90gb Vertex 2 $158 AR

i have OCZ but couple things intels reliability is hands down AMAZING and on top of the OCZ gets it speed from using uncompressed data and then compresses to increase rates real life performance of INTEL and OCZ are very similar. The other thing i prefer 2.5" drives since you can always use an adapter and resale is better on 2.5" since you can market to more customers. Regardless this is a solid deal on a great drive
Real performance? Almost everything on a boot drive is compressible. Sandforce is faster in the real world and in the benchmark world. People keep trolling these threads with claims of Sandforce unreliability but nobody has been able to provide any evidence of it.
I wish this was like 100-120gb for this price then I would finally buy one.
I haven't had an issue yet with OCZ rebates so I'm in for one! I need some more space for my OS drive. I'll use this for Win7 + apps and RAID 0 my two Vertex 64GB units for gaming.

Now my decision is whether or not to do a full reinstall of everything or just clone my old drive to the new one...