7950 or 8800xxx


Limp Gawd
Aug 15, 2004
Ok, I can get a 7950 with GRAW included or should I get a 8800gts? I've not kept up with the details lately. Is the difference worth it in today's games? I figured to get the 7950 with GRAW (xfx) now then upgrade with the next generation and skip the 8800. FWIW the 7950 I'm looking at is $240ish. I'm non planning on Vista for another 6 months so I could give a rat about dx10. Opinions? Am I talking madness?
Ok, I can get a 7950 with GRAW included or should I get a 8800gts? I've not kept up with the details lately. Is the difference worth it in today's games? I figured to get the 7950 with GRAW (xfx) now then upgrade with the next generation and skip the 8800. FWIW the 7950 I'm looking at is $240ish. I'm non planning on Vista for another 6 months so I could give a rat about dx10. Opinions? Am I talking madness?
yes, madness.
get the 8800
8800gts performs closer to two 7950gt cards in sli, from what I understand, so yes, the 8800 really is a LARGE step up.