A couple questions about Diablo 4???


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 10, 2000
I have been playing Diablo sense the first one. I have had every version and expansion sense. I have never been a hard study into the stats and intricacies of gameplay. I have always struggled with what equipment and options I should use. I am not the best at gaming but I have fun. I have always mostly played single player games because of this. In MMORPGs I suck at raiding but don't do to bad in solo dungeons. I am currently a level 53 Barb.

I looked on Google and Youtube and can’t find any info on what is the best thing to do with lower level Sacred Items, I am talking about Whites, Blues and even Yellows. I am not sure what to do with them. Do I salvage them or sell them or... Right now I have a bunch in my Locker. I Salvaged a white one and all I got was a couple Rawhide, pretty much the same as a normal item.

There's a few UI items I would like to know what they mean.
1. What does the Broken Chain icon above my head mean?
2. What does the Frame around the Health Globe mean?
3. What does it mean when the Health Globe looks "Broken"?
4. Is there an app or website that has Countdown timers for things such as World Bosses and Legion Events?

There's more but I can't think of then right now. I will add them as I think of them.

[Edit, a new question?]
5. I have an SSD and the I load into the game and into new areas rather quickly, however it is so quick I have never been able to completly read the tool tips on the loading screen. I would really like to be able to read them sometimes. Ok, more of a rant than a question but I still felt the need to say something.
6. I have thought of other questions while I was playing the game and can never remember them when I get out of the game, :). Just getting old I guess. Also theres some things I am so ignorant about I don't even know what quistions to ask, so please forgive me and Thank You for putting up with me!!!

Thank you for putting up with my ignorance. :)
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I have been playing Diablo sense the first one. I have had every version and expansion sense. I have never been a hard study into the stats and intricacies of gameplay. I have always struggled with what equipment and options I should use. I am not the best at gaming but I have fun. I have always mostly played single player games because of this. In MMORPGs I suck at raiding but don't do to bad in solo dungeons. I am currently a level 53 Barb.

I looked on Google and Youtube and can’t find any info on what is the best thing to do with lower level Sacred Items, I am talking about Whites, Blues and even Yellows. I am not sure what to do with them. Do I salvage them or sell them or... Right now I have a bunch in my Locker. I Salvaged a white one and all I got was a couple Rawhide, pretty much the same as a normal item.

Theres a few UI items I would like to know what they mean.
1. What does the Broken Chain icon above my head mean?
2. What does the Frame around the Health Globe mean?
3. What does it mean when the Health Globe looks "Broken"?
4. Is there an app or website that has Countdown timers for things such as World Bosses and Legion Events?

There's more but I can't think of then right now. I will add them as I think of them.

Thank you for putting up with my ignorance. :)
  1. You have Unstoppable status, which means you can't be affected by crowd control effects.
  2. You have a barrier absorbing damage.
  3. You are under the effect of Vulnerable status, which means you are taking 20% more damage from all sources.
  4. I follow Game8's Twitter for world boss spawn times. There is a 2-hour window for spawns that you won't see confirmed until 20 minutes before they spawn. I'm not far along enough in the game for Legion events, yet.
  1. You have Unstoppable status, which means you can't be affected by crowd control effects.
  2. You have a barrier absorbing damage.
  3. You are under the effect of Vulnerable status, which means you are taking 20% more damage from all sources.
  4. I follow Game8's Twitter for world boss spawn times. There is a 2-hour window for spawns that you won't see confirmed until 20 minutes before they spawn. I'm not far along enough in the game for Legion events, yet.
Thank You!

I just left the game and I am going to do some research on Glyphs. I am not really sure which one to use, I got some that say Requirements Not Met?

I am liking the Legion Events I also need to do some looking into them. I did a couple last night one was really short and only dropped a single chest with little in it, the other dropped 3 chests and had alot in them. I would really like to get that mount drop from them, it looks really cool.
Thank You!

I just left the game and I am going to do some research on Glyphs. I am not really sure which one to use, I got some that say Requirements Not Met?

I am liking the Legion Events I also need to do some looking into them. I did a couple last night one was really short and only dropped a single chest with little in it, the other dropped 3 chests and had alot in them. I would really like to get that mount drop from them, it looks really cool.
Glyphs have an additional bonus effect if you meet the stat requirement on the card. That is what "Requirements not met" is referring to. Underneath the Bonus section should be one titled "Additional Bonus" with "(when requirements met)" underneath. You get the primary bonus of the glyph, regardless.

Since glyphs are enhanced by particular types of tile that are activated within the socket's radius, you want to place a glyph in a socket that gives it the most advantage from those tiles. The Rare Sorcerer glyph Adept, for example, continues gaining a 3% bonus to Mastery skills for every +5 intelligence activated within its radius. To get the most out of the glyph, you want to set it in a board where the socket is located in proximity to the most intelligence tiles as possible, especially magic (+7) and rare (+10) tiles.

You can level up glyphs by completing Nightmare Dungeons, which increases the respective glyph's radius on the Paragon board. Max level for glyphs is 21.
Thank you for your replay.

I am not about to try any Nightmare Dungeons at this time. I am having really buggy internet connection issues and it is not worth chancing. I did a normal Dungeon a couple days ago. Got disconnected right before I looted the chest at the end. Don't know if I got any credit for it or not as I don't remember where I was, LOL!

[edit] Just a little update. My internet connection is still really buggy. Yesterday there were times I couldn't even get my character to load in. Other times I could play up to about an hour. I had not gotten a single upgrade piece of equipment in quiet a while doing Helltides and Legion Events so I got tired of it and risked doing a Dungeon, it went well and I actually got a cool Sacred Unique, 100,000 Steps. But when I ported back into town I got disconnected, LOL.

[further update] I had a 3rd service call with Spectrum, they sent out a Supervisor. They made some changes and now things are alot better. That was until the DDOS attack that started last night. Before that I was choosing when to leave the game. It's not perfect but alot better. I have done a couple nightmare dungeons now that I feel like my connection to Diablo 4 is more reliable, it has been almost 2 weeks sense I had a reliable connection. I noticed yesterday that the mobs in the nightmare dungeon lvl 1 I did were 10 lvls below me and I really blew through them. I know I need to comlete lvl 3 in order to start salvaging/creating Sigils just don't know what lvl sigil I need so the mobs are at least my lvl, I am now 65.

I know I asked about the icons above my head and mobs heads and I got an answer but I am seeing alot of differant ones and don't know how to describe them. I seen a good Youtube video that explained some of them but I would like to know if there's a website with pictures and descriptions of the various interface information available?

[off topic] I really miss the [H], I use to use it as my browser start page and read it several times a day as well as the forums. I remember Kyle went to work with Intel and the page was kept up for a while after that something happened that I don't recall and it had to be shut down. I have always had fantasies of winning the lottery and what I would do with the money. One of the things I thought about was to give Kyle whatever it took to restart the [H], even if that was millions of $$$!
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Ok, Update. Current Player Profile.
My Internet connection is stable and I can once again play Diablo 4 reliably. It's been about 3 weeks sense my last post here. I am now a lvl 73 Barb, I want to make it clear I do not pretend to know alot about the finer points to playing the game and setting up my characters. My ultimate goal is to just have fun and enjoy the game. I am in no big hurry.

Before this last patch came out I made it to lvl 68, I tried over and over to complete the T4 unlock and just couldn't get it done. I went to town and gave my setup a good look. I did some enchanting for the first time, got rid of what I thought was useless stats and replaced them with what I think is beneficial to how I play. I am thinking that basic damage is really important for me. It seems like what I do the most of. I think it also helps me build my Fury quicker as it is based on both the damage I do and the damage I am taking, that's how I understand it anyway.
I have been reading that elemental resistance in broken at the moment and I didn't see anything from the last patch that it was fixed other than they are working on it, so I have not been worried about it. I really like using AOE skills modifiers. I use to have Rupture skill with the Fields of Crimson Unique that had the AOE modifier, but a short while back Blizzard broke it and it no longer worked as intended, I replaced it with what I have now and switched to Death Blow, I had planned to keep the Field of Crimson but I accidently sold it to the vendor :(.

After failing to unlock T4 I just went back to grinding XP and gear. I made lvl 70 about the same time as the patch came out. Soon after I unlocked T4 without and problems. I had been trying over and over to get a lvl 3 sigil so I could unlock sigil crafting and was getting really tired of not being able to get one, but after I unlocked T4 I started trying again and finally got a lvl 21 Sigil and attempted the Nightmare Dungeon and I did really well with it, I completed it with out dying and unlocked Sigil crafting. It was after this that the Fields of Crimson broke as well as I started feeling really squishy. right now I am 3 lvls higher and I can not complete a lvl 21 NM Dungeon. I seem to be Taking alot more damage especially from Enviromental damage (Cold and Poison mostly). Chilling Winds really kicks my ass and I can't seem to see it coming to get out of the way before I am frozen in place watching my health drop. I never had this problem before a few days ago, I can't remember exactly when but I think I was fine for a day or 2 after the patch.

In Diablo 3 I tried to do the prebuilt builds and could never play the character after making the changes. It was to hard for me to adjust to all the changes at once and this is what I fear about doing it in Diablo 4. I could never get my characters back to being playable by me again as I couldn't get things changed back to how I had them before.

Sorry, I know this is a rather lengthy post. But I just wanted you all to understand where I am at with things.
Pay attention to the affixes on your sigils. You want to try and avoid any affixes that give monsters a boost to their crowd control abilities, especially ice enchantment. There is no cooldown or iframes with how enemy crowd control works right now, so it is very possible for you to become perpetually frozen, with nothing to do but watch yourself die. If you do use those sigils, give yourself everything you can that boosts when your Unstoppable is triggered and how long it lasts.

Resistances cap at 30% on the player character at WT4. It is better to boost your total armor at WT4 to reduce overall damage.
Pay attention to the affixes on your sigils. You want to try and avoid any affixes that give monsters a boost to their crowd control abilities, especially ice enchantment. There is no cooldown or iframes with how enemy crowd control works right now, so it is very possible for you to become perpetually frozen, with nothing to do but watch yourself die. If you do use those sigils, give yourself everything you can that boosts when your Unstoppable is triggered and how long it lasts.

Resistances cap at 30% on the player character at WT4. It is better to boost your total armor at WT4 to reduce overall damage.
OK, thank you for the info.
I use https://diablo4.life/trackers/world-bosses to check for world bosses and events.

I inspect rares closely before I sell or salvage them. Some have very good rolls and stats I want and in that case I use the aspect to turn it into a legendary item.
Don't salvage legendaries with good aspects. Extract them instead and use on rares with good rolls.
I use https://diablo4.life/trackers/world-bosses to check for world bosses and events.

I inspect rares closely before I sell or salvage them. Some have very good rolls and stats I want and in that case I use the aspect to turn it into a legendary item.
Don't salvage legendaries with good aspects. Extract them instead and use on rares with good rolls.
Thank You, that is what I have been doing, I almost have a full tab full of Aspects. I have been trying diffirant setups to see how it affects my performance ingame before I hit 70 so when I get there I better know how to set up my character. Only one of them is a Ancestry Aspect at this time.

My main problem right now is I seem to be taking alot of damage. I don't really know what type of damage is causing me the most problems. I know that when I am around poison my health drops like a rock. Also Cold effects hit me really hard. But I also seem to suffer from non elemental damage as well. I have been trying to increase my armour, I use Skulls in my Rings/Amulets and spend paragon points to increase armour but it doesn't seem to help.

When I first hit 70 before the "Big" patch recently. I did my first nightmare dungeon at lvl 21. I did really well clearing it without much problem. Now I die and Fail to complete the same lvl Dungeon. I have been just doing normal T4 dungeons and I sometimes die here and there but I get them done within an amount of reasonable deaths, LOL.
Pay attention to the affixes on your sigils. You want to try and avoid any affixes that give monsters a boost to their crowd control abilities, especially ice enchantment. There is no cooldown or iframes with how enemy crowd control works right now, so it is very possible for you to become perpetually frozen, with nothing to do but watch yourself die. If you do use those sigils, give yourself everything you can that boosts when your Unstoppable is triggered and how long it lasts.

Resistances cap at 30% on the player character at WT4. It is better to boost your total armor at WT4 to reduce overall damage.
I got an Aspect that When I receive damage while CC'd i become Unstoppable. Now, I guess I don't know what Crowd Control or Unstoppable actually means in D4 but it hasn't made any difference. I still get frozen and there's nothing I can do but watch my health drop while spamming the Q button hoping I can apply it before I die. I will look into that further tomorrow.
Thank You, that is what I have been doing, I almost have a full tab full of Aspects. I have been trying diffirant setups to see how it affects my performance ingame before I hit 70 so when I get there I better know how to set up my character. Only one of them is a Ancestry Aspect at this time.

My main problem right now is I seem to be taking alot of damage. I don't really know what type of damage is causing me the most problems. I know that when I am around poison my health drops like a rock. Also Cold effects hit me really hard. But I also seem to suffer from non elemental damage as well. I have been trying to increase my armour, I use Skulls in my Rings/Amulets and spend paragon points to increase armour but it doesn't seem to help.

When I first hit 70 before the "Big" patch recently. I did my first nightmare dungeon at lvl 21. I did really well clearing it without much problem. Now I die and Fail to complete the same lvl Dungeon. I have been just doing normal T4 dungeons and I sometimes die here and there but I get them done within an amount of reasonable deaths, LOL.

I got an Aspect that When I receive damage while CC'd i become Unstoppable. Now, I guess I don't know what Crowd Control or Unstoppable actually means in D4 but it hasn't made any difference. I still get frozen and there's nothing I can do but watch my health drop while spamming the Q button hoping I can apply it before I die. I will look into that further tomorrow.

I have a level 55 barbarian but I'm not doing above 20 nightmare dungeons as I don't have access to Tier 4 yet.
But I've done some lvl 18 and I died maybe a couple of times at most. How I do depends a lot on the dungeon. Aldurwood has some really nasty mobs that can almost one shot me. The boars and trees especially.
I don't look at dungeon affixes that much now though as I used with my rogue (back then suppressor was a big fuck no, lol).

Here is my barbie: https://d4armory.io/?account=125037227&hero=ff59c200-0d19-11ee-9e7d-d125936b9de2
I basically pull the mobs in with Steel Grasp, Ground Stomp and then rend the crap out of them.
Iron Skin has saved my ass so many times and I also have the +45% damage with barrier on my weapon.
War Cry is just there because an item granted me that skill.

Check out those sexy boots though, my best item.