A few baseball pics


Dec 16, 2003
I'm posting these because i recall a thread a while back where people were trying to convince everyone that useing super high shutter speeds in baseball is not needed. I beg to differ, especially in the nomar photo...not ball on bat, but, the ball is at least semi-sharp

Most of these are shot at or above 1/5000

A few from my trip down to Arizona...not bad for only having a 200mm lens i think. I sure do fully understand now why they use the 400 though!

See 'em all here

Carlos Zambrano

No idea...

glenden rusch...you should see his $250,000 Aston Martin


Amaris Ramirez



Those are great pics! What camera do you use?

The one with the ball in mid air is really cool.
He grounded out didn't he?

Cool shots, but I have one complaint. YOU WERE IN ARIZONA AND YOU DIDN'T GET SOME MARINER SHOTS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? (the !!!!'s and ???'s go on forever)

Just kidding...sort of. ;)
Awesome shots. The action one of Nomar is pretty good and yeah, looks like he's about to ground out.

And after reading the recent Globe story about him, I don't dislike him anymore. No need to change my name :)

I bet if you were head on, that pic of Rusch would make his arm look like it is grotesquely bending.
Nice shots, [TQ], particularly the ones of Ramirez and Nomar. Do you have room on the Nomar shot to give a little more space on the left (the direction he's looking)? The crop seems a little off.

Any photos of the Aston Martin? ;)
Nice pics Tim. I just shot some HS baseball with my 85mm f/1.8 (way too short for anything except the batter when you're pressed into the fence :() and I found I need at least 1/2000 to make the bat/ball semi-sharp. Seeing that the rebel tops out at 1/4000 I'm glad I don't have to cover professionals with it, although at some point in time I'll get to cover college stuff...

Hopefully I can get a 70-200mm f/2.8 before long so I can have a chance at framing the players...
Nice pics. I like those.

Did you have a press pass for those? Or did you just have close seats or were wandering around? For just a 200mm you must have been pretty close.