8600GT SLI HELP!!! on MSI K9A2 Platinum


Limp Gawd
Oct 27, 2004
e-Geforce 8600GT SLI Running on MSI K9A2 Platinum ,Nvidia 175.19 Version doen't show Sli option under settings . Question Does this Motherboard support Nvidia Sli???:confused:
Nope, the MSI K9A2 is a AMD Chipset board which only supports Crossfire. Stick with an Nvidia Chipset board if you want SLI.
To add, it's not really worth putting weaker cards like the 8600GT in SLI; it'd be better to save up and buy a single stronger card.
tyvm for replies, 8600gt still puts out good fps till i get new vid card, opting for new 4870 now since its my only option. :rolleyes:
if your looking for cheaper try a 4850. latter you can add a second one as an upgrade.