9800 pro shutting down


Jan 29, 2004
Barton 2500+ at stock speed
Dfi Lanparty NFII Ultra b
2 sticks of corsair xms 256 mb
Sapphire 9800 pro
Windows 2000 pro - driver

I've just had my computer running for a few days now. I tried to run Call of Duty today and it worked fine for the most part with only one crash which seemed sound related. I came home from work and tried to play again and crashed constantly. At one point my video card seemed to shut down as I had no video signal to my monitor at all. Temperatures seem fine at 36c idle and around 42 under load. Any idea what would be causing this?
After doing some research apparently I'm not the only one having problems with crashing in CoD. Crashing doesn't really worry me, but is the shutting down normal? Computer seemed to continue running, but I had no signal to the monitor.