9450 at 3.2


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 18, 2000
OK, so I finally got a new mobo - Gigabyte P35-DS3L.

I can only get my 9450 to 3.2 (400FSB). I've got it on a scythe ninja.

I clocked my CPU down to 6x and pushed up the FSB some more and it seems that the RAM was good to at least 420 (I was able to run prime RAM test for a while).

So I'm trying to figure out why. I see everyone else running their 9450s at 3.4+GHz.
Whats your ram? the best ive done sofar is 3.44 but i havent played with my ram settings yet... sooo im not sure. BUt i think you may wanna look at your ram.
VID was 1.23V, I'm running it at 1.29V now (per CPUID).

I'm pretty sure my RAM should be good to at least 410 if not 420. Like I said, I turned the multi down and put the FSB up faster and it ran at 420 for a while. I should be able to at least boot at 420 and the default multiplier (which I cant do now).
Put the northbridge up to 1.35-1.4
CPU VTT or FSB Termination voltage, set to 1.28v.-1.31v

See what gives. :)
Do you know what the default voltages are? The GB mobo only has the + differentials, so +.1, +.2, etc.
I'm in a similar situation so I'll add in here. I'm using OCZ PC2 9200 at the prescribed voltage of 2.1. Just setting the FSB to 400 MHz with a 3:4 mem. divider (mem. at 533 MHz) and everything else absolutely stock, it will run Prime95 all day at 3.2 GHz. But just at 410 MHz with CPU voltage at 1.3 it won't even make it through one cycle of Prime. The memory appears to be fine. Dropping the CPU multiplier to 6X and at a FSB: DRAM ratio of 1:1 it will run Prime at a FSB speed of 475 MHz all day at all stock voltages. It starts crapping out at 500 MHz. I'll check the effect of using the suggested FSB term. voltage and Northbridge voltages, but I've been reluctant to bump those so far, since at stock voltages my NB temp. hits 60 C and SB is at 50 C under load, which seems high to me.
Start low, and see if it becomes more stable. If not, give it more.

Does your board have GTL voltage adjustments in BIOS?
Well my Vtt and NB voltages were already at +0.2V. I cant seem to get anywhere above 3.2/400.

I dunno, I have a few avenues. I need to buy some RAM for my sister's new comp, so I might just get some 1066 RAM for myself and give her my old stuff. I might get a NB fan too. Though I hate the idea of buying more DDR 2 at this point since I know its almost obsolete (my next CPU upgrade will be nehalem mid-09 and thats DDR3).
OK. Bumping those voltages, with a 1:1 FSB: DRAM I couldn't boot into windows with FSB at 425 MHz. At 420 MHz I could get into windows and run a few quick benchmarks with a divider keeping the mem. below DDR1066 (forgot what the exact value was).
I used the 5:6 divider on the 1333strap @ 445 FSB. My board seems to like that. Gives me 1068mhz on the memory @ 1.925v

Your OCZ might need 2.2. Do you know what IC's those use?
I have no idea what any of this means, but it scares me that the Q9450 doesnt OC well. I Just bought it, a evga 750ftw and 4gb of xms2 corsair and wanted to go to 3.2 :(
I have my X3350 up to 3504MHz with the volts set to auto in the BIOS. My ram is GSkill 1066 set to run @ 1 : 1 with the FSB, timing set to 4-4-4-10. I ran Prime for over 19 hours with no problems.I am using a Gigabyte EX38-DS4 motherboard
I'm at 3.2 on stock volts, haven't bothered pushing it further yet.
I'm at 3.28 on stock volts too (8 x 410), all stable with several couple-hour Orthos and Prime passes. Temps remain low at 32c idle/43c load as reported by RealTemp (water-cooled however...). Haven't tried to push farther, and don't intend to for the time being.

You haven't mentioned temps, but I'd check with RealTemps or TAT that all or one of your cores aren't running hot. The Scythe HSF you have is good and should be more than sufficient for 3.2 if seated correctly. If temps aren't the problem, I'd really try it in another board before you conclude it's the q9450 that won't OC...
Just for reference - at 3.2 I was getting about 41/51 on air with Xigmatek Red Scorpion Cooler. These were temps reported by SmartGuardian, but I'll install another temp program tonight.
From what I've seen around the net and in my own experience, the yorkfields don't particularly like high FSB.

My Kentsfield would go all the way up to 1900FSB or 475

My yorkfield will only go up to 1680FSB or 420 and thats on the same motherboard......
I was in the same boat last week until Fry's/Outpost got a small inventory; I heard last week's shipment was the very last until early June. The x3350 seem out-of-stock everywhere too now which would make sense.

Unless you can find one from a small retailer, Ebay may be the only way to go...
Using Realtemp I get idle speeds around 30c and load temps of 60c.
30c for idle is a tad low, but not impossible, for your HSF (my cores "only" average 32C on water-cooling)
60c for load is pretty high for a Penryn, and a 100% delta between idle-load is just not right.

Are those temps for your hottest core? An average of all four?

I might try to re-seat your Ninja. Or another possibility is you have bad temp sensors, but considering your low OC headroom, I'd tend to think it's running too hot.