8800GTS vs 7800GTXsli


Oct 16, 2005
Got a 300 dollar gift cert for newegg! Upgrade time!

Looking at a 320 or 640meg 8800gts because I'm having a serious hate-on for SLI. Why you say? No dual monitor mode when SLI enabled. Pain in the ass to switch back and fourth.
Much of the time I play WoW and like to have a dual screen setup going so I can see vent and a webrowser and whatnot. Seems petty but it's starting to be a real issue.

Current setup:
S939 X2 4400
2 gigs of nice OCZ DDR
Nforce4 SLI mobo
2X 7800GTX

Is my CPU too weak to justify switching to a 8800? Would my money be better spent toward on a new core duo mobo+cpu? (And new DDR2 memory I guess :p)
Well i would say you would be good to go with the GTS.

If you can wait, i would wait till the refresh which should be in a month or so. You may get a better deal/better (faster) card for the same money.
Has it been that long already? Wow.

Yeah, I can imagine there being a smaller/cooler running/die shrunk/cheaper 8600/8800"pro" thats nearly as fast. Picking up a 640meg 8800gts is tempting tho.. I'll be paying 300 less out of pocket!

Must.. Resist..
Just go ahead and buy it. Get a EVGA card and you can "Step Up" if something better comes out.
You're going to use your gift card just so you can have a hassle free time using dual monitors to play WoW? Whatever floats your boat.
You're going to use your gift card just so you can have a hassle free time using dual monitors to play WoW?

I can't very well use SLI mode while running dual monitor mode, can I?
(Seems wrong that I can attach 4 monitors, but only use 1 at a time If I want SLI mode)
Ever tried running this setup? It really is a pain in the ass! You have to navigate through no les than 3 menus to disable sli.
Sometimes you have to reboot
Sometimes it crashes
Sometimes SLI won't be re-enabled even though it says it is, and you have to reboot anyway
Sometimes you also have to re-enable multi desktop mode manually when you come out of SLI mode.

8800GTs would be faster than both running in SLI anyway. I don't just play WoW.