8800GTS 640 @ 675 Core


Limp Gawd
Nov 29, 2006
I am running my 8800GTS 640 PNY @ 675 core and 950 on the mem is that ok cuz I did in game tests and everything is fine and I ran ati tool for 20 mins and the highest the temnp goes is 64... and in the game testing I did it at the part of the game that droped the fps down to 40 cuz normal fps is about 100 around on all maps on cod4 for me.. and this OC is on Air... I just dont hear much ppl getting that high and staying that cool... if the core is not getting to hot no dmg can be done right? everything seems very good and I did notice a big diff in FPS about 20 fps from the stock clock on the GPU.. and no choke points on the map like when it was stock... please suggest anything (good/bad) thanks agian...

so if it is not overheating
then 675 on core and 950 on mem is good then right
i also have the fan fixed at 100%

Please comments or help thank's
With a load temp like that your fine...In my sig is heavily Clocked with Volt mods...24/7...Before that i would run 704mhz//GPU//1736//Shader//2004mhz//memory 24/7 Stock heat sink..Only Differance is memory on a 320 and 640...more memory usualy clocks less.....The shader can still go higher on yours most likely..the biggest thing is to watch the Temps....I usually rais ethe memory first then core and shader till i have to back it down alittle...then i will raise tjust the shader some more test it and call it good..When the GPU is raised first it can put heat into the memory making the memory not clock as high. If you set your memory to 2000Mhz and raise the shader more from the linked Mode @675mhz Gpu im shure youll get more..

If any thing you could run 675/700 GPU...........1636/1700 Shader.............1900/2100 memory on the stock Volts with stock heat sink....

Running the Shader Higher will give you best performance with higher clocked memory even @675GPU...

I have run bench after bench raising and lower clocks and the Shader and memory will benifit you the most if your core wont goe over 675/700mhz...
That is a good temp for that clock. I usually get up to 70C at 650 - of course I'm running 77% fan instead of 100%. As long as it doesn't lock up it is fine to run it at that speed, especially with temps like that.
I am running my 8800GTS 640 PNY @ 675 core and 950 on the mem is that ok cuz I did in game tests and everything is fine and I ran ati tool for 20 mins and the highest the temnp goes is 64... and in the game testing I did it at the part of the game that droped the fps down to 40 cuz normal fps is about 100 around on all maps on cod4 for me.. and this OC is on Air... I just dont hear much ppl getting that high and staying that cool... if the core is not getting to hot no dmg can be done right? everything seems very good and I did notice a big diff in FPS about 20 fps from the stock clock on the GPU.. and no choke points on the map like when it was stock... please suggest anything (good/bad) thanks agian...

Please comments or help thank's

u lucked out my bfg 8800 @ 684/970 does 76c on full load, and thaz with as5
Well I do alway's have AC on in my roon so my ambeint temp at load is about 42-46C and my Core is about 60-65C after about 2 -3 hours in cod4... I do have the Antec 900 tho and that help's alot so I have heard... but when I did go from 600 to 675 I did notice a huge difference in gameplay.. everything was just much smoother... at least 15% smoother then at 600 core ... does that sound about right? I am running the new beta driver's 169.25 it seemed that it ran hotter befor I got them... or it is just me.. but about the fps and smoother running is it just me or would the extra 75mhz just be a sweet point?

so the full spec is shader at 1566 I have it locked to go with my core/mem.. so it is 675core/1566shader/2000 mem..

But like I said I don't know if there is a big fps difference with the higher core but It is alot smoother..
Kinda what i have i got 648 and 950 on the memory and fan on 70% and it never reaches above 82C in games like crysis cod4 etc..
That's a nice overclock you have going. I am at 656 / 984 on water cooling. I can go higher but there are times when I have noticed after several hours of gaming, that I begin artifacting. So, for me, 656 / 984 is absolutely rock solid and I never go above 45c. My idle temps are around 35c to 36c. So, I think you are doing VERY good on air with those clocks.
Well I just went and set it to 1700 on the shader and I really could not tell any difference at all.. I did bump up the mem to 1000 tho rather then 950 and got maby 1 more fps... I could go higher on the core but I think 675 is a good spot...

So I just relinked the shader with core clock and now I have 675/1566/2000 and it run's at the same temp's it never will go over 60c on most cod4 map's.. and my settings are 24" monitor @ 1920x1200 everythong on highest in the game, shadow's off and dynamic lighting on low.. and sometime's I will run 2xaa I will try that right now and see how much fps I lose..
Thats where running the HIGHER SHADER comes in.. The more shader sampling that gets processed the smoother and more vivid the game feels and looks. Not so much a FPS thing but a texture sampling thing:D Bench your card how it is ,then Raise the Shader to 1700+ and bench again. Your SM 2.0 and SM3.0 will go up pretty good..That is your sample rate..its something that is harder to notice but does play a key role in smoothness and game speed.Even though you may not see FPS increase.

If your happy with what you have ,Set it and Forget it...

If not play around with the shader until it acts up in 3Dmark/crashes while using the GPU and memory at the speed you currently have set! Then lower the Shader Only 1-2 full settings...Its usually works out to lowering the shader 30-60mhz from the Highest Shader Clock that you couldnt sqeek past with in 3Dmark06. Ive found this i a pretty decent way of finding that high Oc with stabilty in mind.Always check the temps..usually the Shader wont add exess heat...I know the memory and GPU does!
I did get about 200 more points in 3dmark 06 with the shader on 1700 so I guess that can't hurt.. but yeah Im gonna try to OC my mem to 2000 right now it is back at 1900... ill run rdmark and see what happens when I get the chance to OC the mem higher
naw dude just alot of shit has gone down around xmas.. and to top it all off when I was down at the shooting range I found that the jackass at youngguns mounted my scope wrong... so I got a new scope just waiting to get the mounts for my R700