7950 shortages?

Feb 23, 2012
Is production really that low that most 7950's are either sold out or being sold at a high mark up value(using newegg's pricing for this comparison)? I was hoping to order a 7950 this weekend but I don't want to go with a single fan design. I know tigerdirect has cards but they charge tax which is $40+ on top. The microcenter in my city has the gigabyte one in stock but it is a 70 mile round trip! Or could it be a second set of 7950's are soon to be released?
Hrmm, they have a XFX 7970 Double D, non black though. I might end up getting one over the weekend. We'll see.

There you go. You can find the Sapphire OC version for 480 dollars with free shipping. They also have a Powercolor custom version.
Thanks, I'll put that into the swarm
Thats really not that far. :p
I live in a suburb of Houston, anywhere inside the beltway the roads are horrible, my car is only about 2-3 inches off the ground so its quiet the hike having to drive slow lol!
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Also try tigerdirect I just got my sapphire oc from them yesterday and they have several versions in stock.
I think he wants to avoid using Tiger due to a sales tax issue in his state.

Yes exactly, plus sales tax I mine as well drive to microcenter, or order a 7970 for lunch monies worth more on newegg. I am about to head to fry's in hopes they have one.
Thank you. It was nice in Dirt 3 going from 45fps in 720p low settings to 80+fps in 1080p on ultra