8800 "Adrianne" demo is now available for DL

Yeah, I went ahead and dled that but to be honest it seems like Nvidia's 8000 series demos are not as good as previous demos.
Dling now! I thought this would be a DX 10 thing...

I bet anything some desperate person will make some kind of nude patch for it
Silentbob343 said:
Is that the the chick who married the brady kid?

Yes. Her and her husband were at the GeForce Lan launch event. He used to work at SGI iirc.
kuyaglen said:
Yes. Her and her husband were at the GeForce Lan launch event. He used to work at SGI iirc.
The ex-Brady actor used to work at SGI?!? Or did she ditch him and marry a guy with skillz?
kuyaglen said:
Yes. Her and her husband were at the GeForce Lan launch event. He used to work at SGI iirc.

I know. I was very surprised that he knew what he was talking about. He knows his shiznit.
Yreka said:
Cool, now bring on the "Alba" demo


A Jessica Alba tech demo would of been MUCH MUCH better!!!!!

You listening ATI, use her for your R600 tech demo!
The skin just isn't realistic looking. Crytek did skin shaders much better half a year ago (Crysis). Out of those 4 demos Adrianne was really the unimpressive one.
Good heavens. That would need to come with an owners manual!

talk about uncanny

her face is "okay" ... it looks kind of creepy
but the body is just fugly. it looks like a plastic mannequin. this is definitely a poor tech demo. not impressed.
jeese, the high rez model/skins of Alex in HL2 are just as good or better in some ways. I cannot even tell the difference between her and dawn.
TheBeelzebub said:
jeese, the high rez model/skins of Alex in HL2 are just as good or better in some ways. I cannot even tell the difference between her and dawn.

Something is wrong with your video card or driver then, because her skin on her face looks great. VERY detailed.
tweaked said:
if her boobs moved it would be 120% better.
i have no suspension of disbelief.

i find it funny that a tech demo for a $600 graphics card looks like that. i would have expected at LEAST bouncing boobs, and maybe some the ability so see individual pores or something ridiculous like that for those lucky bastards with 8800gtx sli setups.
GMoney42392 said:
i find it funny that a tech demo for a $600 graphics card looks like that. i would have expected at LEAST bouncing boobs
Indeed. While watching the video where a NV guy showed off Adrianne I fully expected they'd pull out the hairpin from her hair. It never happened :(
The Adrianne demo uses complex shading and deformation techniques typically reserved for offline-rendered animation. GeForce 8800's unified shader architecture makes this possible by dynamically balancing any combination of vertex, geometry and pixel shading for maximum hardware acceleration. This same unified shader architecture works with all OpenGL, DirectX 9, and DirectX 10 titles.

Adrianne's skin shader is the most complex in the scene; 1,400 instructions per pixel, 15 render passes, five separate bump maps, and a complex, physically-based lighting model that simulates sub-surface scattering. The sub-surface scattering algorithm uses three separate skin layers and each layer has unique scattering properties. In addition to the skin, the hair shader is rendered with a complex anisotropic shader that simulates the highlight on the exterior of the hair and the highlight again as it is reflected and scattered through each shaft of hair.

GeForce 8800 also enables more sophisticated GPU-accelerated character skinning resulting in more life-like animations. Blendshapes, sculpt deformers, and skeletal-driven bump maps manipulate Adrianne's facial expressions and facilitate her body motions, including such details as Adrianne's shoulder blades moving beneath the skin of her back.
I think the Froggy demo is the most impressive. Talk about surpassing Toy Story graphics. (just from screenshots, can't run the demo as I don't have a GF8 series card)
Jodiuh said:
Dling now! I thought this would be a DX 10 thing...


sorry for re-quote of image, but sheez got some serious virtual yabos goin' on. whew. lol
Well you guys killed my is link. Let's see if you can't bust the photobucket too. :D
Ran it w/ default everything except clamp and hq filtering on, Res ~ 1680. It seems to stutter in the default runway camera. You get some pretty crazy pore/follicle/lip shine action going on up close. Still can't help but feel a DX10 demo would look better...

perv shot.jpg

EDIT: The smoke demo's retarded.
EDIT2: We have a winner! Witness the abuse!
EDIT3: Here's a pic of the poor critter.
LOL it causes a BSOD on my rig... not sure whats going on there.
You're not missing out on much. Just once I'd like to see a demo w/ F-15's hauling a$$ over my head...
Nevermind, I forgot I had been fooling around with my memory clock earlier... it was causing instability. In short Adrianne got my box all hot and bothered. :D

I used FRAPS to take a short movie where I zoomed in really close on her face. Although I admit it could be better the level of detail is still pretty impressive.

Up close w/ Adrianne (Windows Media, ~27MB 16:10 widescreen)
For all the hard work they keep putting into the hardware to produce realism, they still can't beat their own "creation"...

Man I tell ya... ever since I saw Dawn in motion back years ago at the demo Nvidia put on at the Bellagio here in Las Vegas during COMDEX, there's just never been a hotter computer generated female... at least for me. :)


Just watched that Adrianne demo... that's just sad... 5 years go by and that's the best they can come up with? Dawn smokes her like kindling in the desert hit with napalm... :p
Not digging the short hair on Dawn...

Really, really not digging the short hair on Dawn...

From behind? It'd look like a womenlier version of my uncle.

Oh god... What did I just do...
Arcygenical said:
Not digging the short hair on Dawn...

Really, really not digging the short hair on Dawn...

From behind? It'd look like a womenlier version of my uncle.

Oh god... What did I just do...

I just shot coffee out of my nose. Thank god it's iced.
herryoyo said:
I just shot coffee out of my nose. Thank god it's iced.

So that's a new acronym, right? IJSCOOMNTGII :D hehe

I understand the strides Nvidia has gone through (and ATI) to create more realistic lifelike gaming, but come on... if you're gonna create something that really stands out and makes people go "WOW, that's freakin' cool" it's not gonna be something like "Look how realistic the nose hairs are on Adrianne, our newest 'creation' and product demo..."

Now if only they'd redo Dawn using an 8800 with that level of potential details... w00t... somebody go get the Dawn demo and run it off an 8800 - yes I know it'll look exactly the same as it did back on the old hardware, but hell... she's a babe, period. :p

I'm a geek, what can I say... ;)

I don't do desktops anymore, just laptops. Maybe someday I'll build another "Godbox" but that's a long ways off I think...
bbz_Ghost said:
I understand the strides Nvidia has gone through (and ATI) to create more realistic lifelike gaming, but come on... if you're gonna create something that really stands out and makes people go "WOW, that's freakin' cool" it's not gonna be something like "Look how realistic the nose hairs are on Adrianne, our newest 'creation' and product demo..."

If you look really close she's got a booger in her right nostril.... o_O

Was commenting on IRC that I bet the geeks are hard at work figuring out how to strip her "clothes" off just like they did with the Dawn demo. Wonder if Nvidia was silly enough to actually do the exact same thing with this model in the demo data or they got wise and simply never created the clothing so it's all one solid texture...

We'll probably find out in a week or so... hehe