8800 GTS 320 vs 8800 GTS g92


May 4, 2000
I'm about to upgrade my rig and I'm debating on whether to upgrade the video card. I have the GTS 320 at the moment with a single core 3200+ AMD. I know that processor isn't anywhere near enabling the GPU to run at full capacity. My question...is it worth the extra 210$ for the performance difference between the them?
honestly probably not. unless youre running above 720p resolutions or plan on upgrading very soon, i would think the gts 320 would be about as fast as your system can handle anyway... actually my 7800gt even ran noticeably better when i went from a 3000+ to a dual core opteron 165 2.7ghz
i upgraded from this path...and id say the only reason it was worth it was because i have a 24" monitor and my CPU can actually handle my graphics card.
I'd spend that money on an E2140 and good mobo and ram or an AM2 BE-2350 and good mobo and ram then OC the crap out of the CPU and voila, you'll notice a huge diff in gameplay and everything.

I went from an LE-1600 OC'd to 3.3ghz to a BE-2300 now running at 3ghz and the difference is huuuuuuge in my games. I play stuff like CoD 2, CoD 4, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Crysis and the free MMORPG Shaiya. The moment I dropped the BE-2300 in even before I OC'd it I noticed a reduction in jerkiness in Shaiya and Crysis right away. Afte I OC'd my CPU I cranked Crysis to high everything with no AA anf 16x AF @ 1280x1024 and I couldn't be happier :) I was playing on mostly medium with a few high before using 16x AF and it was running slower with the 3.3ghz LE-1600 even with the reduced detail settings.