9800gx2 and pci-e 1.1 vs 2.0


May 8, 2007
so ncix is having a crazy sale right now, featuring the 9800gx2 for an insane price of $260


i have my credit card sitting in front of me ready to go. the only thing holding me back from making a decision is the fact that i might potentially need a new mobo with pci-e2.0 to fully utilize the power this card has to offer.

currently im using the p5k-e, but i'm wondering if i should perhaps sell it and pick up a cheap p5q pro.

what kind of differential in performance should i expect switching from a 1.1 mobo to a 2.0 mobo? and is it worth the switch?

I am also wondering the same question but with the GTX 260. I have 4 GB of ram and a 3.2 GHz quad core CPU so they won't be the bottlenecks.
In both these instances, you will see a decent performance increase regardless of whether you have PCI-E 2.0 or not. however, you will not see the absolute peak potential of either of these cards without 2.0.

In short...they will still work,and work well.

...But they would work better if you got a new mobo.