8800 GTS/Vista 64: Use Nvidia or after-market drivers?


Limp Gawd
Apr 22, 2007
I'm going to be making the delve very shortly to Vista 64. There are always those that swear by vendor supplied drivers and those who prefer after-market ones like Omega drivers. For those of you who have used Vista 64 and have Nvidia cards, which do you prefer? The standard Nvidia ones or after-market? Based upon your personal experiences, do one set offer an advantage/disadvantage over another? Hollar back! :)
I'm about to try Vista Ultimate x64 myself. And since I also own an 8800GTS (albeit a 320MB one) I'll give the nVIDIA drivers a whirl and get back to ya.

In the mean time here's some "holla back" fo ya. :p

All that I know is that I am using the new bioshock beta drivers from nvidia and they suck. I had no problem what so ever displaying on my 42" 1080p lcd tv with my ATI X1900xtx. But now I get tearing and overscan with my evga 8800gts and I can't figure out why. I am going to try to roll back the driver and see if that works.
OP, I'm running 163.44 (the "Bioshock Betas") without issue, and ran 160 and 163 series betas prior to that. I'd suggest you just stick with whatever is the latest leaked beta from Nvidia (www.guru3d.com and www.laptopvideo2go.com are great for keeping up with the latest leaks) as they tend to provide real fixes for various issues where as the aftermarket drivers do a bunch of tweaking which I've always suspected could actually introduce problems and don't appear to offer any real advantages.

All that I know is that I am using the new bioshock beta drivers from nvidia and they suck. I had no problem what so ever displaying on my 42" 1080p lcd tv with my ATI X1900xtx. But now I get tearing and overscan with my evga 8800gts and I can't figure out why. I am going to try to roll back the driver and see if that works.

....you talk about running the Bioshock beta drivers from Nvidia and an 8800GTS... then you talk about an X1900XTX. Different cards. Entirely different drivers. Of course they're going to have to tweak.
....you talk about running the Bioshock beta drivers from Nvidia and an 8800GTS... then you talk about an X1900XTX. Different cards. Entirely different drivers. Of course they're going to have to tweak.

you missed my point entirely. I was trying to say that nvidia's drivers are pretty shoddy at best right now. It likes to randomly reset my hdtv settings in the control panel, etc. I had absolutely no driver issues with my x1900xtx, but I have been plagued with them now with the 8800gts. I just don't understand why they haven't gotten some decently reliable drivers after all this time.