8600GTS, is 72C at load to hot?


Oct 30, 2007
question is in the title.

just installed it btw and am running riva tuner.

will it damage my system or not?

64C at idle.
Seeing that my 8800GTS 512MB is idling @ 46C on stock cooling in a case that's not really setup as cool as it should be, that sounds hot to me.
I'd suggest remounting it, but honestly 72C at load isn't that bad, as the fan probably isn't kicking up to 100% yet
Seeing that my 8800GTS 512MB is idling @ 46C on stock cooling in a case that's not really setup as cool as it should be, that sounds hot to me.

DarkOneX, I'm sorry, but are you running your 8800GTS @ 775 core ,1900 mem?

If so, what idle | load temps are you getting?
DarkOneX, I'm sorry, but are you running your 8800GTS @ 775 core ,1900 mem?

If so, what idle | load temps are you getting?

That would be 1900Shader and 2100Mem, but yeah, I'm interested also.
how can i get my fan run permanently from 80%-100% using riva tuner? I followed the guide with it, and i can hear a fan running fairly high but i don't know if it is the gpu fan or not.
when i was installed my graphics card, i forgot to use the little "power dongle" that came it. should I use it or not?
thats not to bad when i play cod4 my 8800gts 320 hits 80c really easy. that will be changed tuesday when i can put my ek block on it.
when i was installed my graphics card, i forgot to use the little "power dongle" that came it. should I use it or not?

Don't you have the use that? Otherwise your card wouldn't be getting all the power it needs and performance will suffer. I might be misunderstanding something though.
Both my 8800GTS's can hit in the high 80 degrees Celsius under load (actually, it's rather funny as my secondary card hovers in the high 70's and low 80's usually while my primary card hovers in the high 60's and low 70's)- seems high, but the G80 was apparently designed to handle those temperatures.
72 is fine, my 6800 used to run close to 100

I never checked what my 6800 Ultra ran at- probably should have, lol. But I don't think it was that bad. I'm actually a little surprised, because overall it seems that my PC is putting out less hot air now than it had before my recent upgrade (I'm guessing I should attribute that to the more efficient/cooler/better-designed Corsair HX620W PSU I'm using now rather than my addition of a second gfx card, 2GB more RAM, and an X-Fi).
I used to run a 6800 sli setup with hardly any airflow on my nf4 board. very hot but didnt run into problems much.