7800GTX. Unable to OC 1st gpu.


Limp Gawd
Sep 14, 2002
In the nvidia control panel there is an option to overclock my vid crd. My secondary card will overclock fine. But it will not allow me to overclock my primary card. Even if I set the speeds to below stock. It will tell me that the tests failed. I've also tried riva tuner with the same results. Is there something else I should be doing or is my primary card just not overclockable?

Also when I enable SLI. It will do the same thing behaving as one card. I twill not allow me to overclock the card. And again even at below stock it tells me the tests failed and will not allow me to set the oc option.

Funny thing is that the stock speed reads as 450core 1200mem. But when running 3dmark. The speeds are read as 491 core 1197mem. Which of the two speeds is my SLI running at? And is that the reason why I cannot oc?
From my experience, under SLI, the cards don't like to be overclocked and coolbits will tell you that. With individual 7800gts I can go to 485 gpu and 1250 memory. However, under sli, I can only go to 460 gpu and 1100 memory. I think it has something to do with the sli bridge? These are eVgas 7800gt by the way. Finally, 3dmark05 over-reports the core and memory speed. It is reporting that my gpu is running at 501 when it is only 460.
I wonder whether all of this can be rectified with my drivers.
Oh well, at least I am getting over 12800 on 3dmark05, which is better scores than some gtx slis.
the core goes up about 40 when you go into 3d apps from what I understand so that would put you at 500
Hm. interesting then. Does the memory do the same as 3dmark05 also tells me that my memory is up to an inflated number compare to my actual memory settings...
magnuspah said:
Hm. interesting then. Does the memory do the same as 3dmark05 also tells me that my memory is up to an inflated number compare to my actual memory settings...

as far as I know its just the core but I could be wrong(also I dont think 3dmark apps are great at reporting system clocks... or rather quite bad at it)