8800Gts320 Bfgtech will 640 bios work for memoryVoltage?

Apr 10, 2007
Ok my card clocks real well on the Gpu @ 648 hz and @ 1512hz shader but heres the trick the memory just wont pass 1650 hz =828 mem clock no matter if i use ATitool or RivaTuner!
I really dont want to do a (bios flash mod )but if i had to does anyone know if the 640 bios have a higher Voltage setting for the Gpu and memory?...

Has it been done or can it be done with out Volt modding the Vidcards board?

I just cant find the info ,I always find gtx to ultra stuff lol....If there is no way for my mem to do better i will except my given clocks @648/1512/1650 Thanks in Advance...

Im on AIR not water at 48c idle 2d and 59c under load after 3hours of heavy gaming viewing Rivatuner temps and cores with game window open...