8800 GTS now or 9800 GT in a couple months?


Apr 18, 2007
So I'm looking to upgrade my my ailing x1800 GTO so I can really take advantage of some of the newer games (most notably Bioshock and The Witcher) but also to prepare for new games this year (Fallout 3 :cool:). I was planning on getting an 8800 GT, but, as everyone knows, stupidly high prices on cards that aren't even in stock have made it pretty difficult to buy one. Then I was just going to pay the premium for a EVGA card and utilize their step up program to get something out of the 9x00 series. Now I've got the opportunity to get an EVGA G92 8800GTS for a little over $300 which includes Crysis. This solution seems to make the most sense to me. I do want to game at 1600x1200 so I think the extra for the GTS will be worth it.

From all I've read, it seems like the 9x00 series is only going to be an incremental upgrade, so is there any reason to wait? Along the same lines is DirectX 10.1, everything I've read indicates it is small upgrade and not worth basing a decision over. So I'm just kind of stuck. I haven't even seen if there is going to be a replacement card to the 8800GTS.

Basically, is there any reason to believe that there is going to be a new card at the $250-300 range that will noticeably outperform the 8800GTS?
what i did.... cuz i was COMPLETELY lost like you .....

I went to Best Buy and bought an 8800GT and played the CRAP out of all the current games...... Bioshock, Crysis, COD4, Unreal Tournament 3, Guitar Hero PC, HL2 and Portal.... everything you can think of ... and now that i'm bored with them..... I got my gaming fix and im going to return the 8800gt within my return period and just wait patiently for the next series to come out ... since i'd rather spend a TAD more knowing i have the best available then to get an 8800gt and just be stuck with it and have to pay another $300 to get to the 9xxx series.
Little is known about the 9800GT. Get the GTS now, especially if it's EVGA. That gives you until mid April to step-up.