8800 GTS AA problems?


May 16, 2006
here's an odd one. games only show 8x aa in their menus. i got xp, 8800 GTS 640 meg and 97.92 drivers. i've noticed this with WoW and with day of defeat source.... any ideas?
something is definetly going on with these cards or drivers. In GRAW I completly lost AA Edge Smoothing in the game menu. What is up with that? This is with a fresh set of drivers.
what drivers you using? i checked guru3d and they don't have anything newer for xp than what came on the disc (wtf nvidia, i want my drivers!) i can change it by hand in the driver, but that's a pain.

esp with WoW cause i like to change on the fly with the push of a button (drop an aa level or two as needed in orgimmar or what have you)
Use the control panel's "Enhance the AA" setting and force the amount from the control panel, you must have AA enabled in the game, it doesn't matter what level though.

If you use the in-games 8X AA option you will not be getting the CSAA mode, you have to use the control panel to benefit from the CSAA modes.

Read here - http://enthusiast.hardocp.com/article.html?art=MTIxOCw3LCxoZW50aHVzaWFzdA== - under Antialiasing - CSAA to learn about how the modes work.
If I have 2xAA in game and I use the enhaced 4xAA or 8xAA do I end up with 4 and 8 CSAA respectively, or do I get 6x and 10x?
It does not add it up, no

look at the table on the page i linked, 8X, 16X and 16xQ are the CSAA modes

You can go up to 4X AA in-game, but if you want higher than that it is better to use the control panel so you can hit the 8X CSAA mode, or 16X CSAA mode (the only requirenment is that you leave AA enabled from the game itself when using the Enhanced AA option), otherwise if you just use the in-game 8X AA mode you will be using traditional MSAA and not the more effecient CSAA mode

Or, you can Override AA from the control panel, if the game allows this, in which case you'd turn AA off from in-game