8800GT from NCIXUS


Limp Gawd
Dec 31, 2004
Just wondering if anyone here got their card shipped yesterday/today and if so then when did you order?

If you've already received your card from them, then I'm also interested in when you ordered.
Some views but no responses yet. I guess I should also include those who's cards haven't shipped yet, let us know when you guys ordered.
I ordered wednesday, it was "highly allocated", and my shipment didn't go out with the new batch :(
I have never dealt with them before but am quickly learning to hate them.

I ordered mine from their site about an hour after they went up. I had the free gifts included too but by the time I recieved my invoice email they were gone. After reading the forums and seeing that they auto backlogged customers as a "feature" I sent them an email. I was indeed on the backlog but they said they would add the free stuff to my order once again and that I would probably be covered by the shipment they were supposed to get today. Reading the forums later, they now will be getting a small shipment next thrusday and in like two weeks they are expecting there BIG shipment which will aparently fill most of there automatic back log. On top of all of this I got an email yesturday saying my credit card postal code didn't match when they called my card company. I think it was an error on there part from them not understanding how the 5/9 length zip codes work in the US. Also they mentioned that although I ordered an hour after they were shown on their website I wasn't even in the backlog until my credit card info is verified.

So overall I would say this is one of the worst online shopping experiances I have ever had. If I didn't have it at the set price of 250 for the EVGA SC, 2 freebies, including shipping I would quickly cancel my order and never look back. With the current gouging and avalability I guess I can afford to sit in a backlog which I never agreed to for upwards of a month :mad:. I am upgrading from a failing X800 XL and just recently built a new computer with everything minus a new video card.
I have never dealt with them before but am quickly learning to hate them.

I ordered mine from their site about an hour after they went up. I had the free gifts included too but by the time I recieved my invoice email they were gone. After reading the forums and seeing that they auto backlogged customers as a "feature" I sent them an email. I was indeed on the backlog but they said they would add the free stuff to my order once again and that I would probably be covered by the shipment they were supposed to get today. Reading the forums later, they now will be getting a small shipment next thrusday and in like two weeks they are expecting there BIG shipment which will aparently fill most of there automatic back log. On top of all of this I got an email yesturday saying my credit card postal code didn't match when they called my card company. I think it was an error on there part from them not understanding how the 5/9 length zip codes work in the US. Also they mentioned that although I ordered an hour after they were shown on their website I wasn't even in the backlog until my credit card info is verified.

So overall I would say this is one of the worst online shopping experiances I have ever had. If I didn't have it at the set price of 250 for the EVGA SC, 2 freebies, including shipping I would quickly cancel my order and never look back. With the current gouging and avalability I guess I can afford to sit in a backlog which I never agreed to for upwards of a month :mad:. I am upgrading from a failing X800 XL and just recently built a new computer with everything minus a new video card.

Ouch. That blows. I almost ordered from them myself, but I needed to sell my 2900XT off first. Thanks for the warning and I'll remember this for the next time.
This stuff happens everytime a new GPU or CPU comes out.
People should be used to this by now.
All the etailers want to rope you in early, and then......oh gee.....we only had 4.....

You have to be willing to wait until the stampede is over, the prices come down and the component is no longer THE thing.

I feel for you, but I cant blame completely the etailer......its hard to keep real time inventory.
I dont condone at all deceptive practice, like saying a thing is in stock when there is no stock in hand.
lol wow, ncix is a very good retailer. I've used them for 2 years straight now spending about $5000. They are kinda picky about credit card security, which is a good thing if you ask me. What do you expect from a brand new GPU with such a nice price? And so sorry if your order is backlogged cause there popular, I mean god forbid they have alot of customers who ordered before you and now you have to wait in line. I have no clue what they charge you americans but for canada there the best online retailer for prices (usually don't even need to use there pricematch feature). If your having problems post a message on their forums, they will help you out very quicky as long is its buisness hours.
This stuff happens everytime a new GPU or CPU comes out.
People should be used to this by now.
All the etailers want to rope you in early, and then......oh gee.....we only had 4.....

You have to be willing to wait until the stampede is over, the prices come down and the component is no longer THE thing.

I feel for you, but I cant blame completely the etailer......its hard to keep real time inventory.
I dont condone at all deceptive practice, like saying a thing is in stock when there is no stock in hand.

I was trying to think of the whole real time pricing and can see where it comes from but it's interesting we don't see this on other items. Even with Wii's being completed sold out for nearly a year I don't see brick and mortor stores charing $400 when they actually come in. This launch was interesting in the sence that EVGA actually RAISED their MSRP. That is the only time I have ever seen that done.

I agree it's hard to keep a real time update on stock allotment but my conern is other than checking their forum and talking with customer representatives I have never received any indication I am on a backlog and still have yet to hear an estimate on when my order would be shipping.
What do you expect from a brand new GPU with such a nice price? And so sorry if your order is backlogged cause there popular, I mean god forbid they have alot of customers who ordered before you and now you have to wait in line.

I don't have a problem with them being backlogged that happens, my issue is they never told me. Also they don't base your spot in the backlog on when you actually ordered the product but instead after they verify your credit card information. Maybe this is just an issue from the popularity and their system overloading but other places I have shopped newegg/clubit have done a much better job of keeping me informed. Also what is up with phone verification? haha that was a new one to me.
I have never dealt with them before but am quickly learning to hate them.

Same here. I placed my order when they had stock but the next day they sent me an email saying that address verification from my debit card failed. So, I emailed them asking if I could use a different card and get the same $250 price. They responded the next day and said that I could, I'd just need to call customer service. They emailed me the wrong customer service number.

I got the correct number but I could not get an answer all day. I kept reaching someone's personal assistant. Another day went by and I couldn't reach them again. I left a message with my callback number. I tried reaching them two more days and they never gave me a call back, so I cancelled my order. I have a pending order from Frys for only $5 more anyway.

I am upgrading from a failing X800 XL and just recently built a new computer with everything minus a new video card.
And I'm upgrading from a failed X1900 XTX.
I don't have a problem with them being backlogged that happens, my issue is they never told me. Also they don't base your spot in the backlog on when you actually ordered the product but instead after they verify your credit card information. Maybe this is just an issue from the popularity and their system overloading but other places I have shopped newegg/clubit have done a much better job of keeping me informed. Also what is up with phone verification? haha that was a new one to me.

wow I sound very cranky in my last message :S sorry about that bad morning at work lol. ya I agree its annoying that they don;t acctually save your spot till they verify the CC but if you were running a buisness, would you reserve something for compete strangers when you wern't sure they could even pay for it? This whole credit card verification thing is always a pain for new customers as they do a very good check but after the first check its always alot smoother so long as non of your info changes :)

but ya, they are very busy, some of their watercooling packages got so popular they could no longer take backorder since the waiting list was already 1+months, if you ever try ordering on a monday/tuesday after along weekend dont exect it to ship till thursday as they have so many orders to fill its nuts lol.

Edit: and to the poster above me, as much as I love ncix, their over the phone customer service is garbage, and they can't seem to finding more people to hire (the posted many times on the forums apoologizing for it but said there having problms finding people to work their phones lol)
I ordered from them on Monday morning 10:00 pst and the card was waiting for me on my porch yesterday when I got home. $239 + 2 games included.
I ordered from them on Monday morning 10:00 pst and the card was waiting for me on my porch yesterday when I got home. $239 + 2 games included.

LOL Lucky Bastage.. I saw the deal while I was surfing the net at work but didn't whip out my card fast enough.

On another note, just found out a local retailer will have 2 of them today at 3:00. Guess who has one on reserve? Oh, and I get it at dealer cost for the company...

Still in the NCIXUS queue...if my order isn't fulfilled by tomorrow's shipment, I'm most likely canceling. Their mantra seems to be "you don't want to know just how many we have on backorder"...well, I got news for ya, Jack, I sure do want to know so I'm not wasting my time and/or money. Both email and phone contact led to short responses that more or less said "you'll get it when you get it".

Never ordering from these guys again! :)
I understand if you can't fill everyone's order even though the product appeared in stock at the time of ordering, but at least keep the customer informed of what's going on. They have not taken any steps to do so and their order status system is pretty unhelpful! They appear to not want my business and I will remember that for the future. This is the only store I've ever had a problem online.
Never ordering from there again. See the other thread for my experience:


Or resellerratings (my review should post in a few hours):


Ragnerok: It's fine to queue customers after processing payment, as long as you process payment in the same order in which the orders were received. The issue here is that they were sitting on $239 orders for 4 to 5 days, not even attempting to process payment on them, while at the same time processing (and even sometimes shipping) the orders of people who ordered long after us.
I ordered 3pm on launch day
nothing yet, no shipment notification

I ordered ~12:30pm EST on launch day, had it shipped on Halloween overnight, got here 11/1. Unfortunately the card was bad. Luckily EVGA agreed to let me RMA it to them instead of having to go back to NCIX.

By the way, the NCIX RMA system will not let you select your card for RMA, only the free game they sent with it. You will have to manually contact them and demand an RMA on the card :rolleyes:
NCIX will only lock a card to a customer when a payment is fully processed, not before. The 8800GT sold out within 1 hour so those who have payment issues is out of luck. To avoid more ppl ordering and increasing the backlog, they discontinued the SKU temporarily till they remove the backlog, which is a good thing compared to others who still take your money happily even if you can wait weeks to get one.

NCIX is also a nvidia launch partner so they get more cards than other retailers beside other partners but the demand is so high manufacturers is having a hard time filling orders. Don't blame retailers for this kind of issues and if you are not happy, cancel or pick a different card !

NCIX is one of the finest stores around and I order all the time there myself. However, I agree the ordering system need some polish.

That is funny because I just ordered from EVGA directly and the card is already ready to ship.

I ordered from NCIXUS on launch day in the morning and didn't hear anything about delays, I had to contact them myself even though the card was listed as "IN STOCK" at the time that I placed my order. My payment hasn't been touched and they assured me that they don't try to process your payment until they have cards in stock. So from what you're telling me they must be lieing to me, and I won't get my card for a very long time.

I do not have any payment problems and I am sure of this for 3 reasons:
1. I have plenty of money in the account
2. I've used this payment option multiple times over the past week with absolutely no problem
3. I've contacted NCIX and have been told there are no problems with my order (other than the card being on backorder)
I had no issues at all.

I woke up launch day at 7am, ordered it for $266 shipped with Hitman.

Got it 10am the next day.


As for holding you in line, from experience they send it the minute the shipment comes to them and they express it to you. They don't give you numbers because they don't know.

I'm sure you can call and ask.
I remember when I ordered my E6850 cpu from NCIX I was one of the first people to place the order and yet some people 3,000k further from NCIX than I am who ordered two days after me got their cpu before me. That really pissed me off and I let NCIX know it too but they are still the best online store for me to deal with in Canada. Usually I get very fast shipping even when not selecting the express shipping option.
I bailed and canceled my order. Their philosophy towards payment processing and backorders is egregious.