8800 series and BF2142

Aug 3, 2006
I just purchased an EVGA 8800gts 640mb card. Directly afterwards I went onto the EVGA forums which i frequent quite often and was disturbed to see a thread referring to bsod and crashes while playing BF2142. http://www.evga.com/community/messageboard/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=30453
It seems like a lot of people are having issues with this card and this game, can anyone here please confirm that yours is running flawlessly, I'm sure your out there, I would just like the confirmation. Thanks alot.
To my knowledge there is no clear reason why few people are having terrible luck with 8800 cards, all the BSOD and other errors. I have not found any clear reason why some people have these and the best guess I can give its due to drivers. 8800 drivers compatibility just is not there yet, but Nvidia is aggressively pushing 8800 driver development ahead and the situation seems to be getting better.

I would not leave the 8800 card to the shelf just because of a fear for these problems. Its amazing card for sure, and surely you may return it to the store if you happen to experience these problems.
i got it from ncix.com so hopefully if i experience these issues returning it won't be a problem.
The clear reason for BSOD is that it's an EA product. You should expect a certain amount of wtf? with the Battlefield series. Do what I do. Try it, if it doesn't work and you can't fix it, sell it off and move along. Otherwise your desk will have indentations from you banging your head on it.
Heh, even though it's an EA product, it's not a port from a console at least, and I've never had a single BSOD ever since I bought BF2/2142 at launch. You need to have all the proper drivers and a router that doesn't block PB to have the game running smoothly.
great thanx for the input guys, i have never had a problem w/ battlefield 2 or 2142 with my current set-up including my 7950gx2. so if i start getting problems after the 8800gts arrives then i will cut my losses and wait to step-up to the next card.
if youve never had a crash to desktop with BF2 of BF2142...

my 8800gts'es work fine (@ maxed everything and 1920x1200 just cuz i CAN) my crashes may even be less than with the 6800 i upgraded from
I've never had BSODs with BF, but I've had a few crashes to desktop.

In my experience, it didn't seem to be related to the video card at all. There didn't seem to be much difference in stability between my X1900XT and the 8800GTX I have now. A buddy of mine crashed to desktop almost every other round on his 7600GT. Once he upgraded from 1GB to 2GB RAM the crashes were less frequent.
My friend has a $5000 computer with an 8800GTX and everything watercooled.
4 gigs of RAM and a top of the line CPU.
I've seen his FPS drop down into the 40s which makes no sense.
Of course he is running Vista and possibly not the latest drivers.

But EA has not been very reliable as far as fixing bugs, compatibiliy, and optimization.
The best way to be sure you don't end of having problems is to do a clean install.
I have two eVGA 8800GTS's in SLI, and have had zero problems. The only time that I ever really have had a problem is when I ALT+TAB out of a 64man server. I solved that by hitting the Esc key to go to the main menu and I was able to ALT+TAB freely.

Edit: Something else about eVGA I like is the fact that you can upgrade the BIOS, I flashed both of my cards to the same BIOS and stability shot up. I was also able to get some better OC's (I have not yet updated my sig).
my experience with 8800s / BF2142

I'm running Vista x64 with a BFG 8800 GTX.
I've not tried the latest beta driver.
I've not ran BF2142 under XP
I've not had any BSOD's or crashes that SEEM to be gfx card related.....

I do have memory errors when loading a new map or after 3 or so rounds max with online play. The level will start to load then i get the Visa circle

I don't have this problem in single player mode and the game runs fine (have only played 2 hours max maybe non stop though)
I have two eVGA 8800GTS's in SLI, and have had zero problems. The only time that I ever really have had a problem is when I ALT+TAB out of a 64man server. I solved that by hitting the Esc key to go to the main menu and I was able to ALT+TAB freely.

Edit: Something else about eVGA I like is the fact that you can upgrade the BIOS, I flashed both of my cards to the same BIOS and stability shot up. I was also able to get some better OC's (I have not yet updated my sig).

Is it a 3rd party BIOS or an official one?
Different card.. BFG 8800GTX OC.

Running XP and have had no problems with BF2142 or BF2
I had issues with BF2142 CTD after every map change, the fix was to lower the settings in BF2142 video to medium.

I installed the beta drivers so I will check and see if this fixed the issue
I had issues with BF2142 CTD after every map change, the fix was to lower the settings in BF2142 video to medium.

I installed the beta drivers so I will check and see if this fixed the issue

And why would you be willing to sacrifice quality for performance? :p