9800 gtx SSC crashing and burning


Limp Gawd
Jan 22, 2008
Hey guys,
Here is the story. I installed my EVGA GTX SSC and was happy but the card seems to crash in games like Crysis and MOA: Airborn. I can play COD4 and COH just fine. At first I was thinking my temps were high but after reading about 58c idle and 71c load isn't that hot.
The screen just pauses/flickers and I can still hear the audio in games when its crashing. The funny thing is that in the Nvidia control panel if I click on performance I can overclock and change the fan settings but when I click into some of the other options like system monitor I get the dreaded BSOD. I'm just wondering what the hell could be going on. I get good frame rates in Crysis and was surprised to overage 55fps at 1900x1280 medium detail 2xAA.
I read that maybe loosening my ram timings could help. My OS is winXP 64 w 8gig 1066.

any advice would be much appreciated.
could be a driver issue??? change that first.did you patch Crysis to 1.2?
you have enough power, no doubt, but check the connections.

If that fails, down clock the card using RivaTuner or a good program. Stay away from ntune.:eek:
Yea, I think you are right. It probably has something to do with those specific games since I can play others with no prob. I will double check my power connections and car seating but my Mach1 1000watt should more than enough for my system. I tried RivaTuner but had that crash on me a few times. Any other programs out that you know of?
RivaTuner 2.08 has some known issues with the 9800GTX. 2.09 is suppose to be released on the 28th, so keep you fingers crossed for that.

Might try and do a clean install of the dirvers, using a driver cleaner. Details on how to do that are Here
You are right. The card's core clock isn't stable over 780ghz. Try lowering the core clock to 780 or a little lower.
The SSC core clock is at 770ghz and I mine is crashing at stock speeds. I did try overclocking but that was a total waste of time because it was never stable.
I would say it's the 64bit drivers. I would look into issues with other users with the 64 bit OS.

Just my 2 cents
I use 64 bit drivers in Vista with my 8800GTXs and I have not had any real problems at all.

Only problem I have encountered in numerous driver versions (I generally load up the new betas as soon as they are released) is a wierd artifact problem in R6V2 that was solved by rolling back the drivers.

That isnt to say in this case a different driver version may not be helpful, but it is odd that he only has the problem in a few and not all games???

I'd call evga support, and expect an RMA.
I cleaned the drivers and reinstalled. This has fixed the issue but the card still doesn't overclock much. The gainward overclocking and fan utility works much better than ntune..
SSC = super,super clocked???
or.....super,super crappy????

If it wont run at the specs EVGA sent it out to you, then I'd be calling them for an RMA.
The card runs fine at 770 but I can't get it much past that without being totally unstable. So, it does deliver on its promise but I am disapointed that I can't push it a little bit more.
Wait a minute......

You got the SSC edition that is clocked at 770 vs. 675 reference speed.
When you say it is unstable at "stock", do you mean 675 or 770????

If you are unstable at 675, something's wrong.
If you are unstable at 770, the card still isnt proving to be what EVGA said it was.
If you are trying to push the card beyond 770 and griping about instability, and the card is running fine at 770 in all applications; then you completely misrepresented yourself.:eek:
Wait a minute......

You got the SSC edition that is clocked at 770 vs. 675 reference speed.
When you say it is unstable at "stock", do you mean 675 or 770????

If you are unstable at 675, something's wrong.
If you are unstable at 770, the card still isnt proving to be what EVGA said it was.
If you are trying to push the card beyond 770 and griping about instability, and the card is running fine at 770 in all applications; then you completely misrepresented yourself.:eek:

Misrepresented? I was having trouble with the card as is. The SSC is factory overclocked at 770 and I was having trouble right out of the box. This thread wasn't about overclocking problems with the card but performance right out of the box. Now that I have fixed that issue everything is cool. I only said in a reply post that the card won't push much past the ssc overclock of 770 but that is fine with me now that everything is working. I don't think I "misrepresented" anything.