8800GTS dangerous temps


Oct 25, 2006
What temperatures should i be worried about for my 8800GTS

After 2 hours of oblivion

49.0C / 80.0C / 71.1C
Those are on the high side of normal for the GTS. Nothing to worry about if you aren't experiencing any problems.

If you are worried about it setup some extra airflow in your case.
Make sure that its clean of dust buildup. If you have a hot case get some better cooling for it (mod a fan to the top if there is not one already there). For the time being I would highly recommend downloading rivatuner and change the fan speed from auto to ~88%. That will really help to cool it a bit better. You have to sacrifice some dB's though.

Or if you are lazy take the door off of your case to let the heat out.
it only gets to the high 70's - 80 when i play oblivion
i dont want the fan to die sooner, do u think i should take of the pci slots?
or maybe just turn the fan on higher only when i play oblivion?
im still trying to find a way to make the fans go to 100% at a certain temp.

Again though, what is a dangerous temp for a 8800GTS?
You don't want the fan to die sooner but you would rather have the GPU (the most important component on the board) burning hot? Ok...... I would even be amazed if the fan died in the 2 years that you will probably have the card.

Sorry, I can't cay what constitutes a "dangerous" temp. Someone else would have to chime in on that.
Again though, what is a dangerous temp for a 8800GTS?

Averages in the mid 70's are absolutely fine. Max temps of 80c are also, absolutely fine. These are not cpu's....they run much hotter and are designed to handle that. I run anywhere from 75c to 80c max load temps in actual games, depending on how warm I have my house. Right now it's cold outside (31f), so it's a bit warm in here with my heater on and I just finished an hour of FarCry and the temp never broke 80c.
Those are about the temps of my card too. Try turning your fan speed up with Rivatuner.
Speaking of extra fans:
I also saw a mod posted not too long ago that mounted some fans to the bottom of the case, pushing air up to the 8800. The poster used long screws and a dozen nuts to stand the fans (2) off from the case floor abit. I thought about doing that, but in a more limited fashion, as my sound card blocks access to half of the 8800 above it. Perhaps a fan mounted farther forward on the case floor, on brackets bent at an angle would help direct airflow from the front mounted 120mm fan up to the card. Then replace the stock 120mm front and rear with higher CFM models to help boost things. That an a new HSF for the CPU should have temps in a comfortable range.
The chips are rated for at least 100c without problems...

The 6800 Ultras were rated for 130c before throttling.
You don't want the fan to die sooner but you would rather have the GPU (the most important component on the board) burning hot? Ok...... I would even be amazed if the fan died in the 2 years that you will probably have the card.

Sorry, I can't cay what constitutes a "dangerous" temp. Someone else would have to chime in on that.

what i meant is i dont want the fan to die unless i need to set my fan at a high speed.

i have my heater on aswell, after a hour of oblivion i hit about 77C, the most i ever recorded was 80C after 2 hours.

has any1 called nvidia and asked what temps r bad?
i want men is i dont want the fan to die unless i need to set my fan at a high speed.

i have my heater on aswell, after a hour of oblivion i hit about 77C, the most i ever recorded was 80C after 2 hours.

has any1 called nvidia and asked what temps r bad?

LMAO you just said "I want men" :D

Your card and temps are fine, leave it alone and enjoy your games.
LMFAO *what i meant* im bad at typin
fixed it lol

back on topic now

im worried about my temps because my warrenty is already up and i dont want to have to push my fan unless i have to
im worried about my temps because my warrenty is already up and i dont want to have to push my fan unless i have to

I had a 9800 Pro that FINALLY gave up the fan after oh, about 4 years of use. The only reason I knew it died is because I sold it to my friend who still has the rig.....
was the fan at 100%?

Nah I let it run on auto the whole time, it varies the speed automatically...but during any hard 3d action, it ran 100% because it is in a Shuttle SFF rig, runs a bit warm in there.
has any 1 figured out what temps r dangerous and fan control system that goes to 100% at a certain degree
has any 1 figured out what temps r dangerous and fan control system that goes to 100% at a certain degree

I don't mean to sound rude but man you are long. Your question has been answered already if you read a little more carefully through the thread. The temps you posted are FINE AND WELL WITHIN REASON as many posters already mentioned. Did you buy this card just to obsess over how it MAY break down the road due to temps and how fast you run the fan? Why not just enjoy the card you payed for?

The core is good well above 90c if not more, so please, stop repeating the same thing over and over and just enjoy what you have, others have much higher temps on their cards and are working fine. If you are that worried about temps manually crank the fan speed up, that is what it is there for. I can almost bet my life it will last much longer than you expect and if it does die that is what an RMA is for. Most manufacturers give well over a year if not a lifetime warranty on the cards for reasons just like that.
yes RMA to EVGA is lifetime. I would recommend going to their homepage and registering the card. This guarantees service when you need it from them. Only takes about 2 mins to complete and is well worth your time.

I am sorry again for coming off harsh, I commend you for not lashing back either in your reply to what I said, that is very big of you.
i didnt take harsh, i kno im porb annoyin but im just dont want to throw out $200 and have my card die, glad to kno i get a year warrenty kno
I understand, that is why I feel bad for acting the way I did. I shouldn't have cause I know what it is like to have parts die on you as I have had lots die over the many years I have been dealing with computers. It is not fun at all and can bring down your whole day. I know for a fact I have asked lots of questions in the past when I am unsure either and without asking you will never get an answer right?

Either way enjoy your card, you are very lucky to have one. I am sure you will have lots of gaming fun with it.

If you are worried about cranking up the fan to 100% then don't, but any faster than default is still an improvement. 80-85% is the sweet spot for 90% of users in terms of noise vs. performance. I am sure you will hardly notice a noise increase however temps should go down a fair amount. I would say under 80c constant and your card should live a very long and healthy life. Just keep up on maintenance of cleaning out dust etc and you should be fine. Remember however, these are still Winter months and temps will go up when the summer comes around due to increased ambient temps.

Have you tried overclocking the card yet? If so what is the max clean and stable you were able to achieve?
no i havent oced.

and temps r going to go up in the summer? i figured they would go down especially with the air on. :( I have the vent right infront of my case.
well depending on how well the room is cooled that your system is in during the summer months, it may go down, but only if the room is fairly cool. The ambient temps during the summer are usually a lot warmer than in the winter even with the heat on. Temps generally go up. I am not talking by a massive amount but a few degrees is to be expected. Who knows until the summer comes around however. No one has had this card during the summer months to test as it never came out till mid November.
and i just thought maybe my worries were over :(
ill prob just have to crank up the fan i guess.
and i just thought maybe my worries were over :(
ill prob just have to crank up the fan i guess.

just do it 80% like I said. Believe me the fan will last for years. They are rated for 10's of thousands of hours of use. The card will run much cooler with very little added noise which in turn will help the card survive longer due to decreased temps of the core, ram and pcb. Let us know what your temps are after you raise the fan.
My 8800 GTX under load is about 83C, that's the max I've seen so far.

But it will probably go higher during the summer ... I gotta get better cooling, still trying to make a silent/efficient cooler for it. Trying different combinations of slot coolers / fans.
sorry if i dont understand but can som1 explain how the temps will rise in the summer? i have a vent right infront of my case and the air is always on.

putting fan speed to 80% right now, ill be playin oblivion for about 2 hrs, ill report back with my temps.
I am sorry again for coming off harsh, I commend you for not lashing back either in your reply to what I said, that is very big of you.

Minor threadshift: Wow, actual adults in a thread. I commend you both. I hope the trend catches on!
/end threadshift
just do it 80% like I said. Believe me the fan will last for years. They are rated for 10's of thousands of hours of use. The card will run much cooler with very little added noise which in turn will help the card survive longer due to decreased temps of the core, ram and pcb. Let us know what your temps are after you raise the fan.

Wow, imagine that. :rolleyes: :D
GREAT! Told ya!

You lost at least a good 10-12c didn't ya? How was the noise increase? At 66c max you have a very healthy lifespan in store for that card. Even when the summer months come you will probably barely break 70c at load.
the noise doesnt bother me at all, not even at 100%. Now should i have it so the fan turns to 80% right when the comp starts or should i change when im going to game.
also since i only set it to 80% will this shorten the lifespan of my fan/heatsink?
how long do you think the fan will last?
when it does die what can i buy to replace it?
My GTS will fail if it's put on load at 83-85 C for more than an hour or so. I lowered the clock down to 600/900 which is pretty low, but it's just for now. I think its stable at 615/950 but I'm gonna need to do more testing. I get 10010on 3dmark06 with this clock so I'm pretty happy. At 650/1000 I got 10565 but it wasn't stable with Atitool artifact scanner + Orthos.
Take that sucker apart and spackle the GPU with some AS5.

My GTX hasn't broken 60C since @ 650 / 1010
the noise doesnt bother me at all, not even at 100%. Now should i have it so the fan turns to 80% right when the comp starts or should i change when im going to game.
also since i only set it to 80% will this shorten the lifespan of my fan/heatsink?
how long do you think the fan will last?
when it does die what can i buy to replace it?

80% will shorten it, but not by much. In fact, you're LENGTHENING the life of your GPU... so... besides, you can always get another HSF.

Leave it on 80% all the time.

There's nothing to replace it yet, but eventually I'm sure something'll crop up. Eventually... And besides, you've got forever to get a new HSF if it dies (read IF it dies).

And don't bump posts unless it's been at least 8hrs.