8800 GTX suddenly VERY slow in OpenGL


Sep 23, 2000
No idea what happened, didn't change any settings, but now I get (no joking) 10 FPS in Quake 3. Anything OpenGL slows to a crawl.
Direct3D seems ok, though, far as I can tell.

Any ideas? Tried driver reinstall, no dice.

edit: For anyone's reference, it was fixed with driver cleaner in safe mode then reinstall. No idea what happened.
You see this is the reason why when ever I upgrade/change drivers. That I do a complete uninstallation of all my chipset/video drivers. I have not had any problems what so ever with the nVidia drivers, and my 8800's run flawless.
You see this is the reason why when ever I upgrade/change drivers. That I do a complete uninstallation of all my chipset/video drivers. I have not had any problems what so ever with the nVidia drivers, and my 8800's run flawless.

Why do you uninstall your chipset drivers. Im fighting with the drivers on my new 8800 and just curious if that may help
i heard that the 8800 drivers have problems with old games right now;so idk how to help.
I had the same issues with Q3A being very slow with the 96.89 drivers, but both the 97.02 and the 97.92's work wonderfully.