A couple of in-depth questions about LCD TVs


Limp Gawd
Aug 16, 2004
I have been looking around at Sony's website for an LCD TV. I saw one model that has 16:9 aspect ratio, but the resolution is 1024x1024. It said it was an HDTV and that it even accepted 1080i input... wtf? Most other TVs were 1280x768. Again wtf? The "standard" is 1280x720 for 720p, correct? And on those models it still said it accpeted 1080i. Is it just me, or is every image ever viewed on an LCD TV going to be interpolated? Can someone please help me clear all this up. And another question, any reason these LCD TVs can't be used for computer monitors? They seem to be bigger and cheaper.
Any and all help and/or opinions are appreciated.
Keetha said:
I have been looking around at Sony's website for an LCD TV. I saw one model that has 16:9 aspect ratio, but the resolution is 1024x1024.
Sounds like somebody fucked up entering shit in a database.
Keetha said:
any reason these LCD TVs can't be used for computer monitors? They seem to be bigger and cheaper.
Any and all help and/or opinions are appreciated.

the pixel density is too low and it will look like ass for computer text and stuff.

i already think that the pixel density on a 24 inch at 1920x1200 is boardering on low.

but then again im used to 1920x1200 on a 15.5 inch screen.
Thanks so much for all the answers guys. I've learned alot. This just leaves one last question... Is it just me, or is every image ever viewed on an LCD/Plasma TV going to be interpolated? None of the TVs I have seen have a simple 1280x720 or 1920x1080 resolution.
I have a Smasung LW32A33W in the lounge with a pc running through it. the pc is used for Games/on Digital Tv, DVDs, Picture Viewing/music playing and the odd internet search. the resolution is run at 1280x768 which looks perfect, the picture is so crisp its unreal, the samsung supports 1920 x 1080 but flickers like a low refresh rate and u can also tell its scanned/interpolated. i think most of the 32" lcd tvs like mine etc support 640x480 up to 1280x768 (yes looks crisp as hell in 1280x720!) then anything after and its is scanned/interpolated (but still looks quite good.if your using it as a gaming monitor then snap one up as half life 2 at 1280x768 and 4xAA and 16xAF looks incredible! you can get the samsung LW32A33W in dixons in the UK for less than £900 which for the uk is a brilliant price, it has all the inputs youd ever need (dvi,vga,hdmi,composite,analogue tv input, 2 scarts, svhs, pc audio in, line outs etc). if you want to use a 32" lcdtv for entertainment then snap one up, if u need loads of desktop space or want to use it at higher resolutions than 1280x768 for work then i wouldnt reccomend as the flickering at 1920 x 1080 on the samsung close up would give you major headaches.