92mm fans? Any round ups out there? Looking for suggestions


Nov 30, 2004
i see tons of round up and reviews for 80mm and 120mm's....

but not for 92.... i need a 92mm

So im looking for a 92mm that pumps good air for as quiet as possible...

looking for 50 plus CFM fans for as quiet as possible.

Any ideas out there I would appreciate them!
Panaflo's dominate the 92mm performance/noise ratio market.
eewww, tri-sucks. Terrible bearing noise, not particularly powerful, and more than many better fans. what a deal.
I have the Antec Tri-Cool. You wouldn't like them. At their top speed of 79CFM it is one loud fan. I have to set them to medium or low. It's still noisy.
I'm using 4 92mm Acoustifans in my case and they are very quiet for the amount of air they push
Bbq said:
eewww, tri-sucks. Terrible bearing noise, not particularly powerful, and more than many better fans. what a deal.
Actually they dont suck. They work fine in my case. Mine have no bearing noise. If its a problem get the sleaved version. Also they have 3 speeds which is pretty useful as a controller isant necessary.

And to Boyo, 79CFM? not these fans.

There is nothing wrong with having an opinion but at least know what you are responding too.
Antec tri-cool = noisy unless at the lowest setting at which point very little air is moved.
I recommend the Nexus 92mm fan. Much better performance vs. noise.
If you're serious about getting a quiet fan then simply do not buy any ball bearing based fan.

The best thing to do is just buy a few cheap 92mm fans and see which one you prefer. I know it's just throwing money at the problem but the truth is that you simply cannot trust anyone's opinion on 'quietness'; you have to hear it for yourself. A good start is to avoid websites with oxymoronic comments like 'almost silent'. It's either silent or it isn't, absolute term. No fan is silent, it's impossible, there are only levels of quiet.

Sleave designs are generally cheaper and, ironically, much quieter at low speeds. Ball bearing fans are louder and only get worse over time. Sometimes much worse.

From personal experience the best fans I've ever owned are Evercool 80mm. Low speed, decent airflow and really properly quiet at low speeds (3 volts is about what I run mine at). And they last a good while without growing any annoying sounds. I have about 10 in my system. Sounds like a racket but they're all at about 3 volts and are collectively quieter than my single Enermax Noisetaker 600w PSU at it's lowest fan speed.
thanks everyone!

i think im probably going to have ot probably go with the

"he best thing to do is just buy a few cheap 92mm fans and see which one you prefer. I know it's just throwing money at the problem but the truth is that you simply cannot trust anyone's opinion on 'quietness';"

As suggested by spine...

im gonna just have to try a few from peoples suggestions and see what i like best....

Its been a while since i worried about fans, as i was water cooling last couple of years, but now that im back to air, i was just trying to get some ideas...

They will be on a fan controller, so i want a quiet fan at 7V, and not really care at 12 volts when im gaming becuase well, not gonna hear the fans over the 5.1 surround sound :)

So i was looking for the best of both worlds.... solid CFM movement at 12v, and nice and as quiet as possible at 7v.

Which I realize now is a subjective thing, and i wont know unless you plug them in and listen...

but I appreciate everyones fan ideas, becuase it gives me a place to start, buy, and begin testing!!!
I have a Panaflow in my old Socket A box, can cool a 2800+Barton well enough to get over 2.4GHz stable, and not make enough noise to bother anyone who was in the same room as that machine. I like the Tri-cools, but I've only had 120mm ones, I have no idea how they are at 92mm. At that size you might be better off with a panaflow.
yeah based on pure "choices" the panaflows have more choices at 92mm than anyone else by far... im probably gonna order a couple, and see how they work out!
I'm talking about the same tri's that you are. Clear, no leds, silver wire. Ball bearing.

Just remember, Don't believe SilenX. Ever.
Bbq said:
I'm talking about the same tri's that you are. Clear, no leds, silver wire. Ball bearing.

Just remember, Don't believe SilenX. Ever.
LOL, well I still like mine.
And I use the Silenx in my CrossFlow comp (have you ever tried them?) :rolleyes:
IMO SilenX fans are actually pretty good. I use a few with a fan regulator and they whisper while working. Their problems are:
1) specs REALLY lie about noise levels.
2) REALLY expensive
They work well. There are just more cost effective "silent" performance fans available on the market. Nexus has been my personal favorite, followed by some Coolermaster models.