8800GT Power Requirements


Limp Gawd
Jan 15, 2006
Just bought an 8800GT and wondered if my PSU would be enough for it. I have 30amps on the 12V rails and don't run RAID.


AMD 4600+
3GB DDR2 800 (2x1GB and 2x512MB)
Hitachi SATA HD
Hauppague tuner card
Lite-On DVD drive
QPack case

Will I be ok?
Depends on the brand of the PS. Good name brand ones usually will be ok. If its a no name then it could be 1000w and still not power it.

What kind of PS do you have?
Do you have the stock QPack PSU?

If so, that thing is "unsafe at any speed."
Stock QPack PSU running at the moment with the config above and an ATI 1900GT in it so I should be ok.
Stock QPack PSU running at the moment with the config above and an ATI 1900GT in it so I should be ok.
The stock PSU that comes in the QPack *really sucks*. I had one die completely and the replacement started ticking before my system started rebooting randomly.

Here's a link to jonnyguru's review of it:

You should be thinking about replacing it with something else.
I am going to give it a shot and see. If it doesn't work out I will get a Coolmax and run it.
I am going to give it a shot and see. If it doesn't work out I will get a Coolmax and run it.

I wouldn't recommend even "giving it a shot". You do more damage under powering your rig than you would overpowering it.

In my opinion its better to be safe than sorry.

Grab an Corsair HX*** or something similar.
8800GT super clock only requires a:

Minimum of a 400 Watt power supply.
(Minimum recommended power supply with +12 Volt current rating of 22 Amp Amps.)


Although you don't need anything super large, something better that the stock QPack might be a bit better of a choice. I had the QPack at one time and althought the case is fine, the PSU is basicly a POS, mine really didn't last all that long.

I wouldn't risk a nice card on that PSU, but you don't really need to go overboard either if you're in a cash flow problem.
Just bought an 8800GT and wondered if my PSU would be enough for it. I have 30amps on the 12V rails and don't run RAID.


AMD 4600+
3GB DDR2 800 (2x1GB and 2x512MB)
Hitachi SATA HD
Hauppague tuner card
Lite-On DVD drive
QPack case

Will I be ok?

I agree with the rest here that you should get a name-brand and high-PFC, stable, power supply. I learned my lesson in the past where a cheap, high-wattage PSU can cause lots of trouble in the short-term and the long-term and affects everything from PC stability, overclocking ability, ability to run extra motor-based components like extra fans, waterpumps, etc.

My last PSU purchase was an Antec NeoPower 480W (MaximumPC gave it a Kick-Ass Award of 10 back then) and it keeps the entire system stable, overclocks are stable, and has proven to be pretty future-proof allowing me to run the 8800GT plus all the other components in my sig.

For reference, theres a guy running a 8800gt and a C2D on the 250w Shuttle PSU fine. :eek: