8800gtx coolers mia?


Aug 3, 2006
this is really started to bug me.
there doesn't seam to be any after market coolers for the 8800gtx!
there's loads of coolers for the 8000 series, but they all state very clearly every 8000 series except the gtx!
the zalman vf1000 seams an options but the heatsink pack required for the gtx are hard to find.
there's also the HR3-plus, but it's a monster, and if you mount the cooler round the back of the card the ram seams to get next to no cooling...

or am i being an idiot?
if the compatibility list includes gt's, can i assume the cooler will work with a gtx?

just to be clear: i have no intention of replacing my good ol' 8800gtx.
i'm perfectly happy with it.
i just want a better cooler so it's quieter, and i may even oc it a little.
that's all.
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Back when I had a g80 card, those two you mentioned were the more popular ones. I believe thermaltake made a dual orb cooler for it as well. I had the zalman on my g80s. I wouldn't invest money into tech that old though, you could pick up a sub $150 card that will run circles around the 8800gtx and be both cooler and less power hungry.
only just starting to feel the upgrade urge tbh, which means it'll be a least another 6 months before i do.
i'd rather just by a cooler and overclock for now.
The card is OLD.
Look at Performance-pcs................they sometimes carry older stuff.
only just starting to feel the upgrade urge tbh, which means it'll be a least another 6 months before i do.
i'd rather just by a cooler and overclock for now.

You wouldn't really be able to squeeze that much more performance out of the 8800GTX with a new cooler. That $50 spent on a new cooler might get you 25-50MHz which is nothing at all. The real benefit to aftermarket coolers for older cards is probably just having a quieter system.
ok, just to be clear: i have no intention of replacing my good ol' 8800gtx.
i'm perfectly happy with it.
i just want a better cooler so it's quieter, and i may even oc it a little.
that's all.
The Zalman VF1000 will work with your 8800 GTX:http://www.amazon.com/Zalman-ZM-VF1000LED-Silent-Blue-Cooler/dp/B001W2XXTK

From Zalman's FAQ section: We recommend our VF1000 LED for the Geforce 8800 Series, NVIDIA's high performance graphics card. For the Geforce 8800 GTS/GTX series, RAM heat sink ZM-RHS88 must be used in conjunction with the VF1000 to provide adequate cooling for the additional heat generated by the I/O Chipset, RAM, and FET.

Amazon's site seems to imply it comes with the ZM-RHS88 in which case you would be golden but I would look into it a bit more just to be sure.
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ok, just to be clear: i have no intention of replacing my good ol' 8800gtx.
i'm perfectly happy with it.
i just want a better cooler so it's quieter, and i may even oc it a little.
that's all.

If you want silent and are considering watercooling......I have a DangerDen block for that card, I think, that you can have for the shipping.....I just can't remember if I already gave it away or sold it or something......shoot me a PM if you are interested.:D
pretty sure the VF1000 is LOUD and doesn't work that well compared to stock...

Seriously, its been proven over and over, the stock cooler on the 8800GTX is MORE then sufficient for it...

I believe you can try lapping it or putting small nylon washers under the heatsink screws on the back, that helps secure it better.

Also, change your thermal paste to something better, I bet you have the stock crap paste in there
The key to silencing a vf1000 is to remove the pos fan and ziptie a 120mm fan to it.
what about the Accelero Twin Turbo?

is it my mistake or are there tons of coolers for almost any gfx card except the 8800GTX/Ultra?! :mad:

stupid question no doubt but is the
Accelero9800 compatible?
Get the Accelero I linked made specifically for your 8800 GTX (as requested). I own one and its awesome. I OC my 8800 GTX to 648/1512/1000 and it never passes 69C while gaming even when I set the fan speed to 40% (and at that speed its extremely quiet). Set to auto (60% minimum) it never passes 60C. Short of some ghetto mod you're not going to find a better or easier to install cooler for an 8800 GTX.

I bought mine two years ago for more than what this ebay store is asking and it was still well worth it. And no, the Accelero 9800 is not compatible. The Accelero 8800 is!

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