9700pro TV OUT MAX resolution


Dec 16, 2003
Anyone know the max resolution for TV out on a 9700pro. I have a 51" Toshiba TheaterWide HD that I want to hook my comp up to for obvious reasons. (I'm trying to avoid buying a DVI-HDMI cable cuz of the cost, plus my DVD player is already using the HDMI port). Thanks.

*edit* I already have the S-Video cable that came with the card. There are only component, s-video, composite, and 1 HDMI input present on the TV - if a 15 pin connection was present I certainly would hook it up that way.
i think 800x600 is the3 max rez you can get over an svideo cable with out lots of distortion, what about the dvi to componet adapter ati sells... if you only have 1 componet input you can get a switch box pretty cheap at gamestop..