8x/8x for 2 7970?

Feb 24, 2010
I recently bought a i5 2310 and a Z68 mobo x8/x8 Pci-e 2.0.

But eyefinity 5760*1080 worries me on that motherboard.
According this article GTX 480 SLI - 5760x1200 Even 2 480 cards bottleneck?

I'm considering selling my intel setup and keep my X6 thuban and x16/x16 mobo.
bottlenecking from the 8x bus will be negligible, as the article says only at extremeley high resolutions where super high amount of graphic memory transfers occur is it really a factor. 25x16 has almost identical performance. I wouldn't worry too much

If you look at the numbers, even at very high resolutions the degree of bottlenecking isn't any more than a few fps. I really don't think it's worth the bother to replacing the mobo.
bottlenecking from the 8x bus will be negligible, as the article says only at extremeley high resolutions where super high amount of graphic memory transfers occur is it really a factor. 25x16 has almost identical performance. I wouldn't worry too much

If you look at the numbers, even at very high resolutions the degree of bottlenecking isn't any more than a few fps. I really don't think it's worth the bother to replacing the mobo.

Well I do game at 5760*1080.

I have a Thuban x6 + AM3 Mobo: x16/x16(dual) or x16/x8/x8 (tri) and quad: x8/x8/x8/x8.
I also have a Z68 + i5 2310: x16 or x8/x8 (up to x8 in mobo manual).

Well one of them has to go, I'm considering selling my AMD setup and gaming on just one 7970.
I'm not sure how the 2310 compares to the x6, but it is possible that you might get more performance increase from the CPU than you'd ever lose from x8x8 (which is a negligible impact).
I'm not sure how the 2310 compares to the x6, but it is possible that you might get more performance increase from the CPU than you'd ever lose from x8x8 (which is a negligible impact).

Well I need to do more research considering the hardocp GTX 480 show 10% decrease x8/x8 vs x16/x16 for 5760*1080.

Bet it's alot more with 2x 7970.
We need newer testing. That test is from 2010 (BF2 was the test game) and didn't show any noticeable difference even at high resolutions (the difference was only in the number, not in the playability). Surprised no one has tested this with 680s or 7970s yet.
no crossfire or SLI testing was done which is retarded.

That won't make any difference. The slots are the same, single or dual card, bandwidth doesn't change there. The only thing that will change is the effectiveness of the AMD crossfire or Nvidia SLI drivers.
It changes in that you can run higher settings with SLI, which increases the amount of data being transfered over the bus. So it can have some impact on SLI/Crossfire. Not enough to matter still, but some.
I doubt that, I played Alan Wake on one gpu maxed out, cpu was only 16.6% load.

so you played one game and decided it wasn't a botteleneck :)? check out hardocps review for tri 580 vs tri 6970s, an i7 @ 3.6ghz was bottelenecking the 580s enough for the 6970 to take a good lead.

play bf3, or any other modern multi-core friendly game with 7970 xfire / 680 sli. You will hit a cpu wall before a gpu wall.
Hard to say with that chart, there's almost no information at all on the testing standards. I wouldn't consider it credible until I saw more details about how any testing was done. In, theory there's no reason to believe the results would change by using crossfire or SLI based on the PCI-E standards, only drivers should make a difference there.
Is there a xtremesystem article on pci-e 2.0 vs 3.0 that I can't find?

According the first post on this page pci-e 2.0 is almost half the fps compared to 3.0:

There is a thread somewhere on this site, that had some testing, both here and with someone over at extreme. It has been awhile since I read it and the details are sketchy, but it was someone who gets featured on the front page for his builds. He de-bezzles his LCD's and recently the 900 series Sony 24" CRT's, it was mentioned in a thread of his recent build, approx January on a socket 2011 set-up, Quad-fire. I wish I could remember more, but I was researching monitors at the time, and I'm getting old !!! Hopefully that will be enough to shake someones memory and get ou closer