81.85 -> meh..

The Saint

Mar 18, 2003
well I know everybody says that those are great drivers, but I'm wondering:

I went from 7400 with 77.77 to 7470 with the 81.85....

:( I was hoping for a bit more that 70 points ...
All you've shown is they aren't optimized for 3dmark. Big deal.
What he said. These drivers provide a big boost in just about every game, especially with a dual core CPU.
You guys think i should upgrad to 81.85 since I'm still currently using 71.82 or was it 71.89?
alrighty then...just needed a confirmation, that is all :)

Will try some games then...
Since the drivers are officially downloadable from nVidia, I would expect they are pretty stable. Having upgraded to 81.84, and now to 81.85, I can confidently say "they work for me" :)
Well all my games are kicking MUCHO ASS!!! These drivers run all of these games without a problem so far, COD2-NOW I CAN ENABLE SLI IN THE PROFILE!!!, Quake 4, WOW, F.E.A.R., Everquest 2, BF2, DOOM3 , Hal Life 2, CSS, Day of Defeat, Madden 2006, Sof2. And my 3dmark05 is averaging 220 Points more then i was getting with 77.77s, So now i need a X2 processor to take further advantage of all this goodness.
Marcdaddy said:
Well all my games are kicking MUCHO ASS!!! These drivers run all of these games without a problem so far, COD2-NOW I CAN ENABLE SLI IN THE PROFILE!!!, Quake 4, WOW, F.E.A.R., Everquest 2, BF2, DOOM3 , Hal Life 2, CSS, Day of Defeat, Madden 2006, Sof2. And my 3dmark05 is averaging 220 Points more then i was getting with 77.77s, So now i need a X2 processor to take further advantage of all this goodness.

nice1 marcdaddy :D
question is
Will i have to set cpu affinity for most games
and does doing so negate any dual core benefits these drivers provide
Ruffy said:
question is
Will i have to set cpu affinity for most games
and does doing so negate any dual core benefits these drivers provide

i'd like to know this too.. but i'm still crashing when playing any Source games.. i'm hoping this is from the game itself and not from this driver.. :(

any one else having a HL2.exe error when using this drivers?
Betauser said:
i'd like to know this too.. but i'm still crashing when playing any Source games.. i'm hoping this is from the game itself and not from this driver.. :(

any one else having a HL2.exe error when using this drivers?
I have the same problem. After a while, HL2 will crash. Doesn't matter whether its 70 series or 80 series drivers. Interesting that we're both running an AMD Athlon X2 4400 and the Asus SLI Premium... whoa, actually we have a very similar rig. I was tearing my hair out on this one, but now I'm more inclined to believe that its an issue with the game and beyond my control. Here's to hoping one of those steam updates fixes it someday :)
Dr. X said:
All you've shown is they aren't optimized for 3dmark. Big deal.

Thank god that NVIDIA has finally stopped putting 3DMark first.
Zinn said:
I have the same problem. After a while, HL2 will crash. Doesn't matter whether its 70 series or 80 series drivers. Interesting that we're both running an AMD Athlon X2 4400 and the Asus SLI Premium... whoa, actually we have a very similar rig. I was tearing my hair out on this one, but now I'm more inclined to believe that its an issue with the game and beyond my control. Here's to hoping one of those steam updates fixes it someday :)

i might have to give a try again later today.. w/ 78.05 drivers, i dont have any problems.. hmm.. i should delete my autoconfig in my folder and try this 81.85 driver..
The Saint said:
well I know everybody says that those are great drivers, but I'm wondering:

I went from 7400 with 77.77 to 7470 with the 81.85....

:( I was hoping for a bit more that 70 points ...

I took a performance hit with these in FEAR... I went back to the 81.84s... they're great drivers imo.
Thanks for mentioning that Fable bit. That will keep me away from these drivers as I am currently enjoying Fable. I was hoping to be able to try these out for some Quake 4 Performance gains.
Did everyone over look:

"Performance enhancements for dual-core CPUs"

If this is true, Battlefield 2 or Half Life 2 will be running faster on dual core vs single core cpus because of this driver?

How is this possible? How are these drivers utilizing dual core in pc games?

Can anyone with a dual core cpu comment on your experience between this driver and the previous? Thanks.
Ruffy said:
question is
Will i have to set cpu affinity for most games
and does doing so negate any dual core benefits these drivers provide

Drivers are not apart of the game (program.) So setting the affinity for a game does not affect how the drivers work. In this case the dual core benefits. of course the best way is to have a game that supports dual core.
81.85's are great for me. Much better performance compared to 78.01s

Must me the Muti Core ;)

<3 Parallism
Thats wierd that some of you are having random issues, so far everything runs great as far as FEAR, Q4, BF2, CS:S, Xmen Legends 2 and gta sa.
specs in sig, i LOVE these drivers, my 3dmark05 score just jumped over 12k from around 11100 :p im still stuck at 1024x768 resolution in quake and fear though..... :(
Well, I went from my SLI 7800GTX's not working properly with 78.01's (Regular lockups making all games unplayable with SLI enabled) to completely smooth SLI gameplay with the 81.85's.

So I am loving them since I can FINALLY use my rig properly.... Like F.E.A.R. with all settings maxed, Soft Shadows on, and running at 1680x1050 w/2xAA and 16xAF (average about 40fps on the test, and never drop below 25fps).

I tried 1920x1200, but no matter what graphics settings and computer settings I turned down I couldn't get higher than a 29fps average on the test so it sounds like it's my processor holding me back rather than my videocard setup.
Andross182 said:
specs in sig, i LOVE these drivers, my 3dmark05 score just jumped over 12k from around 11100 :p im still stuck at 1024x768 resolution in quake and fear though..... :(

heh.. im playing MP on Q4 at 1600x1200 rest w/ ultra high quality (in game settings) but no shadows and i'm getting 60 fps all the time.. some times i get a slow down.. but it's not really a big deal.. it runs smooth as hell :) and i'm assuming 1920x1200 w/ SLi is a peace of cake..

btw, i'm using 78.05 drivers.. i should try 81.85 drivers again w/ Q4.
Zinn said:
I have the same problem. After a while, HL2 will crash. Doesn't matter whether its 70 series or 80 series drivers. Interesting that we're both running an AMD Athlon X2 4400 and the Asus SLI Premium... whoa, actually we have a very similar rig. I was tearing my hair out on this one, but now I'm more inclined to believe that its an issue with the game and beyond my control. Here's to hoping one of those steam updates fixes it someday :)

Maybe a total shot in the dark here, but try "validating" the H/L 2 cache file and then make sure you have the latest version of DirectX 9.0c. I don't have a dual core CPU nor do I have an SLI board, but it's worth a shot, right?

Although, I was seeing purple checkerboards on reflective surfaces like tile and glassm then the game would toss me a "Memory can't be read" error message just before kicking me outta bed and doing the walk of shame home. "Dad? Can you come pick me up?" ;)
Actually Q4 ran extremely smooth all maxed out at 1600x1050. Fear is a system killer I know but I cant figure out whats the deal with the texture popping :(
The 81.85's fixed some random BF2 crashes/reboots when I upgraded from 77.77's.
Ruffy said:
question is
Will i have to set cpu affinity for most games
and does doing so negate any dual core benefits these drivers provide

The "affinity" issue is totally seperate from the drivers.....but no, setting affinity for the game itself will not affect the driver being able to take advantage of multithreading....

If you find some games run "funny" without setting affinity, either use a program to set it, or get the MS hotfix that pretty much solves the issue entirely...

The problem arose when a game would switch back and forth really fast between cpu's...being single threaded, the game executable would only run on one cpu, problem being that it kept flopping back and forth between cpu's....

There is a command line switch for your boot.ini that supposedly resolves the issue as well...do a search, the forum is loaded.....
Lazier_Said said:
81.xx + hyperthreading enabled + dual monitors = hard locks at desktop. Back to 77.77 for me.
Similar issue - Pentium D chip, went from 81.84 OKish - apart from one or two crashes in BF2 to not being able to load desktop with 81.85! I am though not sure if it is my power supply - only bit I did not upgrade a week or two ago I think the GF 6600GT just pulls too much power - noted only says 16A/12A on the 12v RAIL even though it is 400W - try changing this I guess.
well if this driver doesnt fix this stupid stuttering error I get in HL2 I am going to be pissed.

I have had to play CSS w/ NO AA or AF or OVERCLOCK becuase it will stutter like a MOTHER fucker in the game if I enable anything.

Most annoying thing ever.
Hope they work
Its a shame to see that synthetic benchmarks left such a "scar" on the community, with still many people who base how good driver performance is on one set of very bad tests.

Do everyone a favour, stop using synthetic benchmarks, the only thing they're even remotely good for is gauging performance increase and artifact testing between clock speeds on the same hardware/same drivers. They leave no room for driver optimisations - by the words of the creators its for testing apples to apples comparison of the hardware, unless the driver revisions are changing clock speeds (which they dont) the scores should remain the same, certainly within the error margin.
These new WHQL drivers really screwed up Microsoft's FS4 Flt simulator. A lot of texture corruption and weird panel displays. Back to the 77.77 drivers for me.