8,500 3dmark06 Score with 8800GT OC 512mb

It defaults to quality mode which does force 8X AF, 4x AA on my machine. I just did an install as well.

OMFG guy you have to turn that fucking thing on for it to use ANY preset... By default the drivers do not force AA and AF.

This is how the drivers come by default, with these settings AA and AF is not forced. For the love of god man even when you change the setting and hit the "restore defaults" link up top it returns it right back to what you see in that image.
Well I have it set to the middle option (Use advanced 3d Image settings) in "Adjust Image settings..."

Then under Manage settings>Global Settings I have...

Anisotrophic - Application Controlled
AA (Gamma correction) - On
AA - App Controlled
AA (transparency) - Multisampling
Conformant Texture Clan - Usee Hardware
Error report - off
Extension limit - off
force mipmaps - none
Multi Display - Single display Perfor. Mode
Stereo Display Mode - Vertical Interlace Mon.
Texture Filter (Anisotropic Sample) - On
Texture Filtering (Negative LOD Bias) - Allow
Texture Filtering (Quality) - Performance
Texture filter (Trilinear Optimization) - On
Threaded Opt - Auto
Triple Buffering - off
Vertical Sync - Force Off

What if I would tell Nvidia CP to "Tune" my system, does that usually have good results?
OMFG guy you have to turn that fucking thing on for it to use ANY preset... By default the drivers do not force AA and AF.

This is how the drivers come by default, with these settings AA and AF is not forced. For the love of god man even when you change the setting and hit the "restore defaults" link up top it returns it right back to what you see in that image.

I'm not kidding when I said mine on the last 2 systems had quality bubble marked. I'm not sure why but it did the last 2X.

As to OP, what Tune does is over clock your system for you. It didn't seem to do a good job to me honestly when I ran it on a NF3 bored. Right now I'm very puzzled as to what could be your problem.

Having Multisampling enabled in the Nvidia panel like that tho would cause anything that uses AA to take a fairly big performance hit. But since you aren't having it on 3dmark wouldn't be using AA.

You could give Omega drivers a whirl however I really don't see that helping too much.
Just curious, did you reinstall cs:s? Also when you go into a normal game (not stress test) what FPS are you getting? You can check this by typing "net_graph 3" in the console. Then start a game and the fps and other info will be in the bottom right of your screen.

In your video card settings in steam in the advanced section, what directx version does it say you are using? and does it say hardware or software? I had a problem when I switched graphics cards, cs:s defaulted to software mode for directx, and I got really bad fps.

To Vashypooh:- Transperency multisampling causes hardly any performance loss. look it up in google :)

As far as I can tell Mrhood your settings are fine in the Nvidia control panel. The only three that are different from the default are
Texture filter (Trilinear Optimization) - On
AA (transparency) - Multisampling
AA (Gamma correction) - On

Normally these are off by default.
I get about 60 FPS in games but obviously there are points when I get 30 and points when I get 150.

It says I have DX 9c
Just curious, did you reinstall cs:s? Also when you go into a normal game (not stress test) what FPS are you getting? You can check this by typing "net_graph 3" in the console. Then start a game and the fps and other info will be in the bottom right of your screen.

In your video card settings in steam in the advanced section, what directx version does it say you are using? and does it say hardware or software? I had a problem when I switched graphics cards, cs:s defaulted to software mode for directx, and I got really bad fps.

To Vashypooh:- Transperency multisampling causes hardly any performance loss. look it up in google :)

As far as I can tell Mrhood your settings are fine in the Nvidia control panel. The only three that are different from the default are
Texture filter (Trilinear Optimization) - On
AA (transparency) - Multisampling
AA (Gamma correction) - On

Normally these are off by default.

Really? once i turned on Mutlisampling COD4 fps did drop enough for me to go bleh. Iunno.

You do have DX 9c that's correct. This is so strange. I looked around and found nothing about people having issues with a 8800gt and that motherboard.

Do you by chance have everest ultimate installed and able to run it through a few tests on there?

Tests I'd run are:
Cache and memory benchmark
and then run every single test under benchmark.

See if anything relating to memory or Cpu performance is out of line.

A full everest report might be nice if you have it as well.

From googling it around 8800gt poor performance does happen frequently with a PSU not being able to give it enough juice.

Check this out, it could technically be the cause im not sure. See if you can get around this and see if it helps. Ill keep digging.



Edit: Also you have that 12v 4 pin plugged into your mobo too right?
Oh and by the way I ran the Steam Stress test (not on my normal settings but maxed out) after doing the dual core optimization and I got 80-90 FPS each time.

I'm sending the check today for the 2900Pro ($144) so I should get it by next weekend. I plan to run it at stock and then if it runs alright I'd like to run it at the 2900XT speeds, does anyone know them? What should I get on 3dmark/Steam Stress test with it?
Well you are wasting $144. But it's your money.

the problem isn't with your hardware the 3dmark scores verify that. From everything I can tell it's software related. The only issue is that your CPU is holding back your graphics card with CPU bound games like source.

You didn't even try the Everest benchmarks, or the Oblivion benchmarks. Did you try reinstalling steam completely. Or did you even try sisoft sandra?

You are basing your whole fault on the fact that CS:S stress test isn't getting good scores.

And you have continued down the path of replacing the graphics card, when the most obvious solution to get more out of your 8800GT is to get a better CPU.

This I don't understand at all, when it is completely plain to be seen that the 8800GT works fine judging by it's 3DMArk score.

Anyway I will leave you to it.
As I said before the 8800GT is in PERFECT CONDITION and works PERFECTLY but something else is holding it back. I got the 2900 to see if there is a problem with the
PCIe2.0 <->PCIex16, NOT TO REPLACE MY 8800GT.

No I didn't try everest or oblivion. I don't have oblivion so it's hard to try. I will DL everest though.
i have an e4500 at 3.0
8800gt 256meg(i know lol) 700/1750
2 gigs of ddr2-800 @ 5-5-5-18

and i get 10,500 3d mark 06
Nah your PCI is fine im sure, im really thinking its PSU with a lot of googling the 8800s react very weird to psu's that cant give it juice. Id really recommend seeing if you can find another PSU to borrow to try or something.
Well like I said before, i'm getting a 2900Pro. If my computer can run that better then it can't be my PSU cuz the 2900Pro is more power hungry then the 8800GT. Now since my CPU scores on 3dmark06 are around 2k (where they should be) I don't think it's my CPU.

What's the best way to run "Memtest" for 2 x 1 gig of memory?

What should my HT Multi be? If it's 3x it's around 840 and if it's 4x it's around 1124. I'm assuming I want it close to 1000 but i'm not sure if it's better to be a little over or a little under.
Well like I said before, i'm getting a 2900Pro. If my computer can run that better then it can't be my PSU cuz the 2900Pro is more power hungry then the 8800GT. Now since my CPU scores on 3dmark06 are around 2k (where they should be) I don't think it's my CPU.

What's the best way to run "Memtest" for 2 x 1 gig of memory?

What should my HT Multi be? If it's 3x it's around 840 and if it's 4x it's around 1124. I'm assuming I want it close to 1000 but i'm not sure if it's better to be a little over or a little under.

So instead of replacing that piece of shit PSU your going to buy a 2900Pro to figure out your problem?
The only game he has posted so far is the Stress test for CS:S. Which is completely CPU dependant, and at the settings he ran it first, yes his old card probably got better scores because of this. I never blamed his graphics card, and I never blamed his CPU, but his cpu is holding him back from getting full use out of the 8800GT. I have never fucking said that his hardware has any problems, the only thing I have said is that the CPU is bottlenecking his 8800GT.

According to 3dmark his system is fine, but he refuses to do tests with anything else other than the CS:S stress test.

His powersupply is fine too, checked it out and it has all the power he needs and more. the 8800GT requires a minimum of 400W psu with 24 amps on the 12 volt rail, his PSU has 38amps and 600W.

I think it's just a software problem and most likely just with CS:S. And I don't really trust anything he says to us, becuase like when he said that He tested everything at max, then comes back when pushed and says actually it wasn't at max, it was only at trilinear filtering with AA off and AF off. At those settings the X850XT probably did give better FPS. I think he needs a complete reinstall of CS:S and Steam.

And I really think he should install some other benchmarking program like sisoft, or even download crysis demo and see what fps he gets on that. He really needs to try some GPU intensive programs.

And motocorss, I will say it again, for the ignorant, I never said there was anything wrong with his CPU or Graphics card and I don't think there is anything wrong with his system at all. The only "in-game" benchmarks that he has come back with are from CS:S stress test.
His powersupply is fine too, checked it out and it has all the power he needs and more. the 8800GT requires a minimum of 400W psu with 24 amps on the 12 volt rail, his PSU has 38amps and 600W.

So rosewill says it has 38A and runs at 600W and you believe them? Im willing to bet thats nowhere near accurate.
Jesus some people need to stop posting in this thread *cough* reaper12 RangerSVT *cough*.


Don't put people on the spot like that, you have no idea what my intentions are or reaper12's, just because we come off alittle different, definitely doesn't mean we're not trying to help.
So rosewill says it has 38A and runs at 600W and you believe them? Im willing to bet thats nowhere near accurate.

He might have either the RD or The RP version,


Yeah, seems you are right, very inaccurate, according to the review it has 40 amp on the 12 volt rail!!


A lot of good reviews, and some of them running 8800GT's without any trouble.
He might have either the RD or The RP version,


Yeah, seems you are right, very inaccurate, according to the review it has 40 amp on the 12 volt rail!!


A lot of good reviews, and some of them running 8800GT's without any trouble.

The bug I posted had listed several good PSU's with well above requirements as not working correctly with some power supplies for unknown reasons. I still stick to suggesting trying a different PSU.
Don't put people on the spot like that, you have no idea what my intentions are or reaper12's, just because we come off alittle different, definitely doesn't mean we're not trying to help.

You didnt come off different, you came off like a fool who cant read. What you have said in this thread has so far either been off topic or based on your apparent lack of reading comprehension.

You are not trying to help anyone, however reaper apparently is so your right he shouldn't have put reaper on the spot with you.

He might have either the RD or The RP version,


Yeah, seems you are right, very inaccurate, according to the review it has 40 amp on the 12 volt rail!!


A lot of good reviews, and some of them running 8800GT's without any trouble.

Reaper, what the specs say is no indication of a PSU's quality or consistency and sometimes its not even a true indication of its real power output.

Also trusting newegg reviews is like trusting a toothless hillbilly for dental advice.

(Your first link is broken)
You didnt come off different, you came off like a fool who cant read. What you have said in this thread has so far either been off topic or based on your apparent lack of reading comprehension.

Awwww, internet kid wants to pick a fight with meeee :eek:

You seem to like throwing degrading statements about knowledge and so on, though looking through your previous posts, you don't seem so knowledgeable either, so let's pick another topic..

Wanna compare bank statements :p?
reaper12 said:
i can't post the link, keeps changing part of it.

Look up www.thinkcomputers.org and search for rosewill.

I believe the forums are censoring something in that post , at least i believe thats what the hearts mean.


Ranger, after reading your posts here all you have done is condescend the OP while at the same time making an ass of yourself going with the ALL CAPS approach to say something that was already said a dozen times and already been proven wrong. Telling the OP he has "issues" and just overall contributing jack shit to the thread.

After your 5th or 6th worthless post it becomes pretty apparent what your intentions are i dont know who your trying to fool here...
He reinstalled windows, but that doesn't mean he reinstalled steam. Lots of people keep their operating system on another partition or drive from everything else. And through years of troubleshooting, I have found that often what people say, isn't what is actually happening, and sometimes it is good to go over things again.

But it still doesn't change the fact that the Stress test in CS:S is the only thing he is basing this on. His 3Dmark score is fine, not the best, but not the worst in his cpu/graphic card range.



And I still say that He should do more tests with other games/benchmarking programs. I know, I am repeating myself now, but I still think there is nothing wrong with his system.
I will try to explain again why i'm getting the 2900Pro. Please try to read/comprehend it this time because from what I'm seeing a lot of you think i'm getting it just to escape these problems.

The reason i'm getting a 2900pro is because it's Pciex16 (as opposed to the 8800GT's PCIe2.0) so it will rule out that if it does good. The other reason is everyone thinks it's my PSU. If it's my PSU my 2900Pro will do bad because the 2900Pro requires a lot more power then my 8800GT. If my 2900Pro does good then that should rule out my PSU.

As for the fights erupting on this. I do appreciate both sides. On the one side I appreciate that people are trying to help but on the other side I appreciate that you read all of my posts and do me the favor of calling someone out when they make a post addressing something I addressed many posts ago.

Thanks for all the help. Keep it coming :)
The post I had made was about the 8800GT hating random PSU's and not working correctly for no reason at all. So... your 2900 may work. PCIE 16x and 2.0 are backwards compatible. That isn't it.
No, I think I am going to stop, You are asking people to comprehend, but yet are showing no comprehension. You spend 144 on a graphics card, but yet you said that 90 was too much to get a different PSU to test. I don't believe there is one person here who thinks that the fault is with your motherboard, or the PCI 2.0, or the Graphics card. The main arguments have been about the CPU or the PSU as the root of the "problem" You have ignored every bit of advice on this.

Did you read the last two links I posted? A guy with an 8800GTX on a X2 4200 was only getting 127fps in the stress test and He says he was getting 150 on his 7900GT, but when he upgraded his CPU he got 270 on the 8800GTX.

But hey it's your money, I just don't understand why you posted asking advice when you were never going to accept any of it. You are going to come back and say that the 2900pro gets better scores, well yes it is, because it is not as CPU dependent as the 8800GT at resolutions lower 1600*1200.

From Anandtech article "Also intriguing is the fact that the high end NVIDIA hardware seems to become CPU limited at less than 1600x1200. This leads to the fact that AMD's Radeon HD 2900 XT actually outperforms the 8800 Ultra at 1280x1024."

And here is one more article for you to ignore, If you look at the various benchmarks, you will see that at 1280*1024 on X2 4000 and X2 4400's there is little or no difference between the 8600GT and the 8800GTX, it's only when you increase the CPU or increase the resolution past 1600*1200 do you see the 8800GTX really pull away. The 8800 GT is nearly as powerful as the 8800GTX, and the same thing applies


Anyway, good luck with it, hope you get it solved, well I mean is I hopeyou finally get some hardware that you are happy with.
Vashypooh, as I said before I know that Pciex16 and pcie2.0 are compatible BUT I heard of some boards having issues with the backwards compatibility.

Reaper, please don't talk of me ignoring your links (because i don't) as it's very clear you've ignored nearly all of my posts.

As for why i'm spending $144 on a graphics card as opposed to spending $90 on a PSU. My 2 main reasons are:
a) Since the 2900Pro is MORE PSU demanding then the 8800GT I can use that to my advantage. Meaning (as i said before) if my PSU can handle the 2900Pro fine then it can handle the 8800GT fine therefore ruling out my PSU.
b) It will rule out the PCIex16<->PCIe2.0 possible problem

Since I can only play at 1280 x 1024 (max) and i don't plan on upgrading my CPU until the phenoms get revised so should I just sell my 8800 and get something else? If so, what?
Vashypooh, as I said before I know that Pciex16 and pcie2.0 are compatible BUT I heard of some boards having issues with the backwards compatibility.

Reaper, please don't talk of me ignoring your links (because i don't) as it's very clear you've ignored nearly all of my posts.

As for why i'm spending $144 on a graphics card as opposed to spending $90 on a PSU. My 2 main reasons are:
a) Since the 2900Pro is MORE PSU demanding then the 8800GT I can use that to my advantage. Meaning (as i said before) if my PSU can handle the 2900Pro fine then it can handle the 8800GT fine therefore ruling out my PSU.
b) It will rule out the PCIex16<->PCIe2.0 possible problem

Since I can only play at 1280 x 1024 (max) and i don't plan on upgrading my CPU until the phenoms get revised so should I just sell my 8800 and get something else? If so, what?

Your entitled to waste your money however you see fit but it seems to me your completely ignoring all of the good advice given to you in this thread. Its not a compatibility issue with PCI-E 2.0 and as far as i have seen its 1 specific motherboard that has issues with PCI-E 2.0 the other complaints i have read turn out to be user error 99% of the time.
I've tried all of the advice EXCEPT trying a different PSU to rule out a PSU.

I'm doing that but i'm doing it in a different fashion. Am I missing something to try though?

Also I get TERRIBLE FPS in Steam Stress test ASWELL as all other games I play like COD4, TF2, CSS, DOD:S, ect. I don't even have AA or AF on and it's only at 1280 x 1024.
I'm still telling you that your benchmarking off a program that is highly a CPU bound game, and your not running a decent processor. Heck, every game you listed their is a CPU bound game. Even if you rule out the fact that you think its not your PSU, as I posted it could still be your PSU. 8800GT's are picky. You really need to run some real benchmarks such as the everest tests I posted
You say you tried all the advice so far and read all the links I posted. Ok good, then where are the benchmarks from the other games? or Everest? Or si soft sandra? please post your results!!

All the games you have listed, apart from COD4 are all based on the Half life 2 source engine, which is basically the same as the stress test in steam. So the same bottleneck that is affecting you in the stress test is going to affect you in DOD, CSS, TF2, Half life 2 etc. What resolution, and graphic settings are you running COD4 at? and what fps are you getting?

The second thing that you aren't listening to is that your 8800GT is CPU bound at low resolutions, i.e, you have to turn graphic settings up to start using your card properely. You can't turn up your resolution, so you max out AA and AF, turn on all the eye candy. At low resolutions and low graphic settings the CPU is working harder than the GPU.This is very obvious from the CPU scaling article I linked to. Your X850Xt wasn't CPU limited at all, neither was your 8600GT, and your ATI 2900pro will not be CPU limited either, just the way it is designed.

Your 8800GT is fine, I wouldn't replace it at all. It's a great card, but start using it. Stop turning down graphic settings, start turning them up. Start seeing games with all the options and extras on!! Start enjoying the card.
I turn 4x AA and 16x AF on in DOD:S and when there is like 20+ people I get 20FPS roughly.

What would be the best card for me if I didn't upgrade anything?

I will post everest, I downloaded it but forgot to run it.

Should I post my SS's of the other 8 or so benchmarks or just give you the numbers?

Btw, it doesn't read my CPU as an x2 4000, why is that?

Computer Info SS (I posted it before but i'll do it again):

Its probably saying your processor is an X2 5400+ because of the overclock.

Looking at those pics your ram is definitely not running near full speed. Try bumping the multiplier up. In fact just revert everything back to stock and see what happens then.

Vashypooh there is no such thing as a "CPU bound" game there are some that rely more on CPU power than others but the GPU is still far more important in any game. Common sense would tell you no matter how CPU reliant a game may be or no matter how badly a video card is bottlenecked upgrading the video card will always get more FPS not less. More power cannot = less performance unless somethings wrong.

As to 8800GT's being picky about PSU's thats just about the most ignorant thing i have ever heard in my life. It either gets enough good clean power to operate correctly or it dont there is no picky to it.
I think everything is at stock except for my CPU stuff. i haven't touched the ram to my knowledge.
pfunkman, that's not true all the time.

You would say the 8800Ultra is much better than the 2900XT? Yet if you game at 1280*1024 you would see your fps go down in a lot of games if you upgraded from the 2900XT to the 8800Ultra.

Here is the quote that I posted earlier from an anand tech article "Also intriguing is the fact that the high end NVIDIA hardware seems to become CPU limited at less than 1600x1200. This leads to the fact that AMD's Radeon HD 2900 XT actually outperforms the 8800 Ultra at 1280x1024."

And if you look at the other link I posted about the CPU scaling on the 8800 series cards, you will see that at low resolutions with bad CPU's the 8600GT nearly matches the 8800GTX. The higher end 8800 series cards needs much more CPU power than any other cards on the market.