8-bit Left 4 Dead

This isn't an eight bit game, that executable is a Win32 binary.

Shame for misrepresenting as an 8-bit game, shame for making it Windows only (where's the linux version? where's the source code?), shame for that bullshit download link where you have to sign up for some phishing site to get the game.

The game is designed to look like a game for an 8-bit console (NES etc.). The chip tunes and sound effects are sampled or generated in software, not created by an actual sound generator chip, since your computer doesn't have one. The game probably runs in true color, too. Don't think you'd want an 8-bit executable, it would be really hard to make that work on modern systems.

21 megs?

the original doom shareware was 2 megs....

whats taking up so much space?

Bloated code, unoptimized graphics (much of it is probably huge bitmaps instead of the clever designs using tiny, repeated tiles an actual 8-bit game would have used, sampled sound). A NES cartridges held around 512KB. The 5.25" disks used with the Commodore 64/1541 drive held 170KB, or 2x170KB if they were double-sided.
Whatever happend to Grandtheftendo? That was the most leet 8bit project.
This isn't an eight bit game, that executable is a Win32 binary.

Shame for misrepresenting as an 8-bit game, shame for making it Windows only (where's the linux version? where's the source code?), shame for that bullshit download link where you have to sign up for some phishing site to get the game.

8bit graphics. not that hard to figure out.
don't worry, we'll end up getting Crash Course DLC, and we will get a full "expansion" a year from now, and everything will be in 16 bit by then!!

oh wait . . .

Yeah I was poking fun at the issue with lack of edit in front page news still biting people.
You can download from that site without logging in/creating an account. Just read the site without jumping to conclusions.
anyone else find the rapid fire boomer hilarious?

The one at 3:20 reminds me of the great A.I. you'd find in games of that era... Just shooting off in some random direction for no apparent reason completely ignoring you 'til it dies...

(or of the A.I. in this era too, for that matter...)
WOW mrpc9886, Spartan was right and you are WAY wrong no offence :rolleyes:

it is 21 MBs... so how many times does 1.44MB (size of a floppy) go into 21

about 14.58, so 15 floppies would work perfect :cool:

This is totally cool :D

but if you formatted that 1.44MB disk, it reduced down to 1.38MB...that'll make it 16 disks!