8800GTX OC?

the gamer

Mar 14, 2005
I am going to be getting a 8800GTX OC next month and I was wondering if they are still good, I want to be able to play Crysis, Dirt, GRAW 2, and all that at least on high settings with 2/4x AA.

I am getting a X2 4800+ in a few days too
I am going to be getting a 8800GTX OC next month and I was wondering if they are still good, I want to be able to play Crysis, Dirt, GRAW 2, and all that at least on high settings with 2/4x AA.

I am getting a X2 4800+ in a few days too

Crysis....nobody knows how your GTX will play it. Dirt is already pushing the GTX quite a bit. Graw2 no problem....However, you didn't even say which resolution you're playing on. Also, the X2 4800+ is most likely to be the limiting factor in your equasion.
Crysis is due around 11th of Sept, (I preordered it along with Hellgate: London/Bioshock/Unreal Tournament 3).

If it's released around then, we should be seeing a demo up for download next month. Worth waiting abit to upgrade,(if the bug doesn't have you :D ) to see what others are saying their systems are getting performance wise.
I have a 8800GTX running at 1920x1200 and can play Dirt, GRAW2 etc with everything pretty much maxxed out and no problems at all. If you are just playing at 1280x1024 you really wont push an 8800GTX at all, at least not with current games :)
Yep, a GTX will destroy anything and everything at that res.

Also... it's seriously time to get a new monitor, bud. $200 gets you a nice 22" widescreen LCD that'll do 1680x1050 these days.
Sorry, I just didn't see the point in asking if a GTX is good anymore. Its basically the fastest card on the market - I'm assuming the Ultra is just a GTX overclocked.

The question doesn't even make sense :p
I'm assuming the Ultra is just a GTX overclocked.

It is. Minus the very minimal hardware differences. And to me, that's not worth the extra money. I just got my 8800GTX maybe a week ago now, and I am very happy with it, but I would wait until either a; we see Crysis benchmarks, or b; the "G92" releases. Although, most HD, and other videos I have seen of Crysis are in fact running on a single GTX in mostly DX9, and it still looks amazing. BUT, if you want that extra bit of eye candy, I would probably wait until the this holiday season. I don't have a doubt the GTX will able to run Crysis well, with good setting on high, and such, but the next gen cards should deliver on what DX10 games need.
With Ultra prices now within $50-70 of the GTX it makes more sense than it once did to get an Ultra, especially if you intend to overclock the card. The A3 revision core runs cooler, allowing it to OC a good bit higher than the A2's. If I was buying now, I'd buy an Ultra. Unfortunately when I bought it was more like $150 different, and I couldn't bring myself to pay that much for a cooler running slightly OC'd version of the same card. I've tested it briefly, and my GTX will run at Ultra speeds only about a 4C increase in core temp.