9600GT Overclocks


Limp Gawd
Feb 24, 2004
Just bought the stock-clock 9600GT from EVGA and was wondering what kind of overclocks you 9600GT owners have been getting? Just kind of wondering what the limit is on the stock cooling. It's currently sitting in a CM690 case with a 120mm fan sitting right above the card exhausting the air from around the card.

Thanks in advance!! :)
mine does about 740 / 1000 well with 100% fan speed. with my AC accelero s1 i can go to 770 on the core. starts to get unstable after that. this is an EVGA superclocked 9600gt. I might up the voltage to increase stability to clock it higher.
Outside of 3DMark and ATiTool, are there any other stress tests I can preform?
I have a EVGA 9600GT Superclocked (actually ordered a regular 9600GT :D )

Here are my clocks:
785/1860/1050 core/shader/mem
Stock clocks:
675/1674/900 core/shader/mem

Used RivaTuner v2.08, with unlocked core/shader clocks, anything near 1880MHz artifacts.

GPU-Z Validation link

Forgot to add that I'm using the stock hsf that came with the card

Joey M.
i hit 780/1950/1050

but anything higher for shader at least at around 1975 really produced a lot of artifacting

i got the MSI N9600GT OC stock @ 700/1750/950

stock hsf as well

Outside of 3DMark and ATiTool, are there any other stress tests I can preform?

Play an actual game, an extended period of crysis works best for me, better than watching a fuzzy cube or a silent video
Be careful with these--before you start overclocking burn it in thoroughly on something intense to make sure it's stable. Lots of people (myself included) get the Black Screen of Death at stock speeds.

I'd also recommend waiting for better drivers and tweakers (rivatuner is behind) and for the people behind the scenes to understand this card a little better. (http://forums.guru3d.com//showthread.php?t=254944 if you haven't seen it--some tweak programs were having trouble because of the way the 9 series is designed.)
Play an actual game, an extended period of crysis works best for me, better than watching a fuzzy cube or a silent video

Doing that anyway. :) Just don't have Crysis. Wasn't sure if the games I'm playing (WoW, NWN2) stress the card enough.

Thanks for the advise Disc0. How long of a burn in time are we talking here?
My machine had been stable as a rock, until I overclocked my 9600 then I started getting blue screens....I've backed it back to stock and am waiting to see if it cured the blue screens.
Well, I jumped it up to 720/950 last night and played WoW for a few hours without any problems. I forgot to load up the NV Temp monitor so I'm not exactly sure how hot it was. I'll give it another go tonight. BTW, this was using the NVTune program as I haven't downloaded RivaTuner yet.

HemiRick, do you already have a factory OC card? I wonder if that's why it bluescreened on you.
It appears that my week old Crucial Ballistix are failing and it's not the 9600, Memtest is having a fun time finding all the errors........

UPDATE: My RAM is fine it just REQUIRES 2.2V to work I had been running it at 2.05 the past week.......suddenly it wouldn't do anything at 2.05, but once I upped to 2.2V it was back to rock solid....
I burned mine in through about 3 hours of crysis, with max temps @ 61
i don't plan on leaving mine OC'd to such a high frequency, it was just a one off,
i leave it stable @ 740/1850/1000
I burned mine in through about 3 hours of crysis, with max temps @ 61
i don't plan on leaving mine OC'd to such a high frequency, it was just a one off,
i leave it stable @ 740/1850/1000

Do you have the single slot black version (V801) or the dual slot red version (V127)?
V801 single slot
though a note about my OC i started to note some stability issues today so i bumped the core down to 740/1850/975
I got my XFX stable at 775/2000/1050 single slot, plays all games maxed out without problems, for the money, this is the best videocard I have ever purchased. Bye ATI!!!!

Update - I keep mine now at 775-2000-1100 stable with auto fan control, put some new AS on it and seems cooler now, under 60 at all times.

35 degrees Idle and 51 on load... run this app to burn in video. Works great!

Running at 750 right now but playing Crysis it runs at 46C so I am gonna try and push it further. Got the ECS with the AC Accelero cooler and added the turbo module
I was running my EVGA 650 at 720/1800/950, it was stable but i noticed some glitching in ET:QW just now, so gonna see if i should step back my core or memory.

I ran 3DMark06 with my standard clocks (700/1680/950) and got a score of 10687. I then oc'd to (in steps, playing Crysis in between to test it) up to 775/1850/1000, and it seems stable. The weird thing is that 3DMark06 now gives a score of 10462, lower than stock! Is this normal? This is the first time I have had a video card, so all this is a bit new to me, but I figured I would get a better score with a stable overclock....I notice that using fraps I do get a better av. fps in Crysis with this OC, so I'm still going to stick with it!
Bit disappointed with temps, though, for a supposedly cooler running dual slot card. Even at stock clocks, the idle is 39 and the max seems to be around 57, 58. I have a side case fan (Nexus 80mm) blowing on it now, but it doesn't seem to make any difference at all.
Heh, started this thread and had to abbandon it. Looks like I have the Black Screen of Death issue. Random video signal loss, card's fan spins up to full and then the PC locks up. RMA started with EVGA so hopefully I should be up and running again soon.

I don't think it was the overclocking as my temps never got above 62C under load. Still does it at the stock clocks as well.

Camberwell, as for the cooling, I had the single slot and I found it ran a bit (1 or 2C) if I had the fan exhausting instead of an intake. Just an idea. Not sure if your dual slot exhausts out the back of the PC or back into the case like mine does.
GrimR how long were you using the card before you got the BSOD problem? I've had my card for over 3 weeks hoping that means I'm in the clear...
Started the 2nd day. I think after three weeks you are probably in the clear. It seems to me, at least looking in the EVGA forums, that this happens right away.

Wierd thing is that it's really sporadic. I can play for hours in WoW without any problems but it crashes in Warcraft III. More demanding games do not always cause a crash.

Good luck to ya. :)

Just to be on the safe side I'd try installing a bunch of different games and try each out. Just a suggestion.

With my EVGA 9600GT superc., Cabal would crash if I had the card OC'ed. The same thing with some other games. Very strange. It works fine on factory settings, but quite unstable when OC'ed. Even when I had the S1 on it, the card would be unstable and give me black screens when I overclocked it.

I have an 8800GTS now.
On my Palit 9600gt 1024mb card I've reached 761/2210. This thing just screams in games. I could try for more but I'm sure it wouldn't be too much more.
EVGA Rocks!! Got the new one with second day cross shipping for free and the new one has been running solid all weekend. Looped 3DMark for about 8 hours with no crash and all the games it was affecting before are working fine!!

Back into the OC game this week. :D
So it seems GrimR has had the same thing i have had, man i was hoping it was a driver issue too. shame looks like i'll be RMA'ing my 9600GT.:(
I'm starting to think this was an immature product. I've seen posts in the BFG, EVGA and XFX forums about this issue.

The only positive note about this problem is that the card is not completely unusable. I was able to at least get on and check emails, play some games, etc while I waited for the replacement.

Psycho, do you have an EVGA card as well? I would recommend getting it cross-shipped and if they don't offer that try calling the manufacturer. You might get lucky.

Good luck!!