8800GT fan died, need some advice


Sep 27, 2003
The fan on my BFG 8800GT died yesterday while I was playing CoD4. I heard a pop and noticed a few minutes later that I couldn't hear the fan. The power of this card is impressive, I hardly noticed the game slowdown as it throttled. When I quit the game the Nvidia thermal monitor was steady at about 125C. I doubt the card has any physical damage (I used my computer for a while with no artifacts) but I can't decide if I should RMA it or just buy a new cooler.

Can anyone familiar with the BFG RMA process give me some insight into the length of the process?

Should I RMA it or just get a 3rd party cooler?
Seems like you should decide for yourself...Do you want to spend money to fix it? Or RMA it for a new one?
I would contact BFG before doing anything else to see what they say.
I'd probably just buy a new cooler. Its probably going to cost you 15-20 bucks in shipping costs to rma it.
If you can RMA it i suggest so, but if you're warranty is out get a slot fan and put it below the card.
I agree you should RMA.
If something went pop due to a short inside the fan, there could have been excess load on other power circuitry which may reduce their performance.
Transents created when the fan died could have damaged/weakened other components too.

If you replace the heatsink with a BFG warranty, you no longer have a warranty so dont do this with a card that is more likely to develop a fault.
RMA that card, because you payed for that.
I have a question: did you set the fan to be at 100% speed or not ?
RMA that card, because you payed for that.
I have a question: did you set the fan to be at 100% speed or not ?

No, I haven't messed with fan settings at all. I can hear it ramp up and down depending on the load.

I'm really impressed with this card, it kept on trucking for a good 30 minutes before I noticed anything wrong.

I'm going to RMA, thanks for the advice.