7970 for $420 shipped AR

"shipped AR" doesn't make any sense.

It's $440 shipped, then $420 after rebate.

No, I think it makes sense. It just means that if you include the rebate as $ already received, that's how much it'd be. Of course rebates are no guarantee and they can take a while, but it's just letting you know what the final price will eventually be (assuming rebate goes through as expected).
I think that Hamish meant it's kind of an oxymoron. Paying $xxx shipped after rebate is technically impossible, like safe unprotected sex, clean coal, etc.

You guys also consider that the heatsink on this card is excellent. Back when I was reading GPU reviews a few months ago this thing was whisper quiet and kept the card in the 70* range. I would go out on a limb to say that buying high-end heatsinks like the AXP II is pointless when you already have one this good.
I think that Hamish meant it's kind of an oxymoron. Paying $xxx shipped after rebate is technically impossible, like safe unprotected sex, clean coal, etc.

Pretty much this. Saying something is X dollars shipped implies an "out the door" cost. After rebate is a cost that we may or may not end up paying at a later date.
Pretty much this. Saying something is X dollars shipped implies an "out the door" cost. After rebate is a cost that we may or may not end up paying at a later date.
I know what you're saying, and technically (grammatically) you're right, but I see "... shipped AR" that I think almost everyone knows what that means. I normally just assume AR means the rebate $ has already occurred b/c apparently I don't have the same bad luck that those who complain about rebates have. Knock on wood! :eek:
There are now a few of these reference deals from various manufacturers on Amazon.

Diamond 7970PE53G comes out to $449shipped -20 rebate, $429 AR.
HIS Radeon HD 7970 3 GB $446 shipped-25 rebate, $421 AR.

Both of above appear to be reference cards with 925mhz clocks, etc. Normal caveats about rebates, et al. Although I have chewed on the decision between the eVGA GTX 670 FTW and one of these, based upon the same price and perceived driver upside, I ordered a HIS; if it at least does 1050 speed I will be happy.
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