9800GT for Physx-Still need monitor attached with latest drivers?


Jan 17, 2005
Got a 260 coming today.

Have a 9800GT now.

Just for fun, thought I'd set them up using the 9800GT for Physx.

I have read a lot about having to fool the GPU being used for Physx by attaching a monitor.

I've also heard that this is supposed to be fixed with the latest drivers from Nvidia. 180.48 I think it is.

Lot of conflicting information though. I guess I could always just try it but I really don't wanna waste my time if it's not going to work.

UPS man gonna be here any minute so I'm heading upstairs to prepare the machine, do I make a place for the 9800GT or bag it up and sell it?
With the 180.48 drivers I don't need a second monitor attached for my 9800GX2 and 8600GT for physx. I think it may have made my physx worse though...
you do need a monitior to use it. Thats a vista limitation.

The new nvidia drivers "sneak" around that though. They create a "virtual" monitor and attach it to the physx card. So you do not need to phycally attach a monitor, but you will notice that windows says you have 2 because the driver faked out vista to get the physx card active.
How favorable is this configuration compared to just the 260 by itself? I'm using a 260 right now and thinking about throwing in a 9800GT I have laying around.
Well, I can tell you that it all worked like a charm but so far the only benefit I see is that I get a really high score on the physics test in Vantage.:p

I've been too lazy lately to root around for some games that use Physx. I do have UT3 but I haven't downloaded the Physx maps or......whatever it is you do to do that.

THere is some stuff coming up that seems interesting so we shall see.
You absolutely DO NOT need a second monitor nor a virtual one.It is plug and play now..

Just added a 9800GT SC to the rig in my sig..

Vantage PhysX Scores..

No PhysX..17ops
9800GT SC..114ops

Nurien Demo..

9800GT SC--------------------- 280GTX

AVG. 57fps--------------------- 59fps
Max 163fps----------------------- 155fps
MIN 29fps----------------------- 41fps

Also noticed~15-20fps more when running PhysX on the 9800GT SC than the GTX280.
its starting to seem that a 8800gt or better card is quite beneficial...

I'm running an 8800 GT for Physx and using a 260 GTX on XP 32 bit. You do get a bit of a frame boost having the scond card for PhysX. In COD4 and COC:WAW, the explosions, smoke look much more interactive. There are clumps of dirt spraying when bullets hit the ground. It's much more immersive.

It's worth it if you have a spare >8xxx series card laying around.
if anything i think its cool that when i go to upgrade my current 8800gts will still be useful.... and i can use my sli motherboard to its full potential for the first time since i got it like 4 years ago....
So can I use a cuda supported card as ppu and still have the card power a 2nd and 3rd display and have 8800GTX's (SLI) power the main display?