912b / 193p / 1905fp


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 23, 2004
Which one is probably the best for gaming for a 19 inch?

The Viewsonic 912B for 560
The Dell 1905FP for 529
The Samsung 193p for 500 (I can get a discount only on that monitor)
why do you need a 19"? the 17" have the same resolution and cost less....

viewsonic: slighly smaller bezel, 12ms response, 400-nit brightness, 450:1 contrast, 1 DVI-D 2 VGA
samsung: response time - i think its 16ms, but im probably wrong, 250-nit brightness, 1000:1 contrast, 1 DVI-D, 1 VGA

the samsung has a higher contrast ratio, and looks sleeker IMHO
the viewsonic has a faster response time and is brighter

it all depends on what youre doing... gaming id say the viewsonic for response time and brightness; samsung for 'office' work because of the higher contrast ratio

the two are very respectable companies, so you really have to decide over what you do more.... id assume that you game a good bit, so id recommend the viewsonic. i still say that you look into a 17" LCD though, since theres no advantage of a 19" over a 17". a 17" may have a higher advantage w/ more features and/or better specs. along w/ a lower price.
The 193P is the best in the list (better than the 1905 only beacuse it's cheaper).
IdiotInCharge said:
The 193P is the best in the list (better than the 1905 only beacuse it's cheaper).

how, the 1905 is 529$ at dell.com right now, i cant even find a 193P for less than 600$
LuckyNumber said:
how, the 1905 is 529$ at dell.com right now, i cant even find a 193P for less than 600$

....but if you read his post, you would see that HE CAN. And thus my advice to HIM.
You can get the 193P for 450$ after mail-in rebates at J and R. I don't know how good they are with MIRs but i ordered one from them and i am wating for the delivery as we speak.
clockworks said:
Which one is probably the best for gaming for a 19 inch?

The Viewsonic 912B for 560
The Dell 1905FP for 529
The Samsung 193p for 500 (I can get a discount only on that monitor)

I have a Samsung 193P and it ghosts some in dark areas of games, so if you want a good gaming monitor I wouldn't recommend it. Get the Viewsonic.
Sorry that I haven't replied in a decent time. Anyways, I have thought about 17" and since I will be doing Photoshophing and the occasional 3D modeling, I thought that a 19" might be best. Gaming will be casual (mosltly Halo and Far Cry with some HL2 goodness), but ghosting is something that would suck (obviously). I don't need it today, probably sometime in May/June time so until then, what's the big thing that is coming out in that time period?

Thanks to all those who help.
Faster response time screens from Samsung based on their PVA technology (successor to the 193P). We're waiting on the 16ms versions at all sizes, and there was some murmering about an 8ms version (yes, 8 bit PVA) posted in the forum from some article. Sufficive to say, better jewels from Samsung coming soon.
According to anand, the 1905FP is the same as the 193, glass wise. Also, I called Dell yesterday and they will part with a 1905FP for 449 with free shipping.
Now if I didn't have to pay tax for Dell being in Texas. Think I'll pick me up one to replace this dying P95f+.
Yeah, me too, in Georgia. I think I would just have a friend in SC buy it, the beauty of being near a border. Dell quoted me that price for yesterday and today only, but I don't think it was a big deal for them to whach 15%
Yes indeed, the guys at anandtech are honest and professional enough to state that ...
"Dell was generous enough to give us one of their newest 19" LCD models, the much famed 1905FP"

Dell prefers to make us think that all 1905FP have a PVA panel by providing his lcds to the testers, than to state it officially.

Why ? Well maybe that if Dell states officially that every 1905FP has a PVA panel, then the company could expose itself to suits if ever one 1905FP was found to have been sold without a PVA panel inside, and the company would simply lose credibility, which is not good for busyness.

But they have every right to put whichever panel in there that fits the specifications given for the 1905FP, even some mva panels, and no one has a right to say anything about that since, precisely they never stated officially that every 1905FP has a pva panel, while all the while, everyone thinks one will always find a pva panel in there. They're smart people, they know their busyness.
But let's be fair, one might think Dell is contractually bound towards Samsung to not disclose they use PVA panels, leaving Samsung the only one able to claim officially to use them maybe. That could be an explanation for their not specifying it.

If so, why can we find some manufacturers that specify officially using pva panels in their lcds ? Did those manufacturers pay a premium to Samsung to be able to state that ?
has dell done anything to give you the suspection that not all of the 1905fp are pva? seems pretty inconvenient to manufacture a few pva and the rest something else. maybe they might change it sometime from now. as a few manufacture has with some of their panels (hyundai for example).

but lets see how the 2005fpw stacks up in the backlight issue when anandtech releases the review. more often then not, it's going to have backlight issue...unless dell hand picked this baby out for anandtech.

i would like to know how the crew at anandtech opened the panel though, it would be nice for pepole with backlighting issue to find a solution once it's opened.