8800GT enough for 1920x1200?


Limp Gawd
Dec 16, 2005
Is a 8800gt 512MB enough for a 24" monitor at 1920x1200? Would it start getting too hot? Is a gtx a better choice?
Yes; no problem. Unless you are playing Crysis, then even SLI isn't enough.

Best of luck

I am currently running at 1920 X 1200 with my own Gigabyet 8800GT 512...
VERY HAPPY with this!
Of course, a GTX would work with even better results, but unless you're doing alot of DX10 stuff in vista, it may not be worth the extra $$, especially since Nvidia is beginning to produce their 9000 series chipsets.
Is a 8800gt 512MB enough for a 24" monitor at 1920x1200? Would it start getting too hot? Is a gtx a better choice?

As others have said, it should work fine. I had a 23" monitor (HP L2335) until a few days ago and ran it with a 8800GTS (640MB I think). Anyway, it ran everything I tried very well, of course I have yet to try Crysis ;)
Running a Dell 2408 24" on an ATI X800 Pro. Plays TF2 and HL2 great. Even plays Oblivion at medium details. Runs at 1920x1200 just fine w/o heat issues. Switch inputs and then connected to my 8800GTS 512mb at same rez. Plays every game just fine, even Crysis, just not at Max graphic details. Don't beleive everything you hear about Crysis being unplayable. Game still looks AMAZING at medium to medium-high details with playable framerates.
Don't forget that 1600x1200 or 1680x1050 upscaled to fullscreen will also look good.....ie, if it doesn't look good at 16x12, it won't look much better at 1920x1200.

I played Q4 at 1600x1200 upscaled to full screen and it looked better than my old CRT overall.
Other than Crysis and running at 4xAA this card should be great at 1920x1200.

For higher AA you may want to look at the Palit version with 1GB. That's really the only reason to buy it (AA at higher resolutions).

Crysis is a dog on any of my hardware (3870x2 + 3870, 8800GTS 512/640) so I run it at 1360x768 and use the video card to scale it up to full resolution. It's not quite as nice, but close enough to full 1920x1200 on the GTS.


A single 8800GT may run slow at your resolution depending on game. On my PC, a single 8800GT cannot run COD4 at full detail without slowdown.
Playing at 1920x1080 myself, I wish I had a little more power than the 8800GT provides. Though you can crank details up in most all games, I want more overhead for anti-aliasing. Then again, there isn't a whole lot more performance to go to, unless you go 8800 ultra or 9800GX2, which are far more expensive.
A single 8800GT may run slow at your resolution depending on game. On my PC, a single 8800GT cannot run COD4 at full detail without slowdown.

That's weird. I'm running basically the same system as you and mine runs COD4 fine at 1920x1200 with everything set on high. Single 8800GT, X2 6400+ BE, 4gigs of ram, etc... on my system. I'm running XP Pro though. If your running Vista that might be the difference.

Crysis is a whole different story though. I have to drop the resolution down and run a custom config file to turn all the eye candy up.
I can't run 1920 x 1200 with COD4 smoothly with AA and AF enabled in Vista. The best is at 1680 x 1050 res
Until this morning I was running 1920x1080 with a 120% overclocked 8800GT (sent the TV back due to a fault :()
The GT copes very well and as mentioned 1600 res doesnt look bad. Text looks bigger and a tinier bit blurred, games dont look bad at all.
How good depends on the display you have but it probably isnt as bad as you imagine.

I was running Crysis at 1920x1080 with the CCC v1.31 mod (level 3) getting 41fps on the timedemo.
You can use the level 4 config at 1600 res for more detail.
I played COD4 at 1600x900 with everything set to max and it was smooth.

If I was to buy now, I would definitely buy an 8800GTS 512MB as you get approx 10% higher performance for much much less than 10% overall cost of the whole PC.
At 1920 res, the more power you have, the merrier you will be.