9800 pro randomly dead. NIGHT BEFORE QuakeCON!


Feb 18, 2004

My 9800 pro is crapping out on me... the night before Quakecon

I installed a watercooling system the other night, had my entire computer taken apart, and then I put it back together and everythings fine, right? I play a few rounds of Counterstrike and every thing is fine... then I shut it down for the night.

Start today.

I finish up some stuff with the h20 (BTW this is not cooling gphx card, I still have stock cooling on it) , make a few case adjustments and every thing is still fine. But then later on today, I pull up doom3, and notice some artifacts/ incorrect rendering on the bottom of the screen. The menu is messed up as well,. with artifacts everywhere. FPS is fine, but everything is rendered wrong. Go back to Windows, and try to play CS, problems there as well. Then I notice that now even my desktop is a little messed up, and now I have bars of red / purple color faintly running down the screen evenly spaced apart.

Switch to another graphics card , and it works fine . (Except for some mouse acceleration problem, but i thinik that's unrelated..?)

Back to the 9800pro now, and still messed up :(

Anyone have any ideas on what could have caused that? I thought it may have been the installation last night, but it worked fine after that Iand I hadn't taken it out until the problem started. I'm running stock cooling... and haven't overclocked it at all.

I may just have to break down and buy another card in time for QC.
sounds like card is dying if the other worked fine. doom3 is known to stress the gpu more than any other game. grab a 6800nu quick :p
is the card seated right? , are you using your power supply to move the pump, and maybe it is to much for your power supply? man that sucks.:/
Did u have the card out when u installed the water system? And ya, check to see if power is a problem. reservoir pump may be unshielded.
thelostrican said:
is the card seated right? , are you using your power supply to move the pump, and maybe it is to much for your power supply? man that sucks.:/

yeah, it does suck especially when the card is only 3 mos old.

And I'm running the pump externally ... and I"m sure it's seated fine... just has me :confused: and :(
try the 9800 in another computer and see if the problem still persist. If it does the card just may be dieing from usage/stress or you may have gotten water droplets on it when it had electricity flowing through it :eek: or when you were moving the card from inside and outside of your case and vice versa you may have ESD'ed (electro static discharged it i know anti-static wrist straps are wack and anoying but they eliminate the possibiity of something like ESD happening in a sitation like this where the problem is unknown to what acutally happened.

ditto on the check card in a different pc.

What method are you using for mb chipset cooling?
Remember is that there is less air flowing inside your case when you take way the CPU fan. So maybe the mb chipset is passively cooled and now has no air flow?

How's the fan situation. Got a case fan or two?

Is the pump for the cooling system running off the same lead as the power cable to the vid card?
I think my airflow is fine, and I know its not anything with the motherboard since I went out and bought another 9800pro today, and it is running fine now. I'll just have to RMA the board and take it from there.

And the pump is 120V, running seperately.

MB chipset has the standard ABIT nb fan on it, so it's cooling should be fine.
Get away from ATI! My 9700 Pro simply broke on me. Tried it on multiple PCs and simply broke. I never turn my comp off, but that day, the 9700 Pro cause it to turn off. Stupid piece of crap.
it seems to me that the 9700pro is notorious for overheating...i dont know could just be me...but ive never had a single problem with my OC'ed 9800pro(knocks on wood)..sucks that there are the few out there that have bad experiences like this..sorry to hear about your woes...
That is strange but if you got a new card and it works fine it must have been the old card. I hope whatever caused it was in the card itself otherwise the new one might crapout. I had a Sapphire 9700pro die on me the gpu fan cut out and the card overheated and died after seeing one artifact. It gave no warning it went from 1 little artifact to a screen full of them in the time it took for me to exit the game to shut down. :( :mad: But I never had any trouble with the 9800pro I replaced it with. :)