8800 GTS BIOS update


Oct 14, 2004
I purchased an EVGA 8800 GTS card right around the time when the cards were first available on The Egg (yes, I paid alot for the card). I noticed that EVGA has a newer BIOS version posted on their website compared to the one currently on my 8800GTS.

The updated BIOS apparently only fixes an issue with compatibility and Apple displays. Has anyone updated the BIOS on their 8800 series card (despite not having an issue with an Apple display) and noticed any performance differences/fixes worth noting?

I really want to just make the flash and report some info here, but I would rather avoid toasting my card if anyone feels it to be a bad idea!

That BIOS was to fix an issue with Apple displays. I didn't update mine because I don't have one of those monitors. Some of the Techs from eVga said it didn't do anything with performance.
That being an EVGA card. Has anyone else talked about any other cards that may have a bios issue as well. I just ordered a dual core proc. to make sure its not my current 3200+ bottleneckin my comp. Nvidia did drop the ball on this one.