7th 2001fp received.

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Originally posted by enyceexdanny
but the problem is that , as I stated before - My roommate has the same exact model. And his is fine. That's why I know that what I've been receiving from Dell isn't how it's supposed to be.
I am satified with the panel itself (e.g. ghosting, clarity of text/graphics , etc), I'm having an issue with the way the backlight leaks through the edges of the casing. Dell purchases just the panels from LG and manufacture the rest (e.g. enclosures and etc).The whole issue is caused by the way Dell manufactures the rest of the monitor. I know it's not a normal thing to have the backlight leak like such, because as I've stated before - my roommate's 2001 doesn't have this problem.. So I was hoping other companies didn't make such mistakes in their manufacturing process.

Well.. Thanks everyone for their input.

Jack your roommate's and give him a flop 2001fp. . . then say "DUDE, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR MONITOR" and look baffled.
Originally posted by AR
No, we don't -- at least, not in the way that you're thinking.

As for the other stuff, I'm with you man, do what you like -- nobody can argue with that.

I think what those last like 6 people were trying, and failing at articulating was: "Man, I would have decided that the 2001FP wasn't as good as it sounded like it would be since Dell couldn't make one work correctly, so I would've given up on number 3."

As for a job, medication, blah blah blah. Nobody will ever understand everybody else let alone one other person -- "to each his own". I hope you either find a way to get a working 2001FP (I absolutely love mine) or find another LCD that suits your needs.

OT: *snip* and edit b/c of your last post -- THAT backlight problem :-D

THANK YOU! finally, someone who finally gets me and the fact that my whole point was that i did what i did because it was what i felt was right. its not about right or wrong because if what i did was violating dell's policy, well, then it never would have happened.

i understand what youre saying about the backlighting and i know there's no such thing as perfect. the reason my situation got this far was because the monitors i recieved were to the point where i could see the leaking light on semi-dark backgrounds.

but finally.. someone who has some sense and knows how to form an opinion =)
Originally posted by AR
Jack your roommate's and give him a flop 2001fp. . . then say "DUDE, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR MONITOR" and look baffled.

I was actually thinking of doing that..., just for fun. But I didn't, because he probably wouldn't even notice it - and I'd feel bad then. :)
I think what those last like 6 people were trying, and failing at articulating was: "Man, I would have decided that the 2001FP wasn't as good as it sounded like it would be since Dell couldn't make one work correctly, so I would've given up on number 3."

...and you are now the seventh :p
It's called fraud, and you go to jail for it.

Somehow, I doubt a district attourney is going to prosecute a case against some guy who claims a wire came loose inside his LCD.

LOL, give me a break.

And as far as who's going to pay for my lack of morals, um...

That would be you guys. Cause I'm returning my broken shit and getting my money back.

Have a nice day :)
Originally posted by csorrows
Somehow, I doubt a district attourney is going to prosecute a case against some guy who claims a wire came loose inside his LCD.

LOL, give me a break.

And as far as who's going to pay for my lack of morals, um...

That would be you guys. Cause I'm returning my broken shit and getting my money back.

Have a nice day :)

A bit of a late response there , eh? :)
Yes, I'm too busy out defrauding all the local merchants to check the boards every day.

Makes me wonder why you guys even buy the dang screens.

All I've seen on here is problems with the 2001fp's, yet there are people returning them 7 times? man....after the 2nd time returning it, I would have just gotten a refund and gone with a different brand.

I work with all dell flat panels at work, and most of them are nice, but not 'the nicest'.

I dont know how people can justify buying something that can have a faulty pixel or two, from a company that won't replace it unless a certain number of pixels are bad.

Good luck with your 7th return, go out and buy a nice CRT with a 3yr warranty and dont worry about dead pixels.

You guys might like to play the lottery with your high-dollar purchases, but I'd rather get something for $350 that I know will work, and will be guaranteed to work flawlessly for 3yrs.
Originally posted by nullvector
Makes me wonder why you guys even buy the dang screens.

All I've seen on here is problems with the 2001fp's, yet there are people returning them 7 times? man....after the 2nd time returning it, I would have just gotten a refund and gone with a different brand.

I work with all dell flat panels at work, and most of them are nice, but not 'the nicest'.

I dont know how people can justify buying something that can have a faulty pixel or two, from a company that won't replace it unless a certain number of pixels are bad.

Good luck with your 7th return, go out and buy a nice CRT with a 3yr warranty and dont worry about dead pixels.

You guys might like to play the lottery with your high-dollar purchases, but I'd rather get something for $350 that I know will work, and will be guaranteed to work flawlessly for 3yrs.

A few dead pixels are a norm on LCD monitors.
My previous monitor was the 22" Mitsubishi DP2070sb-bk, which was a great monitor. but even through there aren't any dead pixels, there are a whole different set of issues - such as text blurriness, geometry, moire patterns and etc. As far as my opinion goes, CRTs have more issues than LCD monitors.

The 2001fp has a 3 year warranty also. Imagine trying to ship a 22" CRT out for warranty repair.

Comparing CRTs to LCDs are still like comparing apples to oranges. They both have their pros and cons. Some people may favor a CRT but others may not. And also, nothing in life is guaranteed to work flawlessly.
Well okay. I can tell you that my cousin lives in your fair city and makes his living exclusively doing freelance computer graphics stuff for the last 5 or more years. He uses a Viewsonic CRT and won't switch to LCD for 3 years he says. Likes the Apple Cinema display but won't pay 2 grand to have one.

I know that doesn't help you in your quest for LCD Nirvana, but I thought I'd throw that out there just for comparison purposes.

I too would like to get an LCD but sooner than 3 years that's for sure.
Originally posted by enyceexdanny
For you it may be easy to just buy it from somewhere else after so many tries. but for me it's not, I've wasted 3 weeks of my time and effort trying to get a monitor that'll satify me. And if I just quit and get a refund, all that time has gone to waste for me. I've had sleepless nights when Dell tech support manager has promised to call me back, but never did.. So all I want to do is get a monitor I'm satified with and never to deal with Dell again. Then I'll probably live a little bit more happy.
Ok. You want a good LCD. I can understand that. You don't want to waste your time. I can also understand that. However, you've already wasted the last three weeks. It doesn't matter at this point whether you get a good monitor or not; those three weeks are gone and you won't get them back. So, weigh your odds of actually getting a good LCD against the additional time you'll spend trying to get one. If you are 0-7, is there any reason to think a letter to Dell and/or the BBB will get you a perfect 8th? No. Send it all back, get a refund, cut your losses and move on. Ok, send your letter (feedback is good, after all), but don't bother following up on it. If Dell calls and offers you another monitor, decline. Maybe it'd be a good one, but odds are, it won't be.

Again, the 3 weeks are gone. Forget about them because you can't change it whether or not you get a good monitor.

Originally posted by enyceexdanny
believe me, they're not losing any money. and for a corporation of that size, i'm sure there's a good percentage of people that gets screwed over, whether it be intentional or not.
You're thinking on too large a scale. It's easy to do so because then you can say that you have no impact on Dell's (or any other company's) bottom line. Well, they are a big company, so they aren't going to lose anything. Well, they plan for customer's like me who exchange 7 monitors. They are a big company, they can afford it. Guess what: no they don't, and no they can't.

The truth of the matter is that they did lose money on your purchase, and your sale is the only one that matters right now. The other x amount of units they've sold means nothing. Overnight shipping is expensive, especially on the box the 21" LCD comes in. They've done that 6 times now. They also gave you a credit. This cut into the initial profit they made on the sale. I guarantee you that they've lost money on your sale. Why do I know this? Read on.

They are doing the exact same thing that you should be doing: cutting their losses. To continue exchanging monitors for you would be to continue losing money. They have reached the point that they'd rather you be unhappy than continue taking more loss.

Think about it. If they were in fact making a profit, then they would be more than happy to give you 100 monitors. But they aren't. They've drawn the line. It's because you, Mr. Customer, aren't a profitable relationship.
Originally posted by enyceexdanny
A few dead pixels are a norm on LCD monitors.

And also, nothing in life is guaranteed to work flawlessly.

Yes, a few dead pixels being the 'norm' is why I wont buy an LCD for at least a few more years. Why buy something that doesnt 100% work?

And although nothing is guaranteed to work 'flawlessly', if you have a problem with your monitor during your warranty period, you can send it back, and ask for a new one. That is what I meant by guaranteed to work, (or they will ship you a new one). Of course, after you receive the 7th replacement, common sense would say there is something wrong with the company/model and a normal person would run away as far as they could.

I use a Mitsu 930SB, and haven't had any problems with it at all. Previous to this one, I had a 17" CRT from CTX that performed flawlessly for 5yrs till I retired it for the bigger one.

LCD's are nice and all, but I can't see buying something that probably has dead pixels, and being OK with it.

I just think the technology is a bit new right now, and want to give it a few years until I wont have to buy one that will probably have some issues with it.
Originally posted by Y2K SE

The truth of the matter is that they did lose money on your purchase, and your sale is the only one that matters right now. The other x amount of units they've sold means nothing. Overnight shipping is expensive, especially on the box the 21" LCD comes in. They've done that 6 times now. They also gave you a credit. This cut into the initial profit they made on the sale. I guarantee you that they've lost money on your sale. Why do I know this? Read on.
. . . . . .
Think about it. If they were in fact making a profit, then they would be more than happy to give you 100 monitors. But they aren't. They've drawn the line. It's because you, Mr. Customer, aren't a profitable relationship.

You're points are all well and valid, but. What has set Dell apart from other companies is their customer satisfaction. In my own case, I have bought and suggested Dell many times just because of their relationship with me. They can make this situation for encyee feel like Dell did everything within reason to keep his business. IMO, they should get him a nondefective monitor.
Originally posted by Due
within reason
These are the two most important words in your reply. 6 replacement LCDs shipped overnight is beyond reasonable. Obviously, the relationship is not profitable for either party. Dell's losing money, enyceexdanny isn't getting the LCD (s?)he wants. They both should move on to something more rewarding.
Anyways... Thanks to all for the feedback and advices.

But one thing I have to say is that shipping the monitor overnight may cost an arm and a leg for an average person, but for such a big company like Dell - it doesn't.

When the company I work for sends packages out (Fedex or UPS, some even weighs a few hundreds to thousands lbs), we get an extremely great discount, since we ship on a daily basis.

And our company is no where near the size of Dell. So I can only imaging how much of a shipping discount they receive.

Let me ask you one thing though, how can you guarantee that they've lost money on the sale? Honestly , I highly doubt it. They may not have made the profit they were hoping for - but I do not think they lost money yet. I agree, they may have if they kept on exchanging it back and forth.

Well, - I do understand what everyone has said and again I thank you for your comments.

'good day
Originally posted by enyceexdanny
Let me ask you one thing though, how can you guarantee that they've lost money on the sale?
Because they aren't willing to exchange it again. Most businesses will incur a small loss in the interests of customer service, but at some point, they must draw the line.

Besides, there's more than shipping charges involved. There's the time spent shipping another monitor, recieving your defective one back, processing the exchange, time spent with you on the phone, etc. All of these activities are being spent on revenue that they already have instead of generating revenues that they do not already have. That, in itself, is reducing its profit, thereby causing it a loss.
Originally posted by Y2K SE
These are the two most important words in your reply. 6 replacement LCDs shipped overnight is beyond reasonable.

Yes, "within reason" are important words and directly apply to your statement of "6 replacement lcds ... is beyond reasonable".

6 replacement lcd's is outrageuous and not within reason. Dell should have this guy a nondefective monitor by now. He has been patient and remained vigilent in getting a nondefective product. Dell should extend the same patience and vigilence. Especially considering since he value's Dell's product so much to waste all this time.

Since when did issues like this become the fault of the consumer?!
Originally posted by Due
Yes, "within reason" are important words and directly apply to your statement of "6 replacement lcds ... is beyond reasonable".

6 replacement lcd's is outrageuous and not within reason. Dell should have this guy a nondefective monitor by now. He has been patient and remained vigilent in getting a nondefective product. Dell should extend the same patience and vigilence. Especially considering since he value's Dell's product so much to waste all this time.

Since when did issues like this become the fault of the consumer?!

Thank you. ;)

Well as I said before, everyone's point is valid. There are no right or wrong answers here. It's just each individuals point of view.
Originally posted by enyceexdanny
Thank you. ;)

Well as I said before, everyone's point is valid. There are no right or wrong answers here. It's just each individuals point of view.

incorrect. objectivity and political correctness in our all-tolerant society has made your brains leaked out.

people are entitled to their opinions indeed, but opinions can be very valid and yet very, very wrong. not all opinions are equal.

moral and ethical relavatism and our hastening our descendence into a further grey-scaled spectrum of secular right and wrong. inevitably, there will be no moral structure but individual non-sensical opining that sensible people will be forced to accept.

but that's a social matter and i'll digress.
Originally posted by welcomerain
incorrect. objectivity and political correctness in our all-tolerant society has made your brains leaked out.

people are entitled to their opinions indeed, but opinions can be very valid and yet very, very wrong. not all opinions are equal.

moral and ethical relavatism and our hastening our descendence into a further grey-scaled spectrum of secular right and wrong. inevitably, there will be no moral structure but individual non-sensical opining that sensible people will be forced to accept.

but that's a social matter and i'll digress.

no... incorrect. :)

He said valid based upon the fact that anyone's opinions are right nor wrong to "him". He would only be incorrect if he said sound.

I miss the soapbox.. anyone know where it's hiding?
Originally posted by welcomerain
incorrect. objectivity and political correctness in our all-tolerant society has made your brains leaked out.

people are entitled to their opinions indeed, but opinions can be very valid and yet very, very wrong. not all opinions are equal.

moral and ethical relavatism and our hastening our descendence into a further grey-scaled spectrum of secular right and wrong. inevitably, there will be no moral structure but individual non-sensical opining that sensible people will be forced to accept.
but that's a social matter and i'll digress.

do you not understand the definition of opinion? opinions are just one person's thoughts or feelings...etc. no facts.
why do i have to repeatedly state that i'm just stating what happened to me and not asking for consensus on if what i did was right or wrong. there is no right or wrong in this situation, just one's personal choice of action. geez.

and to your other mumbo jumbo ... irrelevant.

opin·ion [noun]
: a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter
Originally posted by welcomerain

moral and ethical relavatism and our hastening our descendence into a further grey-scaled spectrum of secular right and wrong. inevitably, there will be no moral structure but individual non-sensical opining that sensible people will be forced to accept.

Sounds like something "the architect" will say.
Originally posted by enyceexdanny
soapbox?.... errr I don't get it. :D

Long time ago there used to be a section called "soapbox".

I enjoyed it cuz there were a lot of intellectual discussions. I haven't been here in awhile and don't know the drama that closed it.
Originally posted by Due
Long time ago there used to be a section called "soapbox".

I enjoyed it cuz there were a lot of intellectual discussions. I haven't been here in awhile and don't know the drama that closed it.

ahhh... gotcha'

(this thread is getting kinda long....)
Hey enyceexdanny, based on your excellent customer service experience, I decided to order one myself. :D Seriously, I ordered one the other night. Someone posted the link to the sale over at Arstechnica. The one that had eneded on Feb 9th or something, but which has magically began again. I couldn't help myself!

But seriously, somehow this thread, (and the sale of course) made me want to take a chance. That, and knowing I can return it at least 6 times to them. :D
I'll bet my cookies that you get a good one. I think Encyee took all the bad karma for the rest of us.

Thanks Encyee!!
moral and ethical relavatism and our hastening our descendence into a further grey-scaled spectrum of secular right and wrong. inevitably, there will be no moral structure but individual non-sensical opining that sensible people will be forced to accept.

Wow what a vocabulary you must impress yourself in front of the mirror and Rosey Palm everyday
Originally posted by enyceexdanny

*I have read page 1, and thats it...but I would like to comment*

As the posters above have stated, the fact that you have receieved 7 "defective" monitors is not what people are praising dell for. It is their willingness to LOOSE money on shipping 7 monitors, twive, and THEN possibly return you 100% of what you paid.

As tou your recieving 7 "defective" monitors, maybe you should re-evaluate "defective". My 2000FP is perfect, but those have been manufactured for a while. Yield should be good. 2001FP is still damn new. I dont know the whole story...but the 200xFP line is a 16x12 screen, it has 5760000 pixels. If they will allow you to return it with 7 screwed up dots...thats 0.000001.2% (if I moved it the correct number of placeholders). Um...thats pretty damn good.

Backlight issues I dont know about, nor "screendoor" effects. So I wont comment.

Somewhere on this screen I am sure there are a couple stuck pixels, subpixels, whatever. Its a statistical certainty almost. But, I haven't noticed them :)

You mentioned in your 2nd (?) post in this thread how not everybody checks their screen to your standards...maybe it is just that you are expecting a 100% perfect monitor, when "good enough" is what should be expected. Even from a $750 screen.
Originally posted by Due
6 replacement lcd's is outrageuous and not within reason. Dell should have this guy a nondefective monitor by now.


Since when did issues like this become the fault of the consumer?!
Where did I place blame on enyceexdanny? Never, that's where. What I did say is that they both just need to accept that this isn't going to work and move on. enyceexdanny is fully entitled to get what he feels he paid for. There's no question about that. The issue is "do enyceexdanny and Dell agree on what a good LCD and a defective LCD are," not "who's fault it is he's been through 7 LCDs."

Please don't take offense to this enyceexdanny, but how do we know, beyond enyceexdanny's posts, that all 7 monitors were truly defective and that this is all Dell's fault? Perhaps enyceexdanny is just too picky (self-proclaimed, I might add :)), and everyone else would have viewed most of the 7 as keepers (bad pixels excluded)? In all honesty, we don't know. This doesn't mean I think it's the consumer's fault. It does mean that I don't who's fault it is, or if it even is anyone's fault.
Originally posted by I'm the Dude, man
Hey enyceexdanny, based on your excellent customer service experience, I decided to order one myself. :D Seriously, I ordered one the other night. Someone posted the link to the sale over at Arstechnica. The one that had eneded on Feb 9th or something, but which has magically began again. I couldn't help myself!
I almost decided not to order one during the last sale because of the reported issues with bad pixels and backlighting, but I decided to give it a try. I'm glad I did because I have only one bad subpixel, a stuck-on green in the lower-left corner. It's only visible when my eyes are closer than 6" from the screen. I can't see it from my normal seating position. The backlighting seens fine, as well.
Originally posted by Y2K SE
Where did I place blame on enyceexdanny? Never, that's where. What I did say is that they both just need to accept that this isn't going to work and move on. enyceexdanny is fully entitled to get what he feels he paid for. There's no question about that. The issue is "do enyceexdanny and Dell agree on what a good LCD and a defective LCD are," not "who's fault it is he's been through 7 LCDs."

Please don't take offense to this enyceexdanny, but how do we know, beyond enyceexdanny's posts, that all 7 monitors were truly defective and that this is all Dell's fault? Perhaps enyceexdanny is just too picky (self-proclaimed, I might add :)), and everyone else would have viewed most of the 7 as keepers (bad pixels excluded)? In all honesty, we don't know. This doesn't mean I think it's the consumer's fault. It does mean that I don't who's fault it is, or if it even is anyone's fault.

In your post on the last page giving us an accounting class. Dell is losing money on Encyee, therefore they should cut their loses and ditch him. Anyway, Dell is probably cutting below their expected margin by sending one replacement.

I bet Encyee is an informed buyer with the ability to compare his LCD to his roommates. Backlighting is not subjective so I would think that would be an agreed upon defect by my dog, a 5 yr old, bugs bunny, and anyone at Dell.

My point is, if the customer is willing to have this much patience with a company, the company should give the same patience and not telling the customer sorry, you have no lives left, try again later.

My LCD arrived similarly as yours. 1 dead subpixel, lower right, only shows via red background. Now, I would bet some cookies, that if Encyee received one in similar condition, he would be satisfied.
Originally posted by Y2K SE
Where did I place blame on enyceexdanny? Never, that's where. What I did say is that they both just need to accept that this isn't going to work and move on. enyceexdanny is fully entitled to get what he feels he paid for. There's no question about that. The issue is "do enyceexdanny and Dell agree on what a good LCD and a defective LCD are," not "who's fault it is he's been through 7 LCDs."

Please don't take offense to this enyceexdanny, but how do we know, beyond enyceexdanny's posts, that all 7 monitors were truly defective and that this is all Dell's fault? Perhaps enyceexdanny is just too picky (self-proclaimed, I might add :)), and everyone else would have viewed most of the 7 as keepers (bad pixels excluded)? In all honesty, we don't know. This doesn't mean I think it's the consumer's fault. It does mean that I don't who's fault it is, or if it even is anyone's fault.

Don't worry, I didn't take offense. Why would I? Because everything people say is their own opinions, and I don't have any reason to be offended or try to argue with. :)
Originally posted by GLSauron
*I have read page 1, and thats it...but I would like to comment*

As the posters above have stated, the fact that you have receieved 7 "defective" monitors is not what people are praising dell for. It is their willingness to LOOSE money on shipping 7 monitors, twive, and THEN possibly return you 100% of what you paid.

As tou your recieving 7 "defective" monitors, maybe you should re-evaluate "defective". My 2000FP is perfect, but those have been manufactured for a while. Yield should be good. 2001FP is still damn new. I dont know the whole story...but the 200xFP line is a 16x12 screen, it has 5760000 pixels. If they will allow you to return it with 7 screwed up dots...thats 0.000001.2% (if I moved it the correct number of placeholders). Um...thats pretty damn good.

Backlight issues I dont know about, nor "screendoor" effects. So I wont comment.

Somewhere on this screen I am sure there are a couple stuck pixels, subpixels, whatever. Its a statistical certainty almost. But, I haven't noticed them :)

You mentioned in your 2nd (?) post in this thread how not everybody checks their screen to your standards...maybe it is just that you are expecting a 100% perfect monitor, when "good enough" is what should be expected. Even from a $750 screen.

If you've read my other posts, you'll see what I've said.

[1] on one of my newer posts, I've taken a picture of the backlight leakage effect.
[2] I am not expecting a 100% perfect monitor. There isn't anything in this world we live in that's 100% perfect. All I wanted is something that compares to my roommate's monitor. He has the same 2001fp, but his doesn't have such issue. Because of that, why would I accept anything below that? When I know that they're are more than capable of sending me a monitor that doesn't have such problem.
[3] Like I've said before, just because it's cheaper than other monitors of the same specs doesn't mean I shoud be satified with its defects and accept it. When I know that it's not normal for it to be like this, as I've stated in [2]. Just because I've bought a cheap k-mart jean instead of some versace ones, doesn't mean I should settle for a missing zipper and be satified because I paid sooo much less for it.
Originally posted by Due
In your post on the last page giving us an accounting class. Dell is losing money on Encyee, therefore they should cut their loses and ditch him.
I believe the general theme of my posts is that after going 0-7, they both should move along, not what you stated above.
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