800s)?
Why did they drop the "NV" core naming scheme?

Shouldn't it be NV50, why is "G" the new cool core code?

Have the Electrical Engineers at Nvidia gone gangster?
It's not the government, it's a videocard....for a computer. Just buy it and enjoy it. ;) At least nVidia's 7800GTX is tangible and our in mass quantities below MSRP...can't ask for much more, reguardless of what the "core" is named.
nobi125 said:
Why did they drop the "NV" core naming scheme?

Shouldn't it be NV50, why is "G" the new cool core code?

Have the Electrical Engineers at Nvidia gone gangster?

I believe because Nvidia makes more than just graphics cards now.

So while NV1 was their fast graphics card, now G70 is the codename because of G for Graphics (or maybe even GeForce) and 70 for 7 series.
Right. They refer to their chipsets with a "C." Like, the C19. nForce4 SLI Intel edition.
I have an acquaintance at work who works on the nvidia driver team...he's told me in no uncertain terms that G70 is NV47...so yeah...take whatever you want from that...
Hmm i would say the original g70 dev group got the go ahead/project switch to work on the g80 after massive success in (re?)engineering the nv4xarchitecture, or the g70 was completely dismissed as too hard/not worth it knowing that the original nv47 revampage would suffice. I figure it is not as "cheerful" as them hiding another card up their sleeve. I don't predict any new high end offerings from nVidia any time in the next six months.
If this is infact the case, then "whoa", an older generation card is still on par with ATI's new about to be released product.

Look at the thread that shows the unofficial 3DMark05 results from a 650MHz R520 core. Note how the article points out how it beats a 430MHz 7800GTX, but that since many ship at 450 and even some at 490MHz stock that the 7800GTX is still the king.

A refresh beating an entirely new design. Simply amazing. If this is true and another next gen core is silently in the mix for a possible Spring release, ATI will continue to be....

PWND!!!! :D
HighTest said:
A refresh beating an entirely new design. Simply amazing. If this is true and another next gen core is silently in the mix for a possible Spring release, ATI will continue to be....

Happened with the R420/NV40 so it's not that "amazing".
your pint, ATi did that with the r3xx to the r4xx they were basicly the same core, just better optimizations and more pipes, I find it funny when it comes to nvidia the fanb-o-ys are like PWNED the older 6800 architexture can beat atis new one!!!!!1!11!!1, but when it comes to an x850xtpe beating a 6800ultra its always "ATi used an old architexture thats cheating!!!11!!!11!!!11


Elimi'Xed said:
your pint, ATi did that with the r3xx to the r4xx they were basicly the same core, just better optimizations and more pipes, I find it funny when it comes to nvidia the fanb-o-ys are like PWNED the older 6800 architexture can beat atis new one!!!!!1!11!!1, but when it comes to an x850xtpe beating a 6800ultra its always "ATi used an old architexture thats cheating!!!11!!!11!!!11

Big difference, the x850xtpe used older shader technology (sm2.x), couldnt do fp16 HDR with blending, and also ran at a lower shader precision (FP24) compared to the 6800 series. In this case, the R520 will be on par in terms of technology with the G70 - same precision, same shader tech, similar HDR capabilities, etc. Biggest reason people called the x850 old technology was because its featureset was old technology compared to the Nvidia cards.
trinibwoy said:
Happened with the R420/NV40 so it's not that "amazing".
Actually, NV40 was a "highly optimized" chip based on the FX architecture. That was, IOW, a refresh from one company pitted against a refresh from another. I'm more impressed by the fact that ATI just optimized an already superior architecture, whereas nVidia took the FX5800/5900 monstrosity and turned it into the 6800 in the same amount of time! Benchmarks aside, that speaks tons for nVidia's engineering prowess.
mavalpha said:
Actually, NV40 was a "highly optimized" chip based on the FX architecture. That was, IOW, a refresh from one company pitted against a refresh from another. I'm more impressed by the fact that ATI just optimized an already superior architecture, whereas nVidia took the FX5800/5900 monstrosity and turned it into the 6800 in the same amount of time! Benchmarks aside, that speaks tons for nVidia's engineering prowess.

I read somewhere (no clue where) but an Nvidia engineer called the FX series a "stepping stone" to the 6 series architecture and that they needed a generation like the FX series to refine the amazing geforce 6 architecture.

I just get whatever performs better for the money.
I'm more impressed by the fact that ATI just optimized an already superior architecture, whereas nVidia took the FX5800/5900 monstrosity and turned it into the 6800 in the same amount of time!

so your saying that its more impressive to take better technology and making it even better than it is to take something that performs poorly and making it on par with the other available products on the market. starting in the middle or the top and then making it on top is never as impressive as being just below that with something that started much lower, specially in the same time frame.
And maybe it is actually the G70, and Nvidia hardcoded it to read as a NV47 to cause all this speculation.
so your saying that its more impressive to take better technology and making it even better than it is to take something that performs poorly and making it on par with the other available products on the market. starting in the middle or the top and then making it on top is never as impressive as being just below that with something that started much lower, specially in the same time frame.
I think you have it backwards... :(
NV30, NV35, and NV38 were vastly inferior to ATI's R300 and its derivations. I'm saying exactly the opposite of what you posted- it's very impressive that nVidia managed to improve its lousy product in the time ATI took to "refine" its superior Stinger core, with the two companies ending up at the same place.
Obi_Kwiet said:
The 7800 really should have been called the 6900. It's not exactly next gen.

Why isn't it "next gen," because ATi doesnt have something to compete with it?
robberbaron said:
Why isn't it "next gen," because ATi doesnt have something to compete with it?

No, it's next gen because this is what NVIDIA hath decreed it.

The GeForce 6 series is the previous generation. The G70 is not a refresh of that series, it is in fact a 'new' series, or 'next' generation, known as the GeForce 7 series.
Call it shit-on-a-shingle it's still the best card you can get.

I don't remember the press release from NVIDIA that stated what their code names mean.