9700Pro? D3 worried? Don't


Nov 25, 2000
I was pretty worried like everyone else wondering if my old ATI 9700Pro could handle Doom3. Checking newegg every few hours to see if they have either a x800xt or 6800 Ultra/GT in stock. Well don't stress yourself if you have a 9700 Pro or better. I ran D3 on Tigershark at 1280x1024 medium detail and looks great and plays smooth. High detail does just enough framing to be annoying. ShuttleOne with a 9700Pro AIW with 512 Ram at 1024x768 high detail looks fantastic with no framing. Both resolutions are native for my LCD's. So unless you really need a new video card or just doing your normal upgrade don't worry so much about Doom3. I do run a very clean and organized system so your results may vary.
yea i think this card get handle doom 3 preety good!!

1024@768 with all at high... the diff between 9700pro and 9800pro not big at all...
Ya, I can confirm this too though I was too worried and ordered a 9800 pro already (that i will flash to xt)
Doom3 was originally made to run with a 9700pro before the alpha version of it got released then ID pulled it's deal with ATI to go with nVidia, so I can't see why it wouldn't. At least that was the impression I got from all of it.
Screw you guys and your medium!

My 2100+ XP and G4 4400 can only do low!
LordJezo said:
Screw you guys and your medium!

My 2100+ XP and G4 4400 can only do low!

stop bragging! You're going way to fast!! slow down!!! :p
ToyYoda03 said:
Ya, I can confirm this too though I was too worried and ordered a 9800 pro already (that i will flash to xt)

i just recieved my saphire 9800 pro......

how do you flash it to a 9800xt?
I play on high detail in 1280X1024 with my 9700 pro. There are points where it gets pretty choppy, but its certainly playable. I get my 6800 GT tomorrow, so things should be better then.

9700 Pro is definitely a viable card for this game, no doubt about it.
I'm running 1280x1024 medium quality with everything else on and it's running silky smooth on my rig (check sig)
wow i can run at 1024x768 at medium ... dips to low to mid 20s during lots of combat. usually stays in 30s-40s under normal game play.

barton 2500+ at 2.2ghz
radeon 9500 softmodded to 9700 oc'd to 295/290
512mb pc3200
I think all you guys are kidding yourselves, this game does not run well on a 9700 pro in 10x7 high detail. At least not on my rig, but I think I've got a pretty good system (see sig) apart from the video card.

Anytime I try to open a door, I get a stutter as it loads the new textures. A 128 mb card has problems with high detail I think. I can't stand stutter or choppy frame rates during a firefight.

I run the game at 800x600 medium detail with 2xAA and 8xAF. IMO, it looks better and runs faster than 1024x768 with no AA. I don't know what the guys on HardOCP were thinking, this game, like all others, benefits big time from AA.

Plus, is anyone else having problems with the game being so damn dark? I finally found a way to increase the gamma in the game, by using Powerstrip hotkeys. Nothing else worked. The ATI color settings and hotkeys didn't work on the 4.8 betas, and even setting the gamma in powerstrip didn't do anything. Only when I use Powerstrip hotkeys once I'm in the game does it do anything.
One more thing I forgot. The subject of this post is don't be worried if you've got a 9700 pro. Well, I think this game has made me feel my video card is inadequate like no other game before.

I can't even remember the last time I had to run a game at 8x6 to get a good framerate.

Makes me want to upgrade to a 6800 GT pretty badly, unfortunately no $ right now.
According to your sig... you are only running 512 megs of ram... didnt the hardware guide show that this game is massively texture intensive? Might another 512 help you out?
Impact9 said:
I was pretty worried like everyone else wondering if my old ATI 9700Pro could handle Doom3. Checking newegg every few hours to see if they have either a x800xt or 6800 Ultra/GT in stock. Well don't stress yourself if you have a 9700 Pro or better. I ran D3 on Tigershark at 1280x1024 medium detail and looks great and plays smooth. High detail does just enough framing to be annoying. ShuttleOne with a 9700Pro AIW with 512 Ram at 1024x768 high detail looks fantastic with no framing. Both resolutions are native for my LCD's. So unless you really need a new video card or just doing your normal upgrade don't worry so much about Doom3. I do run a very clean and organized system so your results may vary.

MAN you really made my day....thanks for the news :)

Min Max Avg 23 63 54.11 system in sig, killed 3 enemies, switched between weapons and flashligh; 60seconds using fraps
I read the guide. He didn't seem to think there was much difference between 512 and 1024. The only thing I remember reading about ram is that having 2 gigs allowed him to go to ultra quality. More ram might help, who knows, but people in here are claiming it runs really well at high detail with 512.

And whoever posted that FRAPS log, you didn't mention what settings you're running the game at. The problem at high detail isn't so much choppy framerate, it's just the occasional stuttering, which FRAPS would only document as the min framerate, probably wouldn't affect the average too much. If someone is running at 1024x768 with high detail and a 9700 pro and doesn't notice any stuttering when opening doors and such, I'd like to hear from them.
asmielia said:
I read the guide. He didn't seem to think there was much difference between 512 and 1024. The only thing I remember reading about ram is that having 2 gigs allowed him to go to ultra quality. More ram might help, who knows, but people in here are claiming it runs really well at high detail with 512.

And whoever posted that FRAPS log, you didn't mention what settings you're running the game at. The problem at high detail isn't so much choppy framerate, it's just the occasional stuttering, which FRAPS would only document as the min framerate, probably wouldn't affect the average too much. If someone is running at 1024x768 with high detail and a 9700 pro and doesn't notice any stuttering when opening doors and such, I'd like to hear from them.

Hear hear :)

Running @ 1024x768 @ high quality. Runs surprisingly smooooove! I get the occasional stutter when running into a room with lots of fog/alpha blending/etc. Otherwise its pretty damn good. I do have 1GB of ram though, that probably makes a difference.

I'm noticing a lot of people with 9700/9800 pros that are complaining about stuttering, etc, only have 512MB of ram. I'd say this game pretty much needs 1GB.
Alright, well maybe more RAM would help then. I don't have the money for that either though.

In either case, I still prefer 800x600 2xAA over 1024x768 noAA. 8x6 with AA looks a little blurry in the distance, but IMO is more realistic than having aliasing everywhere and a clearer image.

Ultimately, I'd love to be able to run this game at 1280x1024 with 4xAA. An overclocked 6800GT could probably do that.
1280x1024 high detail, no aa
9700pro stock
Thank you all, I'm going to be upgrading to 1GB of RAM in two weeks - but it's nice to know that the game will run reasonably well with my graphics card.
I turned off AF. That definitely helped frame rates. I didn't think it'd have much effect but apparently it did. I also think it minimized the stuttering at high detail, which makes no sense to me.

DruSi3r, I don't know how you got those results, but I really don't think I'm getting that good performance. At 1024x768 noAA, noAF, high detail, maybe I'd get that high, but at 1280, it's choppy most of the time.
asmielia said:
I turned off AF. That definitely helped frame rates. I didn't think it'd have much effect but apparently it did. I also think it minimized the stuttering at high detail, which makes no sense to me.
I thought high quality enabled 8xAF?
Manually disableing it would mean your not really running at High?
Or are you refering just to texture detail?
im pretty happy with them too. i think it may have to do with my new raptor2 to a small extent. also my xp install is relatively streamlined and less than 30 days old. im running 4.7cats check your setting in the ati control panel (no aa/af, performance textures, no vsync, etc)
Any benches with the 9700Pro @ 1600x1200. I want to run it with my 2001fp in native res.... :D
I just played Doom 3 on my buddy's P4 2.6GHz machine with a 9700 Pro and it runs like a champ at 1024 X 768.

now grant it, he cant turn up the eye candy all that much but the game itself runs silky smooth.
thank goodness. i think all the 9700 pro people are very glad that this thread got started. i am gonna run my @ 1024x 768 with all high settings and aa/af on and hopefully i can get 40fps+ with my specs:

[email protected]
1gig mushkin 3500
sapphire ultimate 9700pro
No idea about high quality enabling 8xAF.

JoeCartoon, don't get your hopes up too high man. I think the sweet spot for this video card is 1024x768 with no AA and no AF, medium or high quality, depending on your setup. I wouldn't expect anything more than that.
Did a bit more testing this morning Here's what I've found.

1024x768 @ High settings with AF set to App Preference and AA set to 2x (with Temporal AA on) is quite playable and gives really good results. I get a hiccup when there's a lot of enemies or moving from one large area to another. Still tweaking

Playing at the next res is also quite playable minus Temporal AA.

I've yet to test 1280x1024 but I don't think It'll be doable with my current rig. Need to get an X800XT :D:D
Glad to see so many others getting good results out of the 9700Pro. Now I just worry about HL2. Say DruSi3r what program did you use to generate that graph?
fraps saves the data to an excel format. Just use the create wizard tool. You have to copy the "time" from one file into the other that has the "fps". In college you use excel so damn much it, it only took a minute. The "timedemo demo1.demo" cmd from console give slightly lower scores it seems though.
the game is playable on my system at 800x600, but why do i get extreme artifacts/"snow" with the overclock? when i turn it down, the game is FAR less stable, and i dont like that =\