8rda+ capacitors


Limp Gawd
Dec 29, 2002
I need to double check the capacitors on the 8rda+. Mine have started to leak and bludge. Anyone got an 8rda+ laying around they can check? I could take everything out but that's a hassle.

These are from the power section, around the memory slots, and next to the AGP slot. These are the types that have started to bludge and leak. The ones smaller than these look just fine.
8 - 1000uF 6.3v
5 - 1500uF 6.3v
6 - 3300uF 6.3v
4 - 2200uF 10v
HOw exactly do you mean "check"? If the tops of the caps are bulging and spitting crap out, it's time to buy a new MB.
Heh, I meant check the values. Sorry I wasn't clear in my first post :p I can just replace them myself. I would check the values myself but that would mean I would have to tear everything out then put it back together to order the parts then take everything out again to replace the caps. I was hoping someone had one laying around and could confirm the values.
Igthorn said:
Thanks. Just what I needed. Now to pick parts.
Careful picking parts; don't just order any capacitor out of the digikey catalog. Get the exact same value, and make sure the caps you get are low ESR types, or even organic / OS-CON types. High ESR ones will blow up.
my friends 8rda+'s caps started leaking not to long ago (he's had the mobo for over a year), and epox is replacing it for him. i'd suggest emailing tech support and trying to get a similar replacement.