8800GTX Heat!


Limp Gawd
Feb 18, 2007
rivatuner is reporting my core temp at 83C and my ambient temp at 68C. my PC is idle. I think the core temp is my GPU temp. I'm a noob with these programs, but how can I increase the speed of my fans, specifically my GPU fan? what about other options, such as after market cooling?

whats weird is my 8800 GTX is seated at the bottom of my case, and heat literally builds there and stays there. I have tons of air cooling, 1 front intake, 2 back exhaust, 1 top exhaust, 1 side intake, a tuniq tower, and the stock mobo and gpu fans, and yet I can't get that heat moving out of there even after lots of cable management.
Two things you can do. Install Rivatunner 2.01 and increase the fan speed. Next buy a blower type exhaust fan. A lot of hot air leaks out of the the slits at the front of the card. The stock heatsink is very effect, just need to up the fan speed and add that blower fan.
Ambient 68°C? Where you livin', the desert?

Seriously, that's pretty high, 154°F. I'd say you have some serious problems with airflow dynamics. Maybe add another high powered intake or drop one of the exhausts. The 80 series cooling layout is designed to blow air out of your case anyway, maybe you're exhausting what little cool air your one intake fan is able to bring into the case.

If your average room temp is between 70-75°F then the main goal is to pull some of that cool air into the case, more so then exhaust hot air out of th case.
hah, well I'm not sure what the ambient temp refers to, but thats what it said in rivatuner 2.01. I imagine it refers to another sensor somewhere inside the case

last night I measured my temps some more. my peak GPU temp was 84C while playing a game, and the lowest was about 77C idle. I think the issue is more of airflow problems then the heatsink, though I could try that at some point. I think I mainly just need to figure out how to get that air moving. here is the case I have with pics of airflow and fans. you'll notice there is that little area near the bottom and back where there isn't much airflow. thats where my heat builds up and stagnates


I think one of the problems might be that there is only one front intake fan, and it is seated directly in front of the HDs. I have a lot of my PSU cables routed toward that front part of the case, I could move them to the top part though I don't think it would make much difference unless I moved some fans around. now, I was thinking about moving the top exhaust fan, or the higher of the two rear exhaust fans and using one (or both) of them for front intake. as far as I can tell, there is little heat being exhausted from where those fans are situated, especially the top exhaust fan. the large, lower exhaust fan moves a ton of heat though. moving these smaller fans would pull more air in, but still probably wouldn't solve my problem of moving that air at the bottom of my case. I could position one of them to blow over the video card though...

I also have that huge ass side panel fan. it currently reduces my temps a little, but I think it could help a lot if I increased the speed on it because it seems like it can pull a lot of air in. unfortunately, the air would still mostly blow above my video card, but it would help some. increasing the speed of this fan and the GPU fan are the first things I want to try. I've got rivatuner 2.01 and the latest speedfan, but I'm really new with these programs and haven't had time to mess with them much. how can I increase fan speeds in these programs?
My quad + sli rig is a little bun oven. All it needs is a easy bake logo.
^^ lol. (/me invisions a little open port on side of the case to slide a cake in and warm it up ;))

83c is warm, but not critical.. these cards are made to run hot.. but yeah, get Rivatuner and hard fix the fan speed on the card to like 91% (check the use config on startup box also).. that should drop your load temps by a good margin.. those fans are quiet also, you'll barely be able to hear the fan spin up to 90% (91% in RT = 90% actual) on Windows boot.
good lord, GPU temp is 66-67C right now lol. I just got home from work, and left my PC on all day. it is also considerably cooler in my room right now (like 73F) while last night it was probably somewhere between 77-80F. I should also mention I just got my side panel fan yesterday and installed it and re-routed lots of cables, so maybe it is making more of a difference then it initially was. I'll continue monitoring it and see how it changes. I still want to change some fan settings though, and could use some help on that or maybe some guides that could show me how
Is this with stock cooling? Or have you installed another heatsink? I'd recommend removal of the heatsink and reapplication of some AS5.

My quad + sli rig is a little bun oven. All it needs is a easy bake logo.

O M F G, bake me a cake will ya! :eek: