"9-Month Owner Report".... my 32" Sharp Aquos LC-32GP3U-B


Limp Gawd
Mar 5, 2005
Bought it in Jan '08, JR Music NYCity (real fine online vendor, Free Frt. no-hassle 30day 100% Refund).
From Day-1, this sukka has been my PC monitor and my Gaming monitor.
From Day-1 it has always been run at full 1080P resolution (1920x1080).
Its never been run at any other rez (I dont use it for TV).

I'm writing this Post at 1080P rez .... the Text is razor sharp. My heavy Websurfing is awesome with this big screen----u can see so much of everything.
Colors are brilliant----and they keep their 'settings'. Its been months since last I grabbed my 'Remote' and tinkered with any color settings.
So, I can now happily report that this Sharp "GP3U" seems to be a "set it & forget it" Monitor.
Also, I just now checked the current August price, and GP3U has dropped only $150 since I bot it January. IMO that speaks tons for its "Quality".
When a TV holds its market-value like this, its a good "sign" that Owners are happy and are not returning them.
BTW, if I'da had more guts back then---- I'da bot the "Red" model (nice deep wine-red Color) but oh well, my sleek Black model is looking just fine :D

Wow, when gaming at 1920x1080 rez in wild games like NeverWinter Nights2 .... Mask Of Betrayer ... Oblivion --------this Sharp's huge 32" screen shows
gigantic wide areas of battlefield, with tons of scenery in high detail. "1080P gaming" is so fine, so immersive.
Also I was pleasantly suprised to see how much more scenery a 32" screen shows than my nice Dell 30" showed (my Bro. now has that one, and is very happy :D ).
Would I buy GP3U again? Yes. Does it have any "quirks", any "defects", any "glitches"?
Well, it might have some, but after 9 months of heavy PC use & heavy Gaming use, I ain't found any yet ----but I'll :D keep looking :D
Good luck guys, happy Gaming.
How are you connecting this to your pc? Im considering getting one of these, but afaik there is no DVI input. Are you using a HDMI to DVI converter? How is the text quality?
the problem with using hdtv's as monitors is the pixel size. you need to ensure you have enough space or else the screen is practically unusable for text due to the pixel pitch and screen brightness. on a 37 this effect is even more pronounced so ensure you have at least 2-3' of space.
yeah the 37 is too big for my desk anyhow and I do sit fairly close.